Escambia Fire Rescue Offers Free Smoke Detector Installation

December 11, 2016

Escambia Fire Rescue is offering to install a new smoke detector with a 10-year battery at no charge for local residents.

The Escambia County Commission has purchased over 1,100 smoke detectors since January in hopes of helping the community reach the goal of every home in the county having a working smoke detector.

Escambia Fire Rescue Chief Patrick Grace stressed the importance of having a properly installed and maintained smoke detector year round, but especially with colder weather by saying, “As residents rely more heavily on heating devices in the colder weather, they will have additional fire risks in their homes. Statistics show that a working smoke detector in your home can make the difference in escaping a fire without injuries and with your life.”

Saturday, Escambia County Fire Rescue installed over 100 smoke detectors in 71 homes in the Lakewood area in the southern part of the county, the largest single day installation to date in the county.
For information about obtaining a home smoke detector, call 850-595-HERO (4376).

Courtesy photos for, click to enlarge.


2 Responses to “Escambia Fire Rescue Offers Free Smoke Detector Installation”

  1. Denise on December 13th, 2016 9:51 pm

    Bohemia Subdivision? You are not serious. With the money that residents have living in that neighborhood. You can afford to buy everybody at least one. Yeah “IM JUST SAYING”

  2. just saying on December 13th, 2016 10:50 am

    When will they be coming through the Bohemia neighborhood off of Scenic?