Council On Aging Distributes Over $30K In Gifts To Nearly 800 Clients

December 28, 2016

The Council on Aging of West Florida distributed $31,314 worth of gifts to 791 clients across Escambia and Santa Rosa counties this Christmas.

The crafts, blankets, clothing, decorations, household goods and hygiene products were given to the Council on Aging by 43 area donors and organizations.

This marks one of the most successful years for the Council on Aging’s annual drive to give presents to homebound aging adults in the area. Each year, the Council will begin receiving gifts in early to mid-November before distributing them at Senior Dining Sites, The Retreat, and other distribution points across the two-county region. Some volunteers, like those from Temple Beth El and Navy base-workers, even elected to play Santa Claus and go on dedicated gift-delivery routes, spreading joy to all they encountered.

“Seniors are neglected more than any other group,” said Debbie Manning, who hand-made many gifts this year. “During Christmas especially, kids are taken care of through Toys for Tots and other programs. Seniors are the least represented group.”

In addition to the presents that delivered holiday cheer to hundreds of aging adults, the Council on Aging helped distribute hundreds of blankets and dozens of heaters to senior citizens who are particularly vulnerable to the cold weather this time of year.

“I’ve seen moms with children, heads of companies, and retirees alike go out of their way to purchase that special gift they knew would warm the heart of someone they have never even met,” said Tricia Dixon, volunteer coordinator for the Council on Aging. “For some elderly adults, these are the only presents they receive. Many have family who no longer live here or have passed on, so it brings them a special kind of joy as they unwrap items meant especially for them. It reminds them that we still care, that we are happy to give back to those who have given us so much.”

“It took all of our staff cooperating throughout the month of December to make this program run smoothly,” said Margaret Jerauld, the Council’s activities supervisor. “From compiling master lists of clients, to pickup and delivery of gifts, to counting donations and getting thank you letters written, the great staff at the Council on Aging worked together to make the 2016 Christmas season special for seniors in our area.”

If you are interested in volunteering to help the Council on Aging, or if you would like to drop off any new heaters or blankets, call (850) 432-1475.


2 Responses to “Council On Aging Distributes Over $30K In Gifts To Nearly 800 Clients”

  1. DCP on December 29th, 2016 2:14 pm

    I chose a senior’s wishlist off of the Council on Aging tree at Sam’s. It broke my heart reading all of the tiny wish lists of our senior citizens. They wanted BASIC essentials such as soap and socks. I literally cried as I read them. Buying for the lady I chose was truly the highlight of my Christmas this year. She asked for perfume, soap, and adult coloring book with colored pencils. I bought her all of that and more. I wish I could have fulfilled the lists of everyone on that tree. I urge you to take part in this next year……YOU will be the blessed one. Everyone always takes care of the children, but our seniors are forgotten.

  2. Darlene on December 28th, 2016 2:04 pm

    Some may get not ever truly understand how much this amazing Christmas gift gesture means to someone, but I want to share how much it meant to my mother and how it warmed my heart. Our Christmastime has become very quite the last few years and not much happens. She doesn’t get many guest or gets out to church much anymore. Sometimes in this empty quite world we live in can overwhelm one with sadness and the littlest of things bring much joy. So when someone rings your doorbell on Christmas Eve carrying a large Christmas gift bag to an an amazing lovely warmhearted (in my opinion) elderly lady, it can melt my heart and take away all the loneliness one may feel, just when you’re feeling forgotten God sends another angel to remind us we’re not alone.
    And even though my mother doesn’t remember 5min ago, I know that that moment someone thought of her and acknowledged her is in her heart and if only for that brief little moment she was filled with joy. And for that I’m truly overwhelmed with joy and grateful for all the kind and selfless people who think of my mother and so many others who struggle with the loneliness and blues on the holidays, have really touched so many lives.
    Although I am grateful for what the true meaning of Christmas is and that we celebrate Jesus birth I’m reminded that it was my mother that instilled that lesson of Christ birth on Christmas she gave me that great gift of the true meaning. I’ll forever be grateful to her for all the love she gave me. I may be biased but I think my mother deserves the world. So this wonderful gift that the wonderful group at “Council On Aging” brought her was the most thoughtful and kindhearted gesture we could’ve asked for. We are very grateful for The Retreat and the director Sandie Holtry and staff. Thank you so much for all the love you show to my mom. It means everything!!