Northview Presents Christmas Concert (With Gallery, Videos)

December 3, 2016

The annual Northview High School Christmas Concert was held Friday night at the school. The event featured the Northview concert band, beginner guitar class, monologues from the theater class, vocal soloists and the Ernest Ward Middle School band.

Two video highlights are below: the Northview band with “The Polar Express” (top) and Catie Clayton with “The Christmas Song” (bottom).

For more photos, click here. photos and video, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “Northview Presents Christmas Concert (With Gallery, Videos)”

  1. William on December 3rd, 2016 10:42 am

    >>Wish there had been information on this before now.

    It was on our “Events” page for a couple of weeks, and it was in a front page story all day yesterday prior to the event. Sorry you missed it. :( It was great as usual.

  2. molino jim on December 3rd, 2016 9:44 am

    Wish there had been information on this before now. My wife and i have gone to several things at Northview and have enjoyed all of them. the “souperbowl” at Tate last night was “super” and it showed what the young people can do. Sorry we missed this also.