Atmore’s Escambia County High Named A ‘Failing School’

January 14, 2017

Alabama education officials released a list of the state’s worst schools, and one Atmore school made the list.

The Alabama Department of Education released their “failing schools” list, the 75 lowest performing schools in the entire state. Escambia County High School in Atmore was only school in Escambia County, AL, to be deemed as failing by the state.

Officials are required by state law to released the list and identify the schools that score in the bottom 6-percent of standardized tests each year.

Students who live in the attendance zone of a failing school like Escambia County High School can request a transfer to another school in the same district, or qualify for a tax credit or a private scholarship funded by tax credits to attended a private school.


18 Responses to “Atmore’s Escambia County High Named A ‘Failing School’”

  1. Zach on January 17th, 2017 3:25 pm

    Dr. Linam, what does god have to do with this? Just because you believe god will bring good will on to people who follow him or her (which ever you prefer), doesn’t mean that it will happen. What the school needs is students who are worried about something more than just drugs, girls, and utter non-sense. Please calm your self when trying to push religion into something that religion has no bearing on.

  2. Tara on January 16th, 2017 8:56 pm

    The Doer hit the nail on the head.

  3. 429SCJ on January 15th, 2017 12:38 pm

    I am sad to learn that A.C. Moore is closing, as I attended first and second grades there.

    I agree with Shake Your Foundations, Atmore once had great schools and was a great place to live.

    The engineers of change did their work well, there in Atmore and many other places as well.

  4. JustMe on January 15th, 2017 12:25 pm

    All you people saying it isn’t a failing school, I assume then the state just post fake news then? Give me a break. The administration there may be fine upstanding citizens but the bottom line is their school is failing and it is their responsibility to fix it.

  5. Jay on January 15th, 2017 7:06 am

    I went to that school in the .they were the worse I had even been in,.Teachers lacked care to teach and students cared not a thing to learn,, it was 2 years behind in academics then schools I had been in, I agree with some remove your child and place him /her in a better enviroment, but yes parents need to stand up , myself from wheat I have heard coming out of it the Principal needs replaced also,, I myself never would allow my child to attend any Atmore School

  6. J.J. on January 14th, 2017 11:55 pm

    It is very amazing to read the comments below. Most of you are only going by what you hear and rumors that float around the community. The principal at ECHS is a great administrator and has made huge strides with what he has to work with. ECHS is located on the wrong end of the county and doesn’t get the support that the schools on the other end of the county do. I place the blame on the Superintendent and the school board. After all, that’s where it starts. ECHS is not being given the resources it needs. With a surplus like the county school system has there is no excuse for this to happen. Remember this when election time comes.

  7. The Doer on January 14th, 2017 10:56 pm

    A good school begins with good students. Good students begin with good parents. We have many children having children. Then these children are sent to school totally unprepared for education. First of all, they do not know how to respect authority. That is first and foremost in ANY educational system, learning environment or even a job. Secondly, they are fed doses of television at home instead of educational and learning games and activities. Teachers cannot and should not be expected to do what parents won’t, but when you have children having children, this is usually what you get.

    The parents who care will usually take their children out of these schools and put them in a different environment. It has nothing to do with skin color, but everything to do with respect, expectation and goals. Success breeds success, but it starts at home. Let’s tell it like it really is!

  8. Helen M. Thomas on January 14th, 2017 9:50 pm

    I am a product of the Esc. Co High School. I will agree that things are not the same as it was years ago. However, people are not the same as they were years ago people had each other at heart. The teachers cared about our education. They were willing to do what ever it took for us to succeed. I have three daughter who graduated from Esc.Co. High School. They all completed College and are doing good for themselves.So therefore its not the school its the people, children don’t take enough pride in there education. Parents are not pushing there children hard enough. Things have changed and we must prepare for the change change. I have 5 grand babies I want things to be under control when they come through the system. We have got to work harder to help our children be more successful. We must stress more and more the importance of a good education. We must help our children understand that what ever they learn no one can take it away from them. Help them understand that the sky is the limit. We must let them know that they have the ability to be anything they wanna be. We must continue to push our children to success.

  9. Teacher's Mother on January 14th, 2017 8:59 pm

    Close down the schools, go private….Hummmmm…With that said, why not close down public healthcare, go private……Makes as much sense….But now to real problem…..IF you have not had the opportunity to visit ECHS recently, I would strongly encourage you to talk to students and/or staff at the school…I have witnessed the camaraderie between student/teacher’s at ECHS….The real “failing” is NOT the teacher’s/administration currently at this school……We the taxpayers/citizens have, for so long, “failed” to hold the “powers-to-be” accountable for actions and decisions regarding education. The testing system itself is broken….Food for thought……If a school goes from a “D” status to a “B” in ONE year, does that not cause concern for error? Thanks for your time!

  10. Dr. Kevin linam on January 14th, 2017 8:06 pm

    Teacher-1st hand knowledge, I taught there in 2013, brought in by Dr. Byrd, a fine administrator, when Dr. Byrd left, I could not wait until the end of the year to get out of that hole. Every good thing he put in place they changed. Spineless puny man and no leadership, he hid for 3 months, afraid of the students. Politics and deception and an AP who thinks she is the KGB. A sign of lousy leadership, leaving a football coach in place for 3 years with 3 wins and constant excuses, because he brought him in. Folks if you knew what goes on in these public schools, you would run with your child to a Godly Christian school, where Jesus Christ is allowed on campus, truth lacking in Escambia Schools, I taught in three, all very bad experiences for this 31 year HQT 6-12 Science teacher, coach, and administrator.

  11. Teacher on January 14th, 2017 7:49 pm

    You really should check your information before commenting on a place you obviously haven’t visited in the last 5-6 years. It is far from being deplorable. I’ve worked in a school that was a million dollar facility and I’ve worked in some places that would be best described as dumps. ECHS is a nice place. It is clean and the teachers and staff care about the students they work with on a daily basis. In fact, we work very hard and give a great deal of our time to help make a difference in their lives.

    We are far from FAILING. Everyone making uninformed comments and passing judgment on this situation obviously haven’t done their research to understand the back story on this year’s grading across the state. The state system is so backwards and messed up. Politics have clouded “Montgomery’s” ability to lead and improve the lives of Alabama’s children.

    Private schools are no better than public schools. Every school and school system have substandard employees here and there and children who just do not give a rip. So the obvious answer begins with changing schools at the state level but until we have elected officials focused on an agenda for all rather than an agenda for self, we will never be more than in the bottom 5 rankings nationally.

    So, for those of you reading this article, there are two sides to every story. Remember that when you make “blind” comments. These are students and hard-working teachers you are firing at.

  12. Teacher 2 on January 14th, 2017 7:04 pm

    Dr. Linam I cannot begin to say how wrong you are. ECHS has fantastic leadership from teachers to the principal. If you ever sat in a classroom at ECHS and saw what teachers and students do on a daily basis you would never say ECHS is a failing school. To base the entire failing school description off of one grade levels first time taking a new test is idiocy at its finest. I would suggest you do your research before you throw criticism at someone.

  13. Student on January 14th, 2017 6:25 pm

    I was a student at ECHS in the mid eighties. It was not like today. My favorite teacher was C Payne. She was strict, but fair. It’s ashamed how the school has changed. The teachers are not paid for what they have to deal with and tolerate. Reminds me of the beginning of the movie “Lean On Me”

  14. molinoman on January 14th, 2017 6:03 pm

    I unfortunately had the displeasure of attending the middle school and very briefly the high school. Worst experiences in my teen years. Horrible atmosphere, almost deplorable conditions, food was terrible, teachers could have cared less and it all radiated through the student body. I was so glad to leave for Florida when I did. That was 30ish years ago I can only imagine it got worse as time went on.

  15. Teacher on January 14th, 2017 2:11 pm

    Before I comment too much, Dr. Linam, this post is for you. Have you personally walked the halls of ECHS? I’m just curious if the information you are sharing is first hand knowledge you witnessed with your own eyes, or are you simply sharing something someone else told you.

  16. anne 1of2 on January 14th, 2017 2:08 pm

    So shut it down and send all of those students to a private school. It will be a great research project. The money saved on closing a failing school will pay for the private schools. In four years those students will be college bound. No bad students, just bad schools.

  17. Dr. Kevin linam on January 14th, 2017 9:46 am

    Successful schools have great leadership and that is lacking at Escambia County High School, it was from day 1, when principal allowed seniors to trash the entire school for so called fun and tradition, then he hid from his bad decision. Politics and deception have ruined this school. A principal who hid in his office for the first 3 months and hid behind county office personnel, incompetent and spineless leadership. Put God back in our schools and prayer and hold parents and administrators accountable. Dr. Linam, ACS teacher

  18. Shake Your Foundations on January 14th, 2017 8:37 am

    Atmore once had great schools, and City Hall and the schools worked together in that the city gave them a portion of the sales tax revenue….what have we now? AC Moore supposed to close and a failing high school.