Vehicle Burglary Suspect Arrested

December 22, 2016

An 18-year old Atmore man has been arrested for a string of vehicle burglaries just north of the Alabama/Florida state line.

David Tyler Vickery was charged with eight counts of breaking and entering an automobile, four counts of theft of property second degree and one count of theft of property third degree.

Atmore Police said the vehicle burglaries occurred in the area Forest Hill Drive and Rockaway (Rocky Way) Creek Road areas.  Police responded to reports of suspicious activity in the area and found Vickery with stolen property in possession, according to Atmore Police Chief Chuck Brooks.

Brooks said everyone should lock their vehicle doors, especially around the holiday season.


9 Responses to “Vehicle Burglary Suspect Arrested”

  1. terri Sanders on December 23rd, 2016 4:59 pm

    Betcha Martha is either momma or girlfriend…. either way she is clueless about seeing the true character of people…hope she picks baby daddy better

  2. Jim on December 23rd, 2016 9:15 am

    @ just sayin:
    The vast majority of residential vehicle burglaries are done to unlocked vehicles. Hours worth of home surveillance video show roving individuals or groups trying car doors, looking for an unlocked one, moving on if the door is locked, or ravaging the vehicle if the door is unlocked. I’m sure any LEO will confirm this.
    I do agree with the other part of your statement: don’t leave anything of value in your vehicle.
    @ Martha: I applaud your generous spirit, however this boy is a criminal. I’ll pray for his redemption, but this wasn’t just one instance, followed by remorse. He did it over and over again. In my humble opinion, this boy is two-faced, and artful at it: he presents that “fine young man” face to family and acquaintances, all the while engaging in stealing from honest, hardworking neighbors. I have a feeling your generosity might suffer a bit had you been a victim.
    Prayers for all concerned. All things are possible, and it isn’t too late for Mr. Vickery.

  3. mick on December 23rd, 2016 8:35 am

    “Excuse me” couldn’t have stated it better for the dim light bulbs out there. FREE WILL time and time again has led great young men and women to make bad decisions. FREE WILL doesn’t excuse the actions that harm strangers and families. Bottom line this “great young man” is extremely selfish not only of the crimes he committed on honest hard working people, but the harm he inflicted on his own loved ones…they lie in the aftermath of his actions.

  4. What would Jesus do? on December 22nd, 2016 9:25 pm

    Really gonna hurt when some fall from their high horses. Judge not lest you are ready to be judged. Rather than judge, I choose to offer prayers.

  5. Willis on December 22nd, 2016 5:40 pm

    Ms. Martha, I believe what excuse me is trying to say is we pretty much disagree and are happy he was caught.
    Maybe if you would just tell him to come to your house and take whatever he wants he would not have to resort to stealing our things.

  6. excuse me?!?! on December 22nd, 2016 4:41 pm

    @ Martha…… Tyler is a great young man? REALLY?! Now I do not personally know Tyler or you, however I do not know any “great young men” (or women) who break into cars to steal from people. I have a full time and a part time job. I do not ask anyone for help to provide for my child or my family and I am not an any “assistance”. I also do not break into cars, houses, or any other establishments to steal things that do not belong to me. I work a full time job to pay our bills, I work a part time job to have some extra money so we can do fun things and have a few luxuries.

    I am so glad Tyler (the great young man) was arrested. I hope you will have many great visits with him in the jail and or prison. Please let him (and the rest of the CRIMINALS in there) know that while you find him to be a “great young man” the rest of society is happy that he and the rest of them are locked up and that the hard working people on the street are sleeping a little more soundly knowing that the items we WORK hard for aren’t being STOLEN. (also let him know that next time he breaks into someone car he may not be as lucky as to just get arrested… people in the area are fully fed up with theives feeling entitled to whatever they want…. even if the criminals are “great young men”.

  7. Martha Breceda on December 22nd, 2016 12:07 pm

    Im sure we have all made mistakes or been put to the test to do things … Tyler is a great young man !!

  8. K on December 22nd, 2016 11:52 am

    @just saying

    Wow. Just wow. By the same logic we should leave our houses unlocked as well.

    And the assumption that a master burglar exists in Atmore, and would only confine himself to B&E on cars in the middle of the night… you know, that part about “which a pro will have”…

    and see also: car insurance with a theft rider. it’s like 3 bucks a month.

  9. Just saying on December 22nd, 2016 8:23 am

    Or here’s an even better thought: DON’T LEAVE ANYTHING OF VALUE IN YOUR CAR!

    I leave my car unlocked. Why you ask? Because if a thief wants in, he will get in. The locked door is only a few seconds delay for an accomplished thief. He can either get the door open with master keys (which a pro will have) or he will break the window. I have no desire to pay for a replacement window because someone thinks there might be something he wants in my car. I leave nothing in it and nothing gets broken or stolen.