George Stone Law Enforcement Academy Donates To Backpack Project

January 5, 2017

Students enrolled in the Law Enforcement Academy at George Stone Criminal Justice Training Center spend 33 weeks learning everything they need to become qualified to take the State Officer Certification Exam that, when completed and passed, will allow the student to become a certified law enforcement officer with municipal and county agencies throughout the state of Florida.

Every Law Enforcement Class in the GSTCs Criminal Justice training program is encouraged to take on a special cause for their class service project as a way to give back to the community.  L.E. Class #45 chose the Escambia County School District’s Maintenance Department’s program Backpack Project USA for their class project. After contacting the Maintenance Department to get a wish list, they solicited donations and purchased the needed items.

Class #45’s assistant commander, Kevin Hill said, “After Mr. Lyster, (academy coordinator) suggested the Backpack Project, we realized there was a way we could help a student who may not get enough to eat over the weekend by simply donating some of the items on the wish list. In turn, this allowed us, the students of L.E. Class #45, to help make a big difference in the lives of children in need and in turn begin to give to the community as we would do as those sworn to serve and protect.”

The items have been delivered to the Maintenance Department for distribution in January. Class #45 has also received an invitation to attend the annual 2017 Family Fishing Rodeo and Fish Fry scheduled for next Labor Day.



One Response to “George Stone Law Enforcement Academy Donates To Backpack Project”

  1. just sayin on January 9th, 2017 2:14 pm

    Thank you for donating to this wonderful growing program.