Century Burger King Closes Its Doors

January 1, 2017

The Century Burger King has apparently closed its doors, leaving an unknown number of employees without a job.

Employees say they were told Friday night that the store was closing for good and that they were out of a job. Workers were reportedly on site Saturday, removing signage and other items from the store.

Attempts to contact the franchise owner on Saturday for comment were unsuccessful.

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40 Responses to “Century Burger King Closes Its Doors”

  1. Just saying on January 5th, 2017 10:05 am

    Mr Holland sold the stores 10 years ago or more. I was an assistant manager for him then at 29 and Chemstrand. He sold out to Strategic Restaurants, the largest owner of BK stores in the US. They promised us lots of things…until we showed up to open the store the first day under their management. Most of us were then informed that we no longer had jobs…5 days before Christmas. I watched the store go downhill after that to the point that most of their regular customers would never return.

    The management of that corporation is ridiculous. It comes from the top and trickles down all the way to the regular employees. When the top brass doesn’t care, you can’t expect anyone else to care either.

  2. taco on January 4th, 2017 9:25 am

    Out with the low quality processed ‘chicken’ and ‘beef’ byproducts…..
    In with an authentic Mexican restaurant that will serve real food.

  3. miixster on January 3rd, 2017 4:53 pm

    Corporations look at all demographics when looking at new locations for stores. Population, education , location within the area, the average income of households . Chick -fil-a , waffle house, and other chain stores look at the education of the available workforce and average age. Don’t think any of those businesses would consider this area.

  4. Molino Mom on January 3rd, 2017 11:11 am

    I feel the same as most people who have commented here-no great loss. I don’t know what has happened to the Burger King’s in our local areas, but I haven’t had a good experience in YEARS! I completely stopped going quite some time ago. The one at Chemstrand and Hwy 29 was ridiculous. EVERY time I went, they got my order wrong. The staff was very unprofessional (I was in the drive thru) and very rude as though I was a bother to them altogether. They were laughing and carrying on and NOT even working to get my order even though I’m staring in their faces. That was my last time-I had given them about 5 chances prior to that-with issues EVERY single time. Definitely poor Management is my guess. No wonder all of them are closing …. plus, lets get real-the food has never been that great anyway. I just liked the ham & cheese croissant for breakfast..but it was not worth the hassle.

  5. Terry on January 3rd, 2017 10:38 am

    Yes I feel sorry for the employees to start off a new year this way but, from what I have seen and what has been said from others who went there, the employees had a lot to do with the failure as much as the owners. The owners should have handled the issues properly and set the tone for the business. The employees should deal with their co-workers since a bad worker make ALL look bad if it hurts business and selling drugs is bad for business.

    On the fast food side to all fast food store owners, they need to go back to old way of things where food was prepared correctly and quickly. That is the point of fast food. You should not have to wait 5 to 10 minutes to get a burger with fries. All have gotten away from pushing to get the service times down since they are afraid of having to deal with worker complaints of being pushed too hard but I can remember when Winn Dixie, not a fast food company I know, used to track cashiers on how fast they checked people out and done it correctly. If they did not meet up to the required standard, they were fired. I worked for Winn Dixie many years back so I know what I am saying. Just my thoughts.

  6. concern citizen on January 3rd, 2017 9:56 am

    …And where my friends do you think these unemployed people going to go…. You your favorite eating place, the nursing homes, utility companies. Anywhere that will look at the years of customer service experience and not the customer service skill. I worked in customer service for over 25 years, 15 of which I was a supervisor, and this was all at one company. However, I pride myself in good customer service, and value a good or a great Customer Service Representative. This is not just a Burger King problem. I have noticed within the last 8 years, CS have really gone down hill. Not even southern hospitality any more.
    Lets go back to where I believe it ALL started. Discipline, at home and in the school. when kids are rude to parents and teachers they are no longer disciplined, they kinda just get a pat on the back and sent back into the world. Even at school the teachers are not allowed to discipline students, so they get tired of them, graduate them and send them out into the world, attitudes and all. Ok so they manage to get their first job, at Burger King or some other fast food joint, don’t have a customer service skill, don’t know how to be clean, just out their, and when one place close, here they go to another place with one of their friends so they can teach everyone in that establishment how to act just like them……RUDE…

    Hence Ronald Reagans trickle-down effect

  7. Mary on January 3rd, 2017 5:32 am

    When Judy smith and carol ran that store it was ran like a well oil machine….then shift leaders came in we was trained well to point we was sent out of state for such training…. but carol took over when Judy came down With t.b things started fallen apart and I caught one of my best worker. Selling pot out of d.t when checking his belt it was loaded I was fired because My boyfriend died and I asked for time off carol fired me for that…Mr Holland the owner knew head problems but looked other way

  8. Not Sorry... on January 2nd, 2017 5:19 pm

    I have to say I’m really not sorry about this happening. I waited in line for 45 minutes for my order last year. I was stuck between other cars, but when I could I left my order with them. They gave me a dirty surprised look when I drove past the window. I would love to see chik-fil-a come in there, but them definitely NOT hire the old BK employees. It would just be the same mess all over again.

  9. Chick-fil-a on January 2nd, 2017 4:47 pm

    Chick-fil-a is only 10k plus commercial property to start franchise would be great for economy.

  10. northof9mile on January 2nd, 2017 1:44 pm

    This, dear hearts, is nothing new for the Booger Kang franchises. The one at 9 Mile and Chemstrand Rds. had the same problems. GONE! The replacement business is supposed to be Dunkin Donuts. Maybe the employees from the two BK franchises will not apply for employment.

  11. Lee on January 2nd, 2017 1:35 pm

    I ate there a few years ago and the food and service were not very good. About a year ago I tried it again. The food was so bad that I responded to the questionnaire on the receipt. I never got a reply which tells me about all I need to know.

  12. Dustin on January 2nd, 2017 11:57 am

    I would really love to see a zacksbys come our way in century

  13. Not surprised on January 2nd, 2017 1:55 am

    Not surprised AT ALL. This Burger King in Century had the absolute worse service of ANY place I have ever been in my life. Glad to see them close. MOST of the workers didn’t even deserve a paycheck. I say MOST because there were a very few who did their job.

  14. Willis on January 1st, 2017 10:32 pm

    Can y’all tell some WHOPPERS !!!

  15. Happy for it on January 1st, 2017 9:58 pm

    I’m not surprised that this place closed. The last time that I went there, the register staff were outside and I had to wait for someone to come back in. When this one female employee came back inside, her male friend came with her and proceeded to thoroughly kiss her and lift her up in the air and slide her down his body. I was so angry about their behavior, I came home and called the corporate office to report it. If I could have found the GM’s number I would have called him/her also. Evidently, these young adults were never taught work ethics or simple public behavior.

  16. Funny, not funnt on January 1st, 2017 6:43 pm

    When you do wrong, lie on others- this is the karma that happens. Most of the employees were hateful and disrespectful. Sorry to see the good employees without a job, but no better rest. You can’t treat customers a certain way and expect to stay open.

  17. Ben on January 1st, 2017 6:23 pm


  18. terri sanders on January 1st, 2017 4:21 pm

    Everyone knows it is ALL about leadership..Get a great leader and you will have great employees…Just ask any successful business….

  19. chris on January 1st, 2017 3:58 pm

    Another business closes in Century. Sure makes it attractive to prospective business owners.

  20. Shd on January 1st, 2017 3:00 pm

    Employees there are rude unclean . Most of all out right slow we sat in line one day for 30 mins waiting on two burgers only to get them and they weren’t even what we ordered

  21. Retired on January 1st, 2017 2:49 pm

    Last time we were there we had agreed we would not go back, for some of the same reasons, it had gotten dirty, food tasted like it had been made hours ago and soggy mushy, milkshake machine shut down early, employees out in parking lot by the door smoking or playing loud music in a parked car, juking and jiving.. We felt like it was managed wrong with no discipline or pride. The floor in the kitchen beyond the counter looked filthy. I hate to see another business close in Century though. A well managed different fast food may do well. I think a twenty four seven Waffle Houses on the Southbound that truckers could fit in would work. There are still about 10200 average cars that pass through daily.
    And employees, it is very easy for people to give feedback on their experience and they do, if it shines a light of constructive criticism and things improve it is a good thing.

  22. EMD on January 1st, 2017 1:32 pm

    The employees at the one at 29 and Chemstrand usually have a very good attitude. My only complaint is I often get dry crumbly buns. Do NOT like that. No complaints otherwise. However, Century leaves a lot to be desired in more than one location. A lot of attitude in that area. Deli is always good though. So is David’s Catfish.

  23. Tab on January 1st, 2017 12:50 pm

    If I was asked to pick one fast food place in the whole world with the worst service and a disappointment every time it would be Burger King in Century. Like the other comment said, we also have went there at night and they would shut everything down 45 minutes before closing and not take your order and ignore you when you came to the window. They will make you pull up every single time you order and even if there no cars behind you but you will still have to pull up and wait for a long time. the food is never cooked right and your order is usually wrong. The employees act like your such an inconvenience for them to have to do there job and make you some food. It is their fault 100 percent. I do not feel bad at all they are out of a job cause they hated to work anyways.

  24. Hammerste on January 1st, 2017 12:38 pm

    I good riddence , I gave up on that place a couple years ago, it would be nice if a decent place like Wendy’s or chick fillet opened up there!

  25. Ron on January 1st, 2017 12:38 pm

    Never had any trouble with the one in Gonzalez. Had their bacon double burger Friday. It was a good burger.

  26. the burger squire on January 1st, 2017 12:05 pm

    i went to Bk during a promotion and the manager was arguing over this promotion with a customer she called him a cheap and refused to serve him that was my Que to exit never been back

  27. Bryan on January 1st, 2017 10:54 am

    They have no one to blame but themselves with their non caring rude attitudes or maybe I owe them something Who knows? I went to the drive through many times in the past and was asked to wait to place a order with no cars barely in the parking lot. Once it was too close to closing time and they had shut down the grill already or sometimes they just would not respond and make you go to the wnidow and act like they didn’t see you…..WOW… You won’t be missed in my book…..

  28. anne 1of2 on January 1st, 2017 10:41 am

    The last time I went to Burger King (2 weeks ago) the employees were laughing hysterically and dancing (behind the counter) and did me a big favor by waiting on me. I ate inside and they continued to have their party. I was the only car in the parking lot. This was one in Pensacola so apparently this is how all Burger King’s do business.

  29. Rusty Shakleford on January 1st, 2017 10:40 am

    If “Chick-Fil-A” would hold classes on how to treat a customer Burger King should be first in line and get schooled if they want more business. It’s all good at the Chick and have never had bad food, service or delayed at the drive-thru. If there is one close it’s my first choice.

  30. CW on January 1st, 2017 10:02 am

    I think the company must be having trouble, because I’ve noticed several of them closed in the area and others are getting a facelift to try to hold on to customers. That’s usually how it works before they go down altogether.

  31. NoBodyCares on January 1st, 2017 9:46 am

    Atmore is next. I have never seen such a lack of
    concern at the Burger King in Century. If you want
    repeat customers, you have to give them good food
    and timely service.

  32. Niknak50 on January 1st, 2017 9:43 am

    Sometimes employee attitudes filter down from the top, and often employees will take on the same attitude of upper management. The comments here are consistant with Burger Kings everywhere. I’m amazed that corporate bigwigs.sit in their meetings trying to figure out why they’re losing business, but never spend any time in the foxholes to find out just what’s going on!

  33. Duke of Wawbeek on January 1st, 2017 9:41 am

    @ all comments, I believe the correct response to your allegations is “what you mean”,

  34. Good grief on January 1st, 2017 9:36 am

    People don’t take pride in their work anymore and this is the result not to mention the attitudes.

  35. ProudArmyParent on January 1st, 2017 9:06 am

    These employees have no one to blame but themselves. My husband and I went to the drive through and were asked to wait to place our order, wewaited. Five minutes later my husband asked if they were ready to take our order. Once again we were asked to wait. We left and went to Whataburger!

  36. Citizen on January 1st, 2017 8:34 am

    They would hire people with nasty attitudes and fire the ones that cared. That’s what they get employees and all.

  37. Dale on January 1st, 2017 8:28 am

    Not surprised at all. We stopped eating there along time ago due to the lack of customer service and the rudeness of the employees.

  38. hawghead on January 1st, 2017 8:03 am

    I can understand why they closed. The quality of service and food had declined drastically over the past year. Seems like poor management has resulted in several people being left without a job.

  39. jay on January 1st, 2017 6:54 am

    At there once pig sty ,,,no loss ,,employees were rude,, but what do you expect from a Burger king. The one in Atmore is even worse

  40. zer0ed77 on January 1st, 2017 4:51 am

    Happy New Year, employees!