IP Explosion: Information Released On Black Substance, Clean Up

January 23, 2017

UPDATE 9:45 a.m.:

International Paper released the following statement Monday morning:

“We experienced a manufacturing process failure that released a mixture of wood fiber, water and pulping liquor into the surrounding area. If you or your pets have had contact with the materials, please wash the affected area for 15 minutes with soap and water. If you are experiencing skin irritation or respiratory issues, please see your doctor. Avoid contact with your eyes and mouth.

“For those nearby the facility, we are working with response agencies from the county and state and will have additional information as it becomes available.

If the materials have come into contact with your vehicle, please thoroughly wash your vehicle and avoid contact with the material.”


Ash and a sticky black oily substance covered the area around the International Paper mill  in Cantonment Sunday night.

A spokesperson for International Paper told NorthEscambia.com that the substance was “pulp material”, but did not provide any specific chemical or substance name.

“Ash and pulp material may be present in areas around the mill and roads. If you come in contact with the pulp material (which is a sticky substance), it is advised that you immediately wash your hands with warm or cold water and vinegar. Avoid contact with your eyes and mouth. If your vehicle comes in contact with the pulp material or Ash, you are encouraged to wash your vehicle,” Janice Holmes of IP said in an email to NorthEscambia.com.

Holmes did not respond to questions seeking more specific information about “pulp material”.

An statement from Escambia County, issued over an hour after the explosion, said, “Residents near the plant may see ash falling as a result. It is not hazardous and can be washed off skin with a mild soap and water”.

Numerous vehicles were covered by the substance as they traveled in front of the mill at the time of the explosion. Drivers reported that the oily substance caused vehicles to slide around Highway 29. The slick material also slowed the response of emergency personal following the explosion.

Highway 29 was shutdown due to the substance from Woodberry Circle to Morris Avenue.

Related story: No Injuries As Explosion Rips Through International Paper In Cantonment

Related story: All Escambia Schools Are Open On Monday
Related story: Road Closures

Pictured: Just a few of the vehicle photos received after an IP mill explosion in Cantonment Sunday night. Pictured bottom: The substance covers Highway 29. Photos for NorthEscambia.com, click to enlarge.


15 Responses to “IP Explosion: Information Released On Black Substance, Clean Up”

  1. JB on January 24th, 2017 11:03 am

    Is it safe to let pets out in our yards yet? Will the black pulp that fell affect a fish pond?

  2. Scout on January 23rd, 2017 9:25 pm

    Does anyone know if the pulp substance will be safe after a certain amount of time? We live close to the mill and it’s all over our yard. It would be nice to know if/when I can let my dogs outside without having to wash their feet every single time.

  3. W W Boughton on January 23rd, 2017 8:56 pm

    The substance is known as black liqueur The other are white strongest, and green weakest. They all contain caustic acid. They are all corrosive. You can wash your vehicles, but the substance will get in all your cracks and crevices. You will not be able to get it all out and you will not be able to stop the corrosion. It might not show up for several months but it will show up

  4. Sharon Blanton on January 23rd, 2017 7:27 pm

    When you live near a plant of this sort you should know that things like this could happen at anytime. I’m just so thankful that no one was injured or killed. It’s really going to be a pain in the wazoo to get to Pensacola for work, doctor appointments, etc. just bide your time, thank God you didn’t lose a loved one and in no time you can get back to complaining about the dang train crossing.

  5. missysmom on January 23rd, 2017 4:09 pm

    I think I would contact CDC, then my insurance carrier.

  6. molinoman on January 23rd, 2017 4:09 pm

    I see a bunch of lawsuits in IP’s future whether people actually have real damage done or not just because this is a prime suit for an easy pay out. I bet people were on the phone this morning with their lawyers already getting a case filed.

  7. David Schwartz on January 23rd, 2017 2:59 pm

    I am not sure why IP is not saying what is in the “black liquor” Maybe they are trying not to alarm area residence Black liquor is a mixture of several chemicals used to digest the raw wood. One of the chemicals in it is sodium hydroxide also know as caustic soda or lye. It can be harmful to skin, eyes and certain metals. It does not wash off very easily and needs to be neutralized with a weak acid such as vinegar.

  8. Name on January 23rd, 2017 2:10 pm

    Soap and water??? It doesn’t come off the cars with soap and water. Just saying

  9. Near by resident on January 23rd, 2017 12:10 pm

    What about the nearby homes? What do we do about the stuff in our yards? How long until we can safely walk in our own backyard?

  10. Kim on January 23rd, 2017 11:38 am

    How far from the plant would there be contact?

  11. KJ Moore on January 23rd, 2017 11:33 am

    Is IP covering the cost of any Healthcare issues resulting from breathing in this substance or other health complications? What about mechanical failures of HVAC in homes near the explosion or vehicles with adh exposure to the engine?

  12. Laura cook on January 23rd, 2017 10:55 am

    Have a friend an engineer for IP Who got called into work early yesterday morning which is unusual for engineers and hierarchy to be in on a Sunday morning was there all day and then when the mill exploded last night. Something was going on and being addressed yesterday before the explosion in my humble opinion. Praise God that’s why not a lot of people were in the plant or that no one got killed. Also the stuff is called Black liquor and we downloaded an app last night because channel 3 news had no info for the community until after 10 and still was no help. so what we heard was directly from the police and fire and emergency management people on the site all night.

  13. Lynn on January 23rd, 2017 9:36 am

    Was wondering when yard clean up was so people who have animals can let then go outside so the stuff won’t stick on them.

  14. James on January 23rd, 2017 7:42 am

    Sounds and looks like a digester blew up.

  15. Well on January 23rd, 2017 6:06 am

    Glad no one was killed.

    What were those comments about Fire Breathing Dragons last time ?
    Smelled like Money ?