Williams Ditch Road Area Boil Water Notice Lifted

December 14, 2016

UPDATE 12/14  12:10 pm — This boil water notice has been rescinded by the water company. Testing shows the water to be safe to drink.

Cottage Hill Water Works has issued a precautionary boil water notice for Williams Ditch Road and all the side streets connected to Williams Ditch Road. The notice was issued after a water main break at 230 Williams Ditch Road.

As a precaution, it is  advised that all water used for drinking, cooking, making ice, brushing teeth, or washing dishes be boiled. A rolling boil of  one minute is sufficient.  A s an alternative, bottled water may be used. Residents are also advised to take precautions when bathing, especiallly immunocompromised individuals, infants, or the elderly.

A loss in system pressure could cause the entry of contaminants, such as E. Coli bacteria, into the water system. water containing E. Coli  bacteria can be considered safe for drinking and cooking after vigorously boiling the water. Disease symptoms caused by these  bacteria may include diarrhea, cramps, nausea, and possibly jaundice, and any associated headache and fatigue. The EPA has set an enforceable drinking water standard for E. Coli to reduce the risk of these adverse health effects. Under this standard all drinking water must be free of these bacteria.

The water system is currently collecting samples to determine if the presence of e.coli bacteria exists within the water system. This precautionary boil water notice will remain in effect until the problem has been corrected and a bacteriological survey shows that the water is safe to drink.

For more information, call (850) 968-5485.


15 Responses to “Williams Ditch Road Area Boil Water Notice Lifted”

  1. Bill on December 17th, 2016 8:38 am

    These people at the water works get a pay check and could care less what the people around the area think all they do is as little as possible and go on . by complaining you are wasting your time and they sit around and laugh about your grief . Personally I think they are a joke !!!!

  2. Football Mom on December 15th, 2016 9:27 am

    @Tamara – per “just saying” ……….maybe we just misunderstood that very nice, helpful lady……….it MUST be us, not her. LOLOLOLOL

  3. Tamara Pennington on December 14th, 2016 9:30 am

    So the question still.. are we under a boil notice still today? Because when I called yesterday the lady that answered the phone told me “she didn’t not know what homes were effected ” so here we are even when we call they can’t give us price of mind, she said “unless we go door to door they have no way of knowing ” I explained my husband was asleep and I was gone to work, so how would we know if we lost water in the early hours. She said ” well I guess just boil it then” very mind boggled I mean it’s their job to let us know especially when we call what is going on and if they don’t know to find someone that can answer. And not be rude and say “excuse me ” when I asked that isn’t the company’s job to KNOW WHO is effected and who to warn? I have a feeling nothing will ever be done about this.

  4. just saying on December 13th, 2016 3:44 pm

    Look at this way Football mom. Maybe she was nice and you didn’t pick up on it. Maybe her telling you to come to the meeting and complain was a cry for help. Maybe she loves her job and wants her company to provide better service but she cant fix it on her own. Maybe she is tired of dealing with pissed off customers and having to be the scapegoat on the other end of the phone. She may have told you, the pissed off customer to come to the meeting to you can give her boss’s an ear full and she can sit back and enjoy the butt chewing you are giving them hoping that your complaining will fix everybody’s problems and the world will be a better place for all concerned in the Cottage Hill area..

  5. Football Mom on December 13th, 2016 11:27 am

    Cottage Hill water had a main break at the end of Sept, turned our water off, didnt notify anyone of the problem and when you called the answering service said they didnt know what the problem was nor did they know when the water would be back on.
    No problem right? I made other arrangements to be out of the house for the evening because it happens from time to time and its really not their fault. I called every hour or so to see if it was back on. Around 10pm it was back on and they said I needed to call if the water was brown or cloudy.
    When I got home, the water was brown AND cloudy. I called and the guy I spoke to said “you may want to boil it if your going to drink or cook with it, but its fine to shower in or give to your pets”. UMMMMMMMMMMM NEGATIVE!
    When I called the next week to complain, the not so nice woman told me if I have a problem I need to come to the meeting and address it there.
    Cottage Hill water is DEFINITELY not there for the customer :(

  6. just saying on December 13th, 2016 10:44 am

    They say use bottle water if you don’t want to boil water WELL WHO IS GONNA PAY FOR IT .it won’t be the water works I say reimbursement for you causing me to be inconvenienced

    You pay for the bottled water if you want it. Running water to your home is a luxury item. If you don’t think so stop paying your bill and see how fast they come and shut you off. Then you will ne INCONVENIENCED.

  7. question on December 13th, 2016 10:11 am

    Does this also include Farm Hill? our water was yellow this morning, we used bottled water to brush our teeth and water our dogs. I also saw on social media, neighbors posting about their water in the Farm Hill/ Jacks Branch area

  8. Aggravated Cottage Hill citizen on December 13th, 2016 9:28 am

    Frustrating to find this out this morning!!! A day too late…my entire family has now drank the water, cooked with it, and showered in it without any way of knowing there was a boil notice. This happens way too often out here in Cottage Hill & the lack of communication & community relations with Cottage Hill Water Works Is extremely lacking. I find this unacceptable and now my family has been experiencing send to an unknown risk of contaminated water. This is not the first time the water company has failed to notify us.

  9. Bill on December 13th, 2016 8:34 am

    They say use bottle water if you don’t want to boil water WELL WHO IS GONNA PAY FOR IT .it won’t be the water works I say reimbursement for you causing me to be inconvenienced

  10. Mike O'Farrell on December 13th, 2016 3:39 am

    I am guessing that Cottage Hill Water Works issued this precautionary notice in this way because they are obligated to do it, but that they are not that concerned that there really is a problem. I just found out about it by accident today, and have been using the water to drink, bathe, etc., as have all members of my family. I imagine that there are still some folks who don’t know about it. It must not be all that important.

  11. Amanda on December 13th, 2016 12:09 am

    We were under a boil water notice a few weeks ago too and the only reason I knew about that one was because I called wondering why our water was shut off.

  12. Amanda on December 13th, 2016 12:02 am

    I totally agree with you Amber. It would have been nice if they notified us about this. My whole family has used the water today too. There should be laws in place mamdating them to contact us regarding boil water notices…And who will notify us that the water is safe for regular consumption again? It’s bs.

  13. Tamara Pennington on December 12th, 2016 11:39 pm

    And is this boil still in effect?

  14. Tamara Pennington on December 12th, 2016 11:35 pm

    This is ridiculous and unacceptable. I am JUST seeing this and had no idea and have drank water with all my bedtime medicine, watered my animals and washed my face. I’m getting very sick of this. There is NOT that many houses you could post a note in each door, seriously, I’m sure volunteers in the neighborhood would even help. And maybe the Cottage Hill water system need some to put us all on an email and mass email everyone or have a FB site as well. But even then what about our Elderly that don’t use modern devices???? Time to figure something out!

  15. Amber on December 12th, 2016 8:49 pm

    Would have been nice to be notified earlier since my whole family has used water today. Cottage Hill water is notorious for not directly contacting its customers about these issues.