Diapers, Baby Wipes Could Get Tax Break

January 6, 2017

Two Democratic lawmakers have filed proposals that would provide sales-tax exemptions for diapers and baby wipes.

Sen. Lauren Book, D-Plantation, filed the tax-break bill (SB 252) on Thursday, slightly more than a month after House Minority Leader Janet Cruz, D-Tampa, filed the House version (HB 71). The proposals, which will be considered during the legislative session that starts March 7, would provide tax exemptions for baby diapers, adult diapers and baby wipes.

Lawmakers during the upcoming session also are expected to consider bills (SB 176 and HB 63) that would provide sales-tax exemptions on feminine hygiene products such as tampons.

by The News Service of Florida


11 Responses to “Diapers, Baby Wipes Could Get Tax Break”

  1. A mom on January 6th, 2017 10:49 pm

    Molinoman, I was referring to the comment about baby wipes & diapers should have pay less & no tax too.

  2. David Huie Green on January 6th, 2017 10:01 pm

    “I’m from the days of soft, cloth diapers and never ran out,”

    I was just thinking, “But stuff ran out of them.”

    Ultra-absorbent material is wonderful.

    Joke time:
    So some air-head revisits the ancient question and asks former President Clinton, “Boxers or briefs?”

    In an answer similar to the original but with different implications, he responds, “Depends.”

    David for keeping stuff in

  3. sweet not bitter on January 6th, 2017 6:35 pm

    First of all I did not read anything in the article that mentioned a hand out. I believe it would be a plus for everyone. As for the mom that is complaining saying she does not need tax free anything just sounds ridiculous. No where did it say anything about breast feeding, doctors,foodstamps at all. You took it to the extreme trying to make it sound like you are “Super Mom”. What gives you the right to tell people they should not have kids if they feel that its a good thing to get a tax break. It surely doesnt sound like you are greatful and being humble about it at all . Maybe you are just mad that you have been buying diapers and wipes for all this time and now others are going to get a break. There are alot of people that are the best parents to there babies and go without to spend their last dime on diapers or wipes. I think that would be a blessing to help families or single parents. It’s not about who can or can’t afford them. It’s about helping everyone all across the board. The good parents out there are the ones reading your comment and saying to themselves no they don’t see what you are saying. They are more than likely saying the same as me it’s about time someone takes a stand for all the people making it equal and not wording it to make it seem as though it’s only for the less fortunate or as you say the ones looking for handouts. Think about this: instead of complaing if it passes then be humble and thankful that alot more babies wont have to wear the last diaper as long as possible until the caregiver can afford to buy more. Be thankful that its something for a good cause. And as for cloth diapers how many daycare workers do you know that are willing to change and wash or even bag up a dirty cloth diaper and send it home to the parent? Yes, maybe if you are a stay at home parent you might have the ability to use cloth diapers. And that’s all fine and dandy but not everyone has that privelege. So people just pick your battles and find one that is not for the good of all people to complain about. Instead of the one that is for all the people. Be positive and not so negative on every situation. I would love to know that some babies won’t have to wear a diaper until no longer possible because a parent is struggling to provide for the family. Be thankful for yours and also be thankful for those that will have a clean bottom!!

  4. Kristen on January 6th, 2017 5:57 pm

    I think “a mom” is a little sleep deprived! I don’t think anyone will have children simply for a tax break on diapers if that was your point. And why are people telling you not to breastfeed? That’s weird, tell them to mind their business. Also WIC is not welfare, it’s simply a program to ensure mother and child have access to healthy food. You don’t have to be poor to get WIC. I think the tax break on all these products are fantastic. They are a necessity and most women will need feminine hygiene products in their life.

  5. Mary on January 6th, 2017 1:04 pm

    I used cloth diapers and washcloths. Washed and hung out on the clothesline every morning. Soft and reusable….through several babies. Nothing beats the price nor the benefits of keeping the landfills free of such waste.

  6. molinoman on January 6th, 2017 12:19 pm

    @A mom, what are you talking about?! That was one incoherent rant. The law will simply help all women, children and elderly by not paying sales tax on what the article mentions. What you said made no sense at all. Glad you’re a mom raising kids and don’t expect hand outs, but the article has nothing to do with hand outs or pity.

  7. Nod on January 6th, 2017 11:24 am

    A mom, what?

    If babies get tax free diapers, should the seniors get tax free depends? It only makes sense.

  8. A mom on January 6th, 2017 10:53 am

    I am a mom, I will have to say thanks to whoever started this & to whoever actually gets it passed because yes it will help but as a mom it doesn’t entitle me to get things tax free. I chose to have my kids for me not anyone else. If one thinks I should not breastfeed my baby just so they can feed my baby a bottle they should have one of their own or better yet not have one & save taxpayers money & get a puppy because ones selfishness harms my baby & our rights. I had my kids to love, raise a better generation & care & provide for them that’s what parents do. Maybe you shouldn’t have kids if you think you should get things tax free or free for that matter, you see when you have kids you care for them period, if you have kids to get deductions or free stuff or things tax free you need help. My kids aren’t privileged either nor do I or have or ever will teach mine that their exempted or better than anyone. Now I have told them that they’re better than whatever or your too good for that & if you’re a good parent you’ll know what I’m saying. I’m lucky to say I haven’t had to go to a food bank get food stamps just because as a matter of fact we’ve never had them. Now I have used WIC a lil bit but I stopped using that because people would look @ me different even tell me they could stop that program & give them a raise. I’ve helped my kids keep their teeth healthy & never once had I been a pity patient that Dr would just for it for free. I could go on & on but I will not point is stop thinking your owed something, were not owed anything & when someone wants to help greatly appreciate it & be humble about it.

  9. Michelle marble on January 6th, 2017 10:09 am

    I’m a mom of two kids and to buying baby diapers and baby wipes should have pay less and no tax, too.

  10. anne 1of2 on January 6th, 2017 8:53 am

    When I hear “the baby is out of diapers” I always smile and hand over the money but I’m thinking I never had that problem since I’m from the days of soft, cloth diapers and never ran out, lol. We need to be donating those as much as food.

  11. molinoman on January 6th, 2017 5:54 am

    Brilliant! That would help so many people and in these times ever penny saved counts.