Accidental Shooting Claims The Life Of A Toddler

December 10, 2016

A young child died in an apparent accidental shooting Friday night.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office responded to a home in the 2200 block of Brookpark Road, just off East Kingsfield Road, at 7:21 p.m. They discovered the child suffering from at least one gunshot wound. The child was transported by Escambia County EMS to West Florida Hospital where the child was pronounced deceased, according to Rhonda Ray, spokesperson for the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office.

Ray said it appeared the shooting was accidental and occurred after the child found a loaded gun in the residence, but she said the incident remains under investigation.

Ray declined to release the age or gender of the child, but described it as a toddler.

Further details have not yet been released. photos by Kristi Barbour, click to enlarge.


34 Responses to “Accidental Shooting Claims The Life Of A Toddler”

  1. Memphis on December 15th, 2016 10:19 pm

    The “level of negligence is on par with that of drunk driving”? I beg to differ. Again, I ask, do any of you who are so quick to blame, judge and condemn these parents even know the details surrounding this ACCIDENT? I cannot help but wonder if this were to happen to a member of your family or a close friend if you would be so quick to pass judgement and comment as you have. Again, these parents will live the rest of their lives not only dealing with the loss of a child, but blaming themselves. This was an accident that happened in the family home…not a random drunk driver loose on the streets. There’s no comparison and to think there is, well that’s just ignorance in the highest degree. Get down from that pedestal you’ve put yourself on and get on your knees and pray for this family and ask for forgiveness for your ugly words and judgemental mindset.

  2. Betty H on December 15th, 2016 12:18 pm

    Leaving a loaded gun where a child can get to it is no accident…It’s negligent and if the parents feel guilty etc they deserve it. Their “mistake” cost a child his life. Being loving hardworking parents is not an excuse…They should have loved that child enough to ensure his safety and not been so careless with a loaded gun in the house.

  3. P. on December 14th, 2016 10:23 pm

    Lord Jesus comfort this family. You know what they are going through. They need you to shelter them and wrap them in your arms. Bring peace and comfort in their time of loss.
    Peace that passes all understand in Jesus name. Amen

  4. jeeperman on December 14th, 2016 3:24 pm

    This was no accident.
    no different then the father who got convicted for leaving his child in the car to roast to death.
    negligence, plan and simple.

  5. Jeremy kauffman on December 12th, 2016 10:49 pm

    To all those who judge you have no idea what you are talking about I spend everyday around this family this is a tragic accident. These are good hard working people who have never been in trouble work everyday and are productive members of socitey. This is something they will have to live with for the rest of there life you do not know the details and it is not your place to judge. We should be praying for this family and there loss not judging them

  6. My 2 cents on December 12th, 2016 8:17 pm

    I know what happened and I’m close with this family they are good parents, the father is a hard working honest man who devotes everything to his family and they most definitely love all their children and for anyone to assume that you you know what happened I’m hear to tell you that you don’t. At the end of the day a child is in heaven, a family is devastated, and a mother is falling apart so besides judging why don’t you pray for the whole family who lost a child that was loved so much by everyone.

  7. Laura on December 12th, 2016 1:31 pm

    This level of negligence is on par with drunken driving. Many people still drive after a drink or two, assuming that they are “fine” when they aren’t. When someone is killed by a drunk driver, you don’t hear people stating that the driver has been punished enough! Leaving a loaded weapon anywhere that a child can find it is negligent and while these parents will likely never forgive themselves, that doesn’t excuse them from also paying the price from a legal standpoint. The child is dead and whomever left the gun out is at fault and should be prosecuted as such. Just like a drunk driver.

  8. Tina on December 12th, 2016 9:49 am

    So so sad. Thoughts and prayers.

  9. Barbara on December 12th, 2016 8:45 am

    I was raised on a farm and my dad had loaded guns at the ready my entire life. My 5 siblings and I were taught gun discipline and respect our entire lives. When I had children I never gave them toy guns… how do you give them a gun to play with, but teach them not to play with guns???!!!

  10. David Huie Green on December 11th, 2016 11:43 pm

    “no real Parent would leave a loaded firearm where a child could find it period.”

    A “real” parent will do whatever parents really do.

    You are trying to define them out of existence because you disagree with their actions. My real parents taught me to assume every gun was loaded and not a toy, never to be pointed at anyone or anything we didn’t intend to kill.

    They really existed.
    They really were parents.
    They really loved us.

    No amount of brainwashing can change that reality.
    And “anne 1of2 ” and “Retired” were dead on the mark regarding the fact children will plunder and nothing will ever change that but they can be taught how to avoid many obvious dangers.

    (Understand, they will find others you never imagined — which is why I made many a trip to the Emergency Room but never for gun-related injuries and never the same cause twice. I was imaginative — foolish but imaginative.)

    David for reality, loving parents, safe children

  11. Memphis on December 11th, 2016 4:55 pm

    It is tragic. Negligence? Do we even know where the gun was? If you have children, then certainly you know the ingenuity of toddlers. We are not here to blame, judge and condemn each other. Your worst nightmare is now these parents’ reality. Until they breathe their last breath they will think about this child, miss this child and blame themselves. We all need to be kind, loving and supportive to/of each other. Until you take a walk in those shoes, you have no clue. All of you with the negative comments should be ashamed of yourselves. Never say never because it could have and could be your journey at some point in your life.

  12. Bratt Mom on December 11th, 2016 4:39 pm

    Knowing the pain of the loss of a child, I know and speak from experience. I know these parents are wishing it would been themselves who lost their lives last Friday night instead of that “Precious” life of their child. I can’t judge them, that’s makes no difference. If their is any Judging to be done, it will be the Judicial System or GOD himself. They will always blame themselves regardless of the outcome. We’re not to judge regardless of the situation. That is not our call. I feel for this family, they will live with this for the rest of their lives no matter what the end result is. Prayers for their family.

  13. Mr. Nobody on December 11th, 2016 4:12 pm

    WOW!! It’s amazing how all the people in our community are so quick to cast a guilty verdict before the investigation is even complete. It’s appalling to see people salivating at the opportunity to send someone to an already overpopulated prison system. The facts aren’t even in yet and people are screaming guilty. What if these parents are very happy normal productive members of society and have never committed a crime in their lives and not only are they faced with a catastrophic event now but the community wants to send them to prison to be housed with those scumbags who CHOSE to be criminals. This is ridiculous. Instead of believing in the fact that your innocent until proven guilty the community says guilty unless proven otherwise. What if the parents weren’t home? What if it was the babysitters weapon? What do you actually know about the incident? Improper storage of a firearm does not constitute a prison sentence. The prisons are understaffed and overpopulated people. And you just want to send the parents to prison. Get your head out of the clouds people. You complain about taxes being raised to fund things like the prisons and the state refuses to pay correctional officers a reasonable wage so in return those who chose to be criminals run the prison system and our community continues to to think that prison is the answer. I’m sure these people didn’t intentionally give the child a weapon. At the very least let’s allow the investigation to be complete before we hand out convictions. I have a feeling the jury will be contaminated due to the quick guilty verdict prior to an actual arrest.

  14. Karen on December 11th, 2016 2:14 pm

    We were raised with guns in the house that were not out of reach or locked up, my mother had a pistol given to her by her brother and it did not have a safety on it she kept it under her mattress at the head of the bed on the side she slept on she told us about it and the fact that there was no safety on it and we were not to mess with it and if we did we’d know what was in store. Now I had 2 older sisters and let me tell you we use to from time to time have some doosies of arguing and fighting (I’m talking normal childhhood sybling rivalry) but NEVER did we ever get mad enough with each other to even thinking about messing with that gun to settle our spats, I”m right with you @Retired I’m not bashing the poor grieving parents, I pray God gives this family PEACE AND COMFORT AS ONLY HE CAN. Start teaching your children about guns early in life and how to safely be around them.t early

  15. Bob's Brother on December 11th, 2016 12:30 pm

    Will some of you who believe that the parents whose child is gone explain to us what good will come of prosecuting them? They’ve already got a life sentence.

  16. Michelle on December 11th, 2016 11:32 am

    This family is going through so much. I wish the people that are posting their opinions on here would just let this family mourne over the loss of this child. If there are charges brought against them, let it happen when it does. Have a heart y’all. Put yourself in their shoes. God Bless you all !!

  17. Don on December 11th, 2016 9:46 am

    I would use the term “parents” in words only,no real Parent would leave a loaded firearm where a child could find it period.The “parent or parents” should be charged plain and simple and required mandatory parenting classes issued!!

  18. Jay Resident on December 11th, 2016 6:53 am

    I totally agree with Esc LEO 100%,,,, had they done their job the child would be alive ,This day will haunt them the rest of their lives and that is a good thing

    (, i’m sorry but I just can’t agree with those posts that say the parents are suffering enough already and no punishment they get could be worse than what they are going through.

    A child is dead and the parents are responsible for that. Their feelings being hurt is not punishment enough. This tragedy was avoidable if the parents cared enough to prevent it and they need punished for their negligence.)

  19. Larry on December 11th, 2016 2:39 am

    This is the most terrible thing to happen before Christmas, all I can do is pray for this small child. That being said this was completely avoidable and that poor child suffered because this gun was with in reach of this baby. I hope the law does its job to the full extent, absolutely no excuse for this. Just the thought of a gun laying with in grasp of a baby is crazy

  20. Esc co leo on December 11th, 2016 1:55 am

    I’m sorry but I just can’t agree with those posts that say the parents are suffering enough already and no punishment they get could be worse than what they are going through.

    A child is dead and the parents are responsible for that. Their feelings being hurt is not punishment enough. This tragedy was avoidable if the parents cared enough to prevent it and they need punished for their negligence.

  21. Well on December 10th, 2016 10:00 pm

    I can’t imagine how horrible this is for this family. But I’m sure Noone could ever punish them more than what they’re going through. Prayers for them and their ANGEL in heaven.

  22. Retired on December 10th, 2016 4:08 pm

    Yes very tragic, but some of the comments made me remember when I was about three or four years old, my parents showed me their loaded pistol, and showed us what it was wrapped in, an old flannel stocking cap, and where it was located, the bottom drawer of the dresser. They said it was loaded and very dangerous and not to touch it. We didn’t. We played with cap guns..and such but knew and respected the difference very young. Yes, we plundered but if we had come upon that we knew better. Not making a call here but just a memory of how my parents handled that years ago.

  23. anne 1of2 on December 10th, 2016 1:20 pm

    There is no such thing as hiding anything from a child. Just ask one the next time you are missing something. Leave an item out for one minute and the child will grab it. This is such a tragic thing to happen this time of the year. The Lord will help the family and has a new angel in his arms.

  24. Kari on December 10th, 2016 12:44 pm

    I’m pretty sure the parents are being punished enough to have to live with the fact that their child is gone and its because of their negligence, and with it being right here at the holidays. This is a parents worst nightmare! Prayers for the family.

  25. Bettye on December 10th, 2016 12:17 pm

    To Chris, Paul, Rick and Murphy. I’m sure u never lost a child for any reason, You just used a gun (ur remarks to shoot these Parents) When they know what they did and nothing u say can wound the any harder.

  26. Marie stewart on December 10th, 2016 11:37 am

    Right now this morning is so horrible for this sweet family I lived next door to for many years. Please, please, please, they are aware of what should have been done differently. Let them cry, pray, love on and be consoled right now. Let them bury their little boy right now and then you can say what they didn’t or should not have done.

  27. kiki on December 10th, 2016 11:01 am

    I feel so bad for this family!….and right here at the Christmas season too! No charges need to be brought as the parents ALREADY have a lifetime sentence. They have to live with this heartbreak and horror for the rest of their lives. Everyone around them also have to deal with this heartbreak as well. Lesson, once again, for the people. My prayers
    are with them all!

  28. Crystal on December 10th, 2016 10:22 am

    Thoughts and prayers for the family at this difficult time of year. May god help you get through the pain of loosing a little angel.

  29. Rick on December 10th, 2016 10:11 am

    Adults involved should be charged with the crime. It’s no accident, it’s negligence.

  30. Murphy on December 10th, 2016 9:52 am

    And the patents should be charged for leaving that gun out where the child could get it!!!

  31. paul on December 10th, 2016 8:48 am

    A Negligent gun owner is the cause. It isn’t an accident when a 3yr old can reach a gun. :(

  32. Chris on December 10th, 2016 8:08 am

    Gun safety or lack thereof in this case is NO accident. Gun safety is a deliberate protection measure that should be followed to the letter. This is a heartbreaking lesson taught in the harshest of ways. I feel so bad for the family.

  33. Greg on December 10th, 2016 7:34 am

    Prayers for this family during this tragic time.

  34. Doug on December 10th, 2016 6:46 am

    So sad thoughts and prayers go out to the family.
