Former Century Hospital Property On The Auction Block

January 26, 2017

The former hospital building in Century is now on the auction block.

The Florida Department of Environmental Protection, owner of the building, is asking for a minimum bid of  $13,500 for the 1.69 acre property and 24,000 square foot building at 7600 Mayo Street.

Dr. Christian Bachman, who was at the time the last doctor in Century, vacated the building at some point following the February 15, 2016, EF-3 tornado that damaged the building and surrounding neighborhood.

“We mutually agreed to terminate the lease and have a termination agreement with Dr. Bachman,” Jason Mahon, public information specialist for the Florida Department of Environmental Protection said.

Mahon said there were no provisions to allow Century, Escambia County or other governmental entity to acquire  the property, except to submit the highest bid. Bids on the property are due  by 2 p.m. EST on February 16.

Bachman’s 50 Year Lease

In a letter dated August 26, 2015, Century Health Care Access (CHCA) and Dr. Bachman, president of CHCA and physician for Mayo Street Medical, were ordered to vacate the  facility by September 30, 2015, by the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.

The eviction date passed, with Bachman and his medical practice receiving much media attention that began with a story. As a result, Bachman said, DEP shifted their position, which at first seemed like a positive breakthrough. But with time, he said he realized it appeared the DEP  simply changed their strategy to making “impossible demands”.

The Florida State Fire Marshal’s Office also demanded changes that the doctor said were impracticable to impossible. Demands included repairs to large areas of ceilings that were patched by DEP or their contractors in the 1990’s to install a new fire sprinkler system. He said it was not possible to obtain the permits for the work in a short time period, much less make the costly repairs.

Bachman refused to budge, continuing to operate his medical practice, seeing patients regardless of their ability to pay and even making house calls.

On Friday afternoon, February 12, 2016, law enforcement officers served Bachman a cease and desist order that demanded that no member of the public be allowed inside the building due to fire code violations.

A Stormy End

Bachman said the cease and desist order from the State Fire Marshal’s Office was served on him about 3:45 to 4:00 on that Friday afternoon, with a 72-hour provision to comply. Almost exactly to the minute 72 hours later, the most powerful tornado to hit Escambia County in 45 years roared through Century with winds over 150 mph, and wiped out numerous homes in Century around Bachman’s office. The hospital building suffered damage, but the structure survived intact.

Bachman told at the time that he found great irony in the fact that the building was deemed unsafe, but it was the very place many Century residents ran to for shelter during and after the EF-3 tornado.

When Gov. Rick Scott toured the tornado damage in Century in late Feburary 2016, it presented Bachman with a sudden and unexpected opportunity to discuss his battles with state government face to face with the state’s top elected official.

As Scott walked along Mayo and Church streets, toward the old Century Hospital, he had been briefed on the facility and Bachman’s plight. As Scott and his entourage continued to walk down Church Street, just outside the boarded-up windows of Bachman’s research lab, Bachman grabbed the chance to plead his case and hand over a support petition.

Pictured above and below: The former Century Hospital on Mayo Street as seen Wednesday, January 25. Pictured above inset: Dr. Christian Bachman pleads his case with Gov. Rick Scott on the street outside the former Century Hospital.


10 Responses to “Former Century Hospital Property On The Auction Block”

  1. Barbie Bozeman on January 27th, 2017 8:45 pm

    Such a shame to see this happening. Was bad enough when they wanted to destroy the high school. So many memories here in Century. Sad to see them go.

  2. Willis on January 27th, 2017 9:48 am

    Whoever buys it will immediately be responsible for maintenance or demolition.
    Thus the low starting bid.

    What happened to the conspiracy theory that the good doctor was being forced out because someone else wanted the building.

  3. Resident on January 27th, 2017 6:33 am

    I kind of take a different approach. If the building poses such a risk to area residents, shouldn’t the DEP be held responsible and either repair it or demolish it? I believe the town should hold the same high standards to the DEP that they were holding to Dr. Bachman. The town should begin serving notice that fines will be imposed until it no longer poses a risk to residents.

  4. Charlotte on January 26th, 2017 8:58 pm

    If I remember right when the land was donated for the Century Hospital it was in a the agreement it would always be used as some type of medical facility. If I am right if it is used for anything else it will be breaking the agreement. Does anyone else remember this?

  5. mike on January 26th, 2017 5:45 pm

    Oh, last doc at the time, okay. :)

  6. mike on January 26th, 2017 5:44 pm

    13.5G!?! Now the rich folk will step in! Gonna hafta do something about that black mold or whatever that is on those bricks, makes the building look awful.Last doctor? I thought a pediatrician had set up shop in Century.

  7. mq on January 26th, 2017 3:25 pm

    I too am wondering with George. Whatever happened to Dr. Bachman. He was azn awesome doctor. Had him many years ago when I lived in century.

  8. Sheila Hubbitd on January 26th, 2017 1:36 pm

    Wonder if it could be repaired for a Veteran’s office. Or remodeled for temporary VA housing.

  9. Concerned on January 26th, 2017 6:53 am

    How does Dr. Bachman continue to see patients in the Century area when he has no official office? Does he use a portable office? I’ve heard he still sees patients.

  10. George on January 26th, 2017 6:31 am

    So whatever happened to the Dr. and his practice?