Florida’s Minimum Wage Increases

January 1, 2017

Many Florida workers will see a modest boost in their wages starting today as the state’s minimum wage rises a nickel to $8.10 an hour.

It is the first minimum wage increase since January 2015, when the hourly rate rose by 12 cents to $8.05. There was no increase in 2016.

Under a state constitutional amendment approved by voters in 2004, the wage is adjusted annually by the state Department of Economic Opportunity based on a consumer price index.

Tipped workers will earn at least $5.08 an hour.

Florida’s hourly minimum wage is higher than the federal minimum wage of $7.25, which has not been changed since 2009.

Florida has not followed the lead of California and New York, which have approved laws to eventually raise the minimum wage in their states to $15 an hour. Legislation seeking to raise Florida’s wage to $15 an hour has not advanced in the Legislature, with strong opposition from business groups.


11 Responses to “Florida’s Minimum Wage Increases”

  1. Henry Pastor on January 3rd, 2017 7:21 pm

    What a joke to florida

  2. WM B on January 2nd, 2017 11:28 pm

    It’s unfortunate that In since 2004 so many values have changed so drastically. The price per lb for instance used to be a value of measure..When you got a lb. Now most times you get 8 to 12 Oz’s a lb. Price looks good but you get a lot less. Milk costs more than gas…Really.. and the price seems less but it has all gone up.. we were covering the transportation and manufacturing costs associated with the oil crisis…No more oil problem..But the price of those items never came down…And all we ask is for a living wage so we can feed ourselves and not be on some subsidy program to keep our taxes down…All we ever get is more government rich people who think that the cost of living index is Moral value indicator…Ask any retired person or anyone on a fixed income what they can go without….Food or meds…Life or life…It’s disgusting that these politicians are controlling anything…So sad…They need a hard look in the mirror and find their soul…Shame on you….

  3. Charlie millikan on January 2nd, 2017 10:49 pm

    We. Need to wait until Trump takes office. If we collect all the monies we can afford to pay higher wages. That is of course if the monies go to the right office and construed and not given away and not spending 92 million dollars on vacations and Trump not flying every where and paying stupid billions of dollars to one of our worst enemy’s etc. Etc. Our country makes enough money if we control it like we have not done. The best thing. We could do is give all tax payers a million dollars each. After all our Muslim president has given away that much to people we don’t even know. Would like to know what his kickback was.

  4. Adam on January 2nd, 2017 8:46 pm

    Hey geniuses, who do u think will be first out of a job if the minimum wage goes up to 12 or 15 dollars an hour? Do u really think the small business owner will employ you on a full time basis & pay benefits on top of it? Do the research, it even will hurt everyone, not just one person. The only one it will help is the coffee maker for Starbucks in Seattle

  5. Jay on January 2nd, 2017 2:44 pm

    Everthing goes up in the cost of living and we only get 5cents more an hr. Florida is just a pure joke.

  6. Elizabeth figueroa on January 2nd, 2017 11:33 am

    Thats really a slap for people like us that sees the increase of living cost in florida everything its so expensive! Rent goes up every year food its so expensive and the florida goverment ignore these issues and the strugle people goes every month to collect rent buy food and pay other bills!! 5c thats just an insult we work hard and we deserve more than 5c!

  7. anne 1of2 on January 1st, 2017 5:18 pm

    I’d rather see it drop to $2.10 an hour and pay .25 cents for a loaf of bread No one seems to understand they do not get to keep that money, prices go up to keep the people down when they work for minimum wage.

  8. Henry W Coe on January 1st, 2017 9:36 am

    Well, people working minimum wage jobs need that extra income and I’m sure they will have no choice at $8.10 per hour but to spend that extra two dollars a week. So I suppose we can expect our economy to have the same modest benefit from that added spending. Such an exciting time.

  9. Anne on January 1st, 2017 8:22 am

    Glad the state moved to a higher (not a big jump though) minimum wage.
    Granddaughter works part-time at a chain burger place and said there is always talk about the minimum wage and number of hours they can work.
    Some of the workers told her they would have to cut back their own hours if it went to $15 per hour like some states.
    When she asked why they said they’d be making TOO Much money and it would put them off of or cut back on their welfare, housing, food stamps.
    Guess it’s always a balancing act.
    Granddaughter will soon graduate and be able to get a regular job…Thank Goodness.

  10. G on January 1st, 2017 8:00 am

    What a joke. If you work 40 hours a week this amounts to a whopping $2 a week.

  11. mike on January 1st, 2017 2:57 am

    Wow, a whole nickle! Somebody catch me if I swoon! LOL! :D