EREC Awarded $159K For Walnut Hill, Bratt Water Improvements

December 15, 2016

The Northwest Florida er Management District’s Governing Board has awarded a $159,559 to Escambia River Electric Cooperative (EREC) for water system improvements.

The grant will be used for distribution and pipe improvements, including the replacement of a aging water line and to interconnect the Walnut Hill Water Works system with the Bratt-Davisville Water System. Both water systems are owned and operated by EREC.

The funds were part of $974,000 in Northwest Florida Water Management District grant funding for water supply projects across Northwest Florida.

The funding was awarded as part of a competitive grant program to help local governments and non-profit utilities address local water supply challenges and meet regional water supply protection and management needs.

Since 2013, the District has awarded approximately $20.6 million in grant funding to boost the infrastructure, economic, and public health needs of northwest Florida communities by addressing regional water resource and supply development priorities. file photo.


2 Responses to “EREC Awarded $159K For Walnut Hill, Bratt Water Improvements”

  1. Linda on December 16th, 2016 4:12 am

    Hope this Helps Water presure too! That a need that need to be Addressed too!

  2. Just wondering on December 15th, 2016 11:15 am

    What about Central Water Works? I would think a smaller company like them would need some help too. Didn’t they have a big project coming up?