Cottage Hill Road Area Boil Water Notice Rescinded

December 28, 2016

This boil water notice was rescinded on December 30, 2016, following the return of chlorination to the water system and the satisfactory completion of the bacteriological survey showing that the water is safe to drink.

Cottage Hill Water Works has issued a precautionary boil water notice for Williams Ditch Road and all the side streets connected to Williams Ditch Road. The notice was issued after a water main break at 230 Williams Ditch Road.

As a precaution, it is  advised that all water used for drinking, cooking, making ice, brushing teeth, or washing dishes be boiled. A rolling boil of  one minute is sufficient.  A s an alternative, bottled water may be used. Residents are also advised to take precautions when bathing, especially immunocompromised individuals, infants, or the elderly.

A loss in system pressure could cause the entry of contaminants, such as E. Coli bacteria, into the water system. water containing E. Coli  bacteria can be considered safe for drinking and cooking after vigorously boiling the water. Disease symptoms caused by these  bacteria may include diarrhea, cramps, nausea, and possibly jaundice, and any associated headache and fatigue. The EPA has set an enforceable drinking water standard for E. Coli to reduce the risk of these adverse health effects. Under this standard all drinking water must be free of these bacteria.

The water system is currently collecting samples to determine if the presence of e.coli bacteria exists within the water system. This precautionary boil water notice will remain in effect until the problem has been corrected and a bacteriological survey shows that the water is safe to drink.

For more information, call (850) 968-5485.


11 Responses to “Cottage Hill Road Area Boil Water Notice Rescinded”

  1. Anderson on December 30th, 2016 4:40 pm

    Does anyone know if we are still under the boil water notice?

  2. Concerned on December 30th, 2016 8:30 am

    CHWS has followed the letter of the law regarding notification, repair and sampling for all water line breaks! Issuing a PBWN is just that – PRECAUTIONARY. It is a very old system with old infrastructure – and damage is often done by contractors working in the area, not by the utility.
    As a coop, residents should attend meetings, educate themselves, and help look for ways to assist your utility -

  3. dman on December 29th, 2016 4:02 pm

    I just called CHWW, and was advised that if you didn’t actually lose water, than you’re fine. Only need to boil if water pressure was lost.

  4. Anthony on December 29th, 2016 10:13 am

    If ya’ll would like to voice your opinion, the next meeting for them is January 9th at 6pm. I was told to let them know if I was attending so they could “add me to agenda”.

  5. Horrible on December 28th, 2016 11:41 pm

    CHWW has to be the worst water company. At this point, I would love for ECUA to take over water service in this area.

  6. Aggravated CH resident on December 28th, 2016 11:08 pm

    CHWW has a lot of problems… they do not notify us in a timely manner ever. We usually find out from 24 hours after the incident has occurred which doesn’t help if I’ve been using the water all day.

    I’ve lived all over Santa Rosa and Escambia County and never had these kind of problems from the water companies especially in such a short period of time.. They should atleast send out a mass call/text within hours of the problem or put notes on our doors…just a suggestion for improvement and a courtesy to all their customers.

  7. Grandma on December 28th, 2016 9:18 pm

    Having used CHWW for over 35 years, let me say this: My understanding is this is a co-op of the users. So if there were a class action law suit filed…it would be against yourselves! Instead, attend the annual meetings or file a grievance for a specially called meeting. Become involved in the needed change. We all would sure appreciate some improvements.

  8. bwayne on December 28th, 2016 8:18 pm

    I noticed yesterday that while they were working on that problem, they turned on the hydrant right down the road from the problem so that it was draining.

  9. Again, SMH on December 28th, 2016 4:22 pm

    Our water company is ridiculous!! They don’t seem to get in a hurry for anything because those worthless yahoos who work there don’t have to use the water they provide for daily living. Always sending out notices way after the fact & we drink the water not knowing about a problem. So sick and tired of their crap & the shotty work done on our water system. Each resident pays a monthly “upgrade fee” and they only repair verses actually upgrading our water delivery system; they have managed to upgrade there trucks to brand new, SMH!! I say all us CH residents file a class action lawsuit.

  10. Concerned on December 28th, 2016 1:28 pm

    I am concerned that this has happened twice now within a short period of time. It was about a month, at most 2 months ago that this happened last.

  11. CH resident on December 28th, 2016 1:21 pm

    It’d be nice if we were notified by our dear water company WHEN this occurred or shortly after instead of 24 hours later!
    Thanks for posting this, William!