Bill Would Require Some Septic Tank Inspections In Florida

January 19, 2017

The Florida House will once again consider septic tank inspections.

The proposal filed Wednesday by Rep. Randy Fine, R-Palm Bay would require septic tank inspections only as part of the sale of a home or other types of real estate.

In a news release, Fine said the bill would not affect people who do not plan to sell their homes.

“There is no question that leaky septic tanks are contributing to water quality challenges across our state, including in our beloved Indian River Lagoon,” Fine said in a prepared statement. “This measure would begin to tackle this issue by ensuring that septic tanks are inspected as part of the suite of inspections that regularly take place during a home sale so that buyers are fully informed about the properties they are considering buying.”

The legislative session begins March 7.


10 Responses to “Bill Would Require Some Septic Tank Inspections In Florida”

  1. wet dog on January 21st, 2017 2:05 pm

    addendum….. thought of the neighbors, in our lawsuit, some of whom still used well-water for plants and grass watering….. and we both wondered, ” what if John Doe, next door wanted a drink of nice cool well water while he was watering his Azaleas in the front yard, and took a sip from his well water hose…… The mere thought of them sipping N & B’s sewage soaked water, very well could make the neighbors very very ill.

  2. wet dog on January 21st, 2017 2:02 pm

    I bought a house in Cantonment ( not IN the city limits of Cantonment, and the previous owner stated that they had regularly had a company clean out their septic tank every 4,5 years. We were too trusting. After we lived in that house less than 5 months,, there was a backup and we had to call a plumber. They tracked down everything pipe wise, than looked at the septic tank……. FULL of stuff, including yarn and material from sewing….+ human waste clear to the TOP of the tank…. driving water back into the house !!!! It cost us over $3000.00 to get it all cleaned up and much of the plastic piping to it had to be replaced. NEEDLESS to say, but I will. IF there had been a documented inspection, this would have never happened. We took the previous owners to court and were paid our costs, plus $2000 for pain and suffering, because these previous owners had LIED on the disclosure statement, without physical proof ( bill from the septic tank cleaner) SO I don’t think it is a bad idea at all, especially if the owners cannot produce a paid statement from the septic cleaning company!!! A lot of cheats out there, looking for people who never KNEW of such deviated persons. beware !!!

  3. Alan on January 21st, 2017 1:05 pm

    If this is an issue for Indian River Lagoon, Brevard County should be more than capable of passing a local ordinance to require inspections.

  4. Redvette on January 20th, 2017 6:24 am

    I thought republicans were supposed to be against this kind of thing.

  5. mike on January 20th, 2017 2:38 am

    Uh, don’t septic tanks have what are called “drain fields” pipes with holes in them, surrounded by gravel, that are designed to leak into the ground, anyway? So, with that, what is the issue? I’ve hit them during underground construction, believe me, you don’t wanna go digging them up. :)

  6. A Alex on January 19th, 2017 4:46 pm

    Mike M…. the state doesnt do the inspections, private companies does them. No money for the state except permit fees for defective tanks which I believe all would want them repaired

  7. Michael Meeker on January 19th, 2017 3:29 pm

    The State is just trying to make more money off us again. It is a ripoff under the guise of protecting the environment. I recommend all tell their representatives that they are against this fundraiser.

  8. Puddin on January 19th, 2017 12:13 pm

    I sold a home two years ago. A septic tank inspection was required. When I purchased the same home in ‘92, an inspection of the tank was also required. So, what’s the change?

  9. A Alex on January 19th, 2017 9:30 am

    Just listening. Home made tanks up to the mid 80s and some later are not to par and tanks leaking above is not the same as the bad ones leaking deep into the ground. The policy they tried to pass was before, ALL TANKS to be inspected at least every 5 years. I say all that are 20 years old or older get inspected on a sale of property or( new tenants or evert 5 years ). I am a retired plumber and this county has a dangerous existing problems due to this. Buyers should always ask for a septic inspection, for if it fails, it must be corrected by health department codes.

  10. just listening on January 19th, 2017 7:54 am

    Digging up Bones! A few years ago this same subject came up and was shot down. Another attempt to jilt Florida Home owners out of money. I have never bought a property that I did not know or ask if it was served by city sewerage or had a septic tank and if either was working properly. As long as there was no visual leakage from the septic, all was good. With building codes that are in place a home would probable have to be fifty years or older for a Septic that is not up to these codes. Just to sale a property is not going to rectify a leaking septic that is currently in use. Again the individual counties need to have their HIRED employee that is getting plenty of pay now to get off their Hine side and do their jobs. The county is suppose to have records of septic’s and do a visual top of the ground inspection. Only takes minutes and all is good. Disturbing the ground just to look into a stinky black hole does not answer the problem. Just saying