UF/IFAS: Five Tips For Avoiding Common Holiday Health Pitfalls

November 27, 2016

Have you ever reached the end of a holiday buffet with a plate filled with more food than you intended?

The holiday season is primetime for overeating, said Nan Jensen, family and consumer sciences agent with University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences Extension.

Jensen’s job is to teach residents how to buy and prepare healthy meals and keep up a healthy lifestyle. “My programs are based on the idea that food is medicine,” she said. “This is the idea that food and lifestyle can help prevent and manage chronic diseases, such as heart disease and diabetes.”

While exercising 30 minutes a day and filling half your plate with fruits and vegetables is good advice year-round, the holidays present a special set of challenges for our health and wellness, Jensen acknowledged. Jensen has these tips for avoiding common holiday health pitfalls:

1. Be mindful. “Be aware of what you put into your body, and think about what it will do for your body,” said Jensen. If you’re in an endless buffet line, try to put only those things on your plate that you really want and that will do your body good.

2. Make every calorie count. “You want to make sure that you’re getting the most bang for your buck, nutritionally speaking, when you put food on your plate,” said Jensen. For example, fruits and vegetables are highly nutritious but are lower in calories than many less nutritious foods. Jensen recommends reserving a small portion of your plate for something decadent and filling the rest with nutrient-dense foods.

3. When it comes to alcohol, take it slow. “We always teach ‘alcohol in moderation,’” said Jensen. “In addition to containing lots of sugar and calories, alcohol can take away our inhibitions when it comes to indulging in other food and drink. Pace yourself by drinking a glass of water in between drinks.”

4. Keep up activity levels. Keep up whatever activity routine you normally have throughout the year, said Jensen, though don’t attempt any big changes in your fitness or nutrition regimen. “Don’t necessarily try to lose weight during the holidays—just try to maintain your weight where it is,” she said.

5. Take the focus off food. “Sometimes food is the center of family gatherings, especially during the holidays, and that can lead to overeating. Think about other activities you can do together that will still be fun for everyone,” said Jensen. “And don’t stress about making the holidays perfect—that can lead to stress eating.


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