ECUA Facility Finds Northview Football Championship Ring In 165 Tons Of Recyclables

December 16, 2016

Finding a needle in a haystack might be easier.

But a very observant employee at ECUA’s Interim Materials Recycling Facility at the Perdido Landfill found a 2012 Northview High School state championship ring Thursday. The employee spotted the ring mixed in with 165 tons of recyclables.

The facility called the school, and a school official picked it up. The ring was engraved with the owner’s name, and it will be be returned to them.

The employee that found the ring, who works for an ECUA subcontractor, nor the football play have been publicly named.

Pictured: This 2012 Northview High School State Football Championship ring was located in the midst of 165 tons of recyclables at ECUA’s Interim Materials Recycling Facility. Photo for, click to enlarge.


8 Responses to “ECUA Facility Finds Northview Football Championship Ring In 165 Tons Of Recyclables”

  1. Bubba Blogger on December 17th, 2016 8:05 pm

    Very Awesome story!! Go Chiefs!!

  2. Dee on December 16th, 2016 6:25 pm

    Awesome!!! I want to thank the ECUA employee for being honest. He could have pawned the ring. God Bless you for so honest. Karma will come back around one day.

    This brings back a memory from about 32 years ago. My daughter, was about 2-3 years old. We were at Three Runs on the Peridio River. She said pretty mama. All that could be seen was a partial piece of the stone. I dug it up. It was a class ring that a student had lost it the summer before. I called Ernest Ward HS. I spoke with Ms Martha. She got in touch with the student. The family had suffered a loss the week before. The young man asked what did he owe me for finding the ring. I said you owe me nothing my daughter found it for you.

  3. Amazed on December 16th, 2016 3:53 pm

    This is amazing for the owner. I don’t know how he lost it of course but back in my day a guy would let his girl wear his ring. If things didn’t work out you gave it back. These days with some of the things I see on social media the guys need to hang on to expensive things like this. People with no respect will toss them in the trash or throw them out windows….it’s nuts.

  4. Sage2 on December 16th, 2016 11:12 am

    This is a prime example there still is honesty and integrity alive in this world of today.

  5. jeeperman on December 16th, 2016 10:56 am

    Good time to buy a lotto ticket or several !

  6. Kurt on December 16th, 2016 8:33 am

    I will be so pleased and wowed, if this ring says hunter on it.

  7. Cb on December 16th, 2016 7:31 am

    Years ago I lost mine on Pensacola beach, I looked through the sand for hours and never recovered it. Months later I recieved a call to go to the office. A man from Spanish fort was visiting Pensacola beach and just happened to stumble upon my ring. He called the school and I got it back! That’s awesome the same thing happened for this person!

  8. deBugger on December 16th, 2016 6:57 am


    hope the graduate appreciates the sharp eye of the finder

    seems certain he/she will…