Two Charged With Craigslist Deal Robbery

December 21, 2016

Two 18-year olds have been arrested for robbing a woman during a Craigslist deal.

The victim told the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office that she was contacted by De’Shaun O’Neil Allen and Thomas Lee Wright about a necklace she had listed for sale on Craigslist. The suspects went to the victims home to view the necklace then Wright snatched it without paying, according to deputies.

The fled in a 2003 red Dodge neon which they later wrecked before fleeing into a wooded area. They were caught hiding in the woods by a deputy and his K-9.

Both were arrested and charged with felony robbery by sudden snatching without a firearm or weapon and booked into the Escambia County Jail with bond set at $5,000.


15 Responses to “Two Charged With Craigslist Deal Robbery”

  1. George b on December 25th, 2016 2:44 pm

    Meeting someone in public isn’t going to save you. You have the right to defend yourself with a weapon at home. Try to explain to the judge why you shot someone in Winn-Dixie over a Craigslist ad

  2. terri on December 25th, 2016 1:09 pm

    LOOK…every good criminal gets a second..third…fourth…fifth…sixth…seventh…eight….nineth…tenth…eleventh…twelveth…so on and so forth…so they will have plenty of chances to get it right……right???…sad tho for the victims at the hands of the so well protected criminals….protect the criminal…too bad for the victims…..wait… that legal crime?

  3. 429SCJ on December 24th, 2016 8:26 am

    It would appear to me that if you shot them in the face with the .45 ACP, they would just simply fall over dead?

    Some people throw deer corn, some people advertise gold jewelry on Craig’s List.

    A trophy buck, is a trophy buck.

  4. terri Sanders on December 23rd, 2016 5:04 pm

    GEO… cutting off the criminals hand or hand would be a violation of THEIR civil rights.LOL!!And we know that the criminals have way more rights than the victims…at least here in America

  5. Janet on December 22nd, 2016 6:17 pm

    Good advice Hugh. Better yet, meet them in the police station’s parking lot.

  6. Hugh on December 22nd, 2016 10:55 am

    Good story James WIlson. Mine is similar, but was typing mine when you posted.

  7. Hugh on December 22nd, 2016 10:53 am

    Selling anything online is dangerous. It’s been told over and over and people still subject themselves to danger. Craigslist, NewsJournal, Shopper, Thrifty Nickel, Pensacola Yard Sales on Facebook. Don’t meet people at your home or anyone’s home. Go to the mall or a grocery store inside, not outside at your car, INSIDE. I don’t know of any store where you can’t carry on a conversation and sell a small item. If anything goes wrong – it’s all on camera. People you are facing a serious situation when you allow strangers at your home, your car or parking lots. Large items such as vehicles and boats should be sold in public parking lots near the door. The area will be surrounded by shoppers and more safe in that environment. Also take a friend or relative with you. Two is better than one. Sorry this lady encountered a thief and much worse, they know where she lives. Glad she not injured.

  8. James wilson on December 22nd, 2016 10:28 am

    ANY online or app or internet selling deals MUST be done at a public location with plenty of people around. There are some cities that have “safe” deal locations inside or next to police stations. Might be a good idea for this area. Check it out this is happenning over and over selling anything from sex to cars. Putting anything up online to sell exposes you to a myriad of unsavory characters. And having a gun at your house thinking that makes it much easier or better? No. Have a gun at your house. Have a concealed permit. But have that deal take place in full view of police or the public so there is no need for deterrence OR fear to begin with. We are in a new age. Bad actors you’d never walk near can look online and you’ve done all the scouting they need with your pictures. And even if they come to your house and just say no they don’t want to buy it. Now you’ve given them ALL the information they need to come back later. Got a gun? Let them know it? Good. Now they know where to go to steal one and how many more thugs to bring. Or how much More firepower to win. Safe zones are needed. Maybe even the mall. Charge a dollar a deal have armed security. There are so many off the tax rolls online sales they’d make enough to cover the cost.

  9. SMH on December 22nd, 2016 9:56 am

    @GEO….that’s called Sharia Law. Think about that for a minute.

  10. Walnut Hill Roy on December 22nd, 2016 9:23 am

    I don’t follow the tenets that are laid down in the comments, of all the deals on Craig’s List you have one deal gone wrong. These two thugs could have just as well grabbed any victim anywhere. If I have something to sell, I assume that the potential buyers are on the up and up and will show them the item that I have for sale. Of course I have a concealed carry permit too.

  11. Puddin on December 21st, 2016 11:28 am

    Why will people never learn. Meet in a public location, and never alone. Glad she wasn’t hurt.

  12. bartender on December 21st, 2016 10:29 am

    i can tell you for sure.if i seen them 2 at my door,i would have never open the door.what is wrong with that lady.never tell no one where you live and if i did let a man take care of it for many people have been killed from craighs list trying to sell something.that lady must have lost her mind to do something like that.must less open the door for 2 thugs like that.i hope she learned her lesson.

  13. Willy on December 21st, 2016 9:54 am

    That’s why I never do any kinds of dealings on c’list from my home. Thugs like this preying on trusting people. This is also why I always carry when I buy or sell there too. These guys are lazy enough to steal, stupid enough to crash. Karma………..

  14. GEO on December 21st, 2016 9:45 am

    Every time I read or hear something like this makes me wish we would go back to the times where if you steal something then you get one if not both your hands cut off. But these days groups would call it cruel punishment or what not. Thieves can not be cured I don’t care what you say, but you cut off a hand they might think about it next time.

  15. Cricky on December 21st, 2016 9:11 am

    I’m really grateful the victim wasn’t physically injured or worse during this exchange but now, when they’re bailed out, she’ll have to worry about retaliation because she gave them her home address.

    For the love of all things holy – STOP meeting random internet people in your home unless you’re able to vet them. This world is full of crazy thieves, stop inviting them to your living room.