Senate, House Bills Would Ban Florida Fracking

December 5, 2016

After a fierce legislative debate early this year about fracking, a freshman senator filed a proposal Friday that would bar the use of the controversial oil and gas drilling technique in Florida.

Sen. Gary Farmer, D-Fort Lauderdale, filed the proposal (SB 98) a little more than a week after Rep. Evan Jenne, D-Dania Beach, filed a similar measure (HB 35) in the House. Farmer’s bill is dubbed the “Stop Fracking Act.”

The bills will be considered during the 2017 legislative session, which starts in March. Fracking bills spurred a major battle during the 2016 session, with the issue ultimately dying in the Senate. While supporters said the 2016 bills would have created a needed regulatory framework, environmental groups contended the measures were aimed at opening the door to fracking.


3 Responses to “Senate, House Bills Would Ban Florida Fracking”

  1. David Huie Green on December 6th, 2016 11:51 am

    “while we grow more and more dependent on oil that comes from countries that support, and have supported attacks on our country.”

    Or more to the point, hydraulic fracturing has reduced our dependence on those people. They still practice slavery, subjugation of women and religious minorities — including stoning of those rejecting whichever sect of Islam they favor.

    Not that it matters in Florida, lacking hydrocarbon-bearing strata which would benefit from fracturing. (Acid jobs are not fracturing other than to people who don’t know better. They just use acids to clear around boreholes to improve flow.)

    David for ending slavery

  2. M in Bratt on December 5th, 2016 4:20 pm

    It’s asinine to outlaw a method that has proven it’s worth in increasing production in our oil and gas fields while we grow more and more dependent on oil that comes from countries that support, and have supported attacks on our country.

  3. nod on December 5th, 2016 12:03 pm

    I will support not fracking when all the people for it stop using oil and walk or use a horse to get around.