Century’s New Mayor Wants To Raise Rates For Water, Garbage And Gas

January 24, 2017

Century’s new mayor says the town needs to raise rates for water, gas and garbage because the town is financially bleeding.

“We need to look at how we do business,” Henry Hawkins said during a Monday night council meeting.

The council approved Hawkin’s request for a new water meter fee. Currently, it costs the town $130 to install a new water meter for a new account. The town will begin charging a $150 fee — in addition to the normal $150 deposit — for new water meters. New water accounts at a location that already has a meter won’t pay the new $150 fee.

Hawkins said he want to eliminate regular sanitation pickups of anything that is not household garbage, limbs or bagged leaves. The town currently picks up bulky items such as couches and appliances for free, but the mayor says that service loses money and needs to be fee based.

“We are shooting ourselves in the foot doing it for free,’ he said.

“They are just going to drive it (discarded furniture) around the corner and dump it,” resident Helen Mincy said. “So what are going to do? Leave it there or pick it up?”

The council has set a 6 p.m. workshop on March 20 to discuss the rate increases.

Pictured top: Century Mayor Henry Hawkins. Pictured below: Council members Kevin Stead, Ann Brooks and  Sandra McMurray Jackson listen to Hawkins Monday night. NorthEScambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


27 Responses to “Century’s New Mayor Wants To Raise Rates For Water, Garbage And Gas”

  1. Friction Against the Machine on January 26th, 2017 11:11 pm

    If the government is more burdensome than beneficial to the citizenry then it should be dissolved

  2. Century Resident on January 26th, 2017 11:45 am

    It doesn’t matter who is the mayor in Century if the people doesn’t support him things can never be any better. I don’t see a thing that Mayor McCall did that made Century any better. If we are to rise up and be better we have to pull together and support each other. I think Mr. Hawkins wants Century to be better, but he will soon find out he can’t do anything if the people fight against him. To the Jay person that commented we were fools to vote him in, well I voted for him and I certainly am not a fool. I know everything he does is not going to be what we want but when did we ever have a mayor that was perfect? All you residents of Century that come on here with your negative comments need to go to the council meetings and have a chance to voice your opinions.

  3. William on January 26th, 2017 11:11 am

    >>Does anybody have an idea of what the debt load this thriving metropolis carries? I know they co-signed a multi million dollar note for UWF, but what else do they owe?

    They did not sign a “multi million dollar note for UWF”. To my knowledge they have a few hundred thousand in revenue bonds for a gas replacement project.

  4. M in Bratt on January 26th, 2017 8:58 am

    Does anybody have an idea of what the debt load this thriving metropolis carries? I know they co-signed a multi million dollar note for UWF, but what else do they owe?

  5. mike on January 26th, 2017 3:32 am

    Just let the county take care of things, the Centurions will be better off. :)

  6. mike on January 26th, 2017 3:30 am

    A politician wants money!?! No! :D

  7. Northend resident on January 26th, 2017 2:15 am

    Husband and I are both disabled and living on fixed income like so many others, but when you stay on a tight budget, don’t wasteful spend and don’t live beyond your means, you can still afford to pay for important services such as garbage and bulk pick up, when there is financial assistance like ECUA offers to help out the Senior citizens and disabled customers. Not a free ride, just a helping hand!

    I would think that is a good place to start in meeting your town’s people’s concerns, as something is much better than nothing!

  8. SW on January 25th, 2017 1:55 pm

    Maybe the citizens of Century should vote to disband the town. Exactly what does the town provide that cannot be provided by a private entity?

  9. Sammie Jo on January 25th, 2017 12:33 pm

    I would hope that the council has enough smarts to keep new mayor in tact.!!!. Everyone wants to make a big splash!!! Make it in
    FAVOR of the people. Our community is elderly and POOR. Perhaps the new mayor needs to be in touch with those who voted him into office. Somehow, most of us think we are smarter than anyone else. Get real…..check the facts of those who actually live here…..!!!

  10. Just saying on January 25th, 2017 4:21 am

    Some of these ‘free services’ are paid for with Taxes. So they aren’t free.

  11. Retired on January 24th, 2017 11:08 pm

    From what I read on the consumer confidence report. All they do is chlorinate it.

  12. JustMe on January 24th, 2017 10:56 pm

    Does Century inject fluoride in drinking water?

  13. Shake your Foundations on January 24th, 2017 8:45 pm

    How about growing your tax base? Get some businesses…at least
    Create an environment favorable to it! Donald Trump came into office and automatically started making pro biz and pro job moves…afraid it’s down hill from here folks! Wish Barnes was still mayor….

  14. JEC on January 24th, 2017 8:18 pm

    The town of Century is dead and has been for a long time. No amount of new taxes will make any difference.

  15. Since this was brought up FYI on January 24th, 2017 8:04 pm


    From ECUA website rates
    Residential Security Deposits
    (up to 1” meter size)
    Water $21.50
    Sewer $64.50

    Residential Water Rates
    Water rates consist of a minimum monthly
    charge and a usage charge. The minimum
    monthly fee is charged to all customers
    having active service.
    The minimum monthly charge for a single-
    family residence is $11.59 plus $ 2.37 per thousand gallons of water used
    Residential Wastewater Rates
    The charge for wastewater service to
    customers is a minimum monthly fee of
    $13.91 which includes 2,000 gallons of
    usage. Monthly usage in excess of 2,000
    gallons is charged at the rate of $7.19 per thousand gallons.

    Senior Citizen Rates
    The ECUA offers two garbage rates for our senior citizen population of Escambia County
    All Senior Citizens 65 years of age or older can qualify for the standard senior citizen
    Monthly rate of $17.86 for garbage service by calling our Customer Service Center at 476-0480.
    One 60 gallon container is provided.
    A Senior Citizen Lifeline rate is available
    for those that qualify for $10.15 per month for garbage service.
    One 40 gallon
    container is provided.

    To qualify for the Lifeline Rate, please contact the Northwest Florida Area Agency on Aging at
    The Lifeline rate is also offered on monthly water and sewer charges:

    Minimum monthly rate $9.98
    which includes 6,000 gallons of water. Any water
    used over 6,000 gallons is $2.37 per thousand gallon.

  16. Mike Honcho on January 24th, 2017 6:05 pm

    Ecua charges 15 bucks a month,bulk pickup and limb pick up. Right out of the gate he raised taxes, maybe he should had lead off with let’s see if we can save money on this first. Not knocking the guy don’t know him but not a good way to start. People of century voted him in so good luck.

  17. Pam on January 24th, 2017 4:42 pm

    Allow the rate increase only if they remove fluoride and other non-essential chemicals.

  18. Retired on January 24th, 2017 3:44 pm

    I believe he is balancing the checkbook. No “business” should run in the red. He just got a crack at the books, excited to see what he and the new and existing council and staff and grant-writers achieve or attempt to. You can’t please all of the people all of the time. It is a new day in Century.

    If he is reading this, I hope he is perhaps also looking into annexing areas to add into this “incorporation” and the board is doing some real work and research into this. I am.

    I hope they all realize to allow dilapidated buildings to remain on the landscape it lowers the property values across the board and devalues our incorporation.

    I believe he wants to be successful. I believe he has contacts and ideas, may not be what all the voters expected but he is at the helm.

    I hope he is open to co coordinating things with Escambia Government. Just because we are in the boundaries of Century do not exclude us from being citizens of Escambia County. We pay our taxes there

    @M in Bratt
    Please (facts only) let us know the difference that ECUA would charge us. How much money would we save?

    I know how to attempt to decertify our incorporation, I am not interested in this at this time. I still see the value based on the facts.

    I think you think you sound smart. Prove it. If you are right than thank you for that information.

  19. Rachel on January 24th, 2017 2:03 pm

    Anyone over there in Century missing McCall yet?!?

  20. NotanEnglishMajor on January 24th, 2017 1:41 pm

    I agree Southern Mama. But, what they do is use prisoners to pick up the bulk trash, costing them only the wages of one employee! This is something the town has done for its residents for years to help!! Going up again on the water and sewer? Do I smell a raise for our new Mayor in the forecast? Welcome to the changes of our town. Should have kept Freddie Wayne!!

  21. My2Cents on January 24th, 2017 11:16 am

    If the town is losing money as he said then the only way is to increase fees. Change is hard at times but inevitable. If you have a better suggestion then go to the meetings and make your voice heard.

  22. chris on January 24th, 2017 10:57 am

    He made a bigger splash for himself than the splash pad ever did!

  23. sam on January 24th, 2017 9:18 am

    can we all say, RECALL!

  24. SouthernMama14 on January 24th, 2017 6:56 am

    So this is our new mayor’s idea of making a name for himself…By hiking prices and now charging for bulk pick up? What’s it cost? A whole $10-$15 in gas and 2-3 man hours for them to pick it all up? The nearest dump is in Jay, they don’t accept everything either, it’s household garbage only. And some people don’t have a vehicle to get to the dump in. But you’re gonna change things that have been this way for YEARS!! Should’ve kept Freddie Wayne in the city Hall.

  25. Jay on January 24th, 2017 6:46 am

    you are the fools that voted him in, Century offers nothing ( but a wasted grant on a splash pad) It’s filthy and dilapidated homes shows it has nothing t offer,

  26. M in Bratt on January 24th, 2017 6:43 am

    This sounds like a plan that the Federal Government would come up with; Everybody come on and pay more fees and get less service so we can throw more money down the well. This has to be the smallest town in Florida that still tries to carry on the charade of maintaining itself as a city government. If the members of this council and the mayor had less interest in maintaining themselves as the “big fish in a little pond”, and more interest in saving the fee and taxpayers money, they would seriously look at how to de-certify Century as a city, and let the County, and ECUA take over the few services that are provided. The Citizens would save some real money, and nobody would miss the continuous clown show at Century City Hall.

  27. Gman on January 24th, 2017 6:23 am

    Way to hit the ground running Mr. Mayor, I don’t see anyone else on the council putting any suggestions on the table.