Trump: ‘I Love This Area’, Going To Win Florida And White House
November 3, 2016
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump brought his message to Pensacola Wednesday night, an area in which he said his campaigns carries overwhelming support.
“In six days, we are going win the great state of Florida, and we are going to win the White House,” Trump said to rousing applause from the estimated six thousand people in a packed house at the Maritime Park Hunter Amphitheater.
Trump said he has immediate plans to repeal Obamacare once elected.
“Change begins with immediately repealing and replacing Obamacare,” Trump said. “It’s just been announced that the residents Florida…are going to experience massive, double-digit premium hikes…I want you to leave happy tonight knowing that we are going to make America great again.”
He also spent part of his 40 minute speech addressing the FBI investigation into Hillary Clinton’s private email server during her tenure as secretary of state.
“Hillary wants to blame everyone else for her mounting legal troubles but she has no one to blame but herself. She set up the illegal email server to hide her criminal activity,” he said.
Trump also offered his thoughts on a couple of key local issues — the Blue Angels and the Pensacola Bay Bridge.
“We will ensure the Blue Angels continue to inspire. I love those guys, I love the Blue Angels,” he said. He also said the Pensacola Bay Bridge should be replaced.
Trump said he loves the Pensacola area.
“It’s a great honor to be with you tonight. It’s a great area. This is an amazing area,” Trump said.
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41 Responses to “Trump: ‘I Love This Area’, Going To Win Florida And White House”
Sheep will follow there handlers all the way to the slaughter because it’s the same people who feed them
Vote Trump drain the swamp
We have a TV in the waiting room in Omaha Trailways bus terminal. I noticed last night @ all of Hillary’s rally’s with Obama . Bill, Michelle <Hillary, Biden that they had Beyoncé, JZ and other actors/singers /performers working up the crowds to a frenzy These so called performers. spewing filth are Hillary's attempt to entice and rig the election. Work people with mushy brains and like a "Judas goat" lead them to the polls.
give the dog a bone and he will be loyal! Heaven help us!
retired: Thanks for your thoughts and being a great American…..the true
enemies of our Republic honestly believe they can fool ALL of the people
Some of the time and SOME of us ALL of the Time. The majority of us
Have to work ,pay bills,raise families and all that goes with that. Many just
don’t have the time to put any thought into what all the left is trying to do. We’ve
got a chance this election to give the LEFTYIES a sore eye.
Wilekyote. That’s exactly what we have thought about the two party system and enjoy these other people’s comments about trying to weigh things out and chose the best candidate for the job no matter the party. The fact Trump is an outsider but knew his only chance was to go in through a major party may be one reason for his popularity. Maybe the people voting for the third party have their reasons, I don’t understand. I have certainly learned a lot these past few years but the more I learn the more I realize the complexities of government and history and even have a renewed faith that there are some real people and citizens putting a lot of thought into our country oand the USA. Let us respect one another.
C-5 guy
Maybe you should check out the latest on that.
Most have been thrown out and last I checked no one was killed to cover it up. Can’t say that about killery and her many investigations. So be sure to stock up on tissue because America is tired of the lies so we are voting Trump.
God bless American and the people who truly defend it.
What I am saying is! There use to be honesty and integery in broadcasting the news! We trusted it! Well thats all gone! WE DO NOT WANT YOUR OPIONION OF THE NEWS!!!!!!!!! WE JUST WANT THE REAL NEWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IT amazes me that in this race they are so!!!!!!!!!!!!! highly offended when you call them on it!!!
Join with me if you will and just boycott the main stream media! You see money does talk ! Example Dixie Chicks ( and the CMA s are now on the list) target( notice they have changed their minds some what) Beatles( long time a go) Campells soup(look it up your self) What would happen if america boycotted hollywood? We made a movie and no one watched it? I find it odd that what is broadcast over the FREE air waves is so bias! You know ABC,CBS,NBC, BUT then when you research the internet ! WOW! Some one is not telling the truth! Oh I left out CNN, MSNBC, New york times ( 95.7 drop in revinew ) Spin time is over with! Decisions have econsqesese ! And the elite news media has made some very bad chooses! But I am very glad it has be exposed!
My my! well fail programs under obama for solar energy ! Faluire to investagate gun running in to mexico( eric holder) obamacare esessive out of control EPA regulations ! Benghazi (hillary what does it matter) based on a lie about a video tape! Clinton Foundation taking millions from those who purposely rape and the general down grading of women across this world and those in the music & hollywood industary endorcing it! WiKI leaks to the truth! And a national bias in THE MEDIA so bad that WHY should I trust any thing they say? Well if you lie to misrepesent the truth on one thing you could do it on all things reported Correct? Now I know the liberal sect is very upset because we are not (buying) it any more! well boo-hoo! Whats on the line is our next SC justice! Our economy! Our constitusion of the USA! Our gun rights ! The right tp protect our borders! I do not wish to have the left shove down our throats of what they think is a better world thru socialsoin ! Well hillary did a fine job on sanders in her own party! So what do you think she WILL DO TO US TRUMP SUPPORTS ????????????????????
@C-5 guy, Does C-5 equal the AF airplane. I spent 24 years as an Electronics guy on all AF aircraft,
I feel that I am wise enough to know ,read and hear see what Hillary/Bill and Obama have done in the last 30plus years and I don’t want any more of them. “Huckster”
TRUMP is not my choice, however I am smart enough to know that there is a snowball chance in Hades that a third party candidate will win. I have to take my chances with TRUMP.
So you think the huckster that did the “Trump University” FRUAD and cheated thousands of people out of their hard earned money will treat you any better than he did them? Dream on. He spent his life not paying his bills, taxes and contractors.
Wise up!
@ Kate, typical Dem., blaming all the problems on “W” 8 years later. cant admit the wrongs of the Dems. that would be sacrilege.
Don’t think the “W” thought up a scheme called Obamacare, which is climbing in costs tremendously, over 25% this year. It will bankrupt those of us that work.
work…. a four letter word that far too many don’t do!
Kate, your post is almost incoherent, but I’ll attempt an answer here: Why do people who don’t like what they hear throw out blanket accusations about what others might believe? I think for myself. I’ve voted for democrats before, if I thought that they were the best candidate for the position. An example would be Sheriff and Superintendent of Schools. In this case, HRC will likely be indicted for her e-mail mess and other actions that she is embroiled in. I think, in this case, Trump is the best candidate for the Presidency. Perfect? No, but at least he’s not a criminal and will most likely get some things DONE.
Retired: I’m sure you understand all qualified candidates for President
are hoping for votes…..I’m hoping one day we will eliminate
All Parties as the big two (2) have corrupted our system. Any
and all elected officials should only be beholden to ‘We The People”
and nothing else. In this Election cycle we have an OUTSIDER that
has aligned himself with the Republicans……..realizing of course it’s
His only chance to win. He’s the closest to being non-party since
Ross Perot……..I’ve already voted for TRUMP and sure hope enough
of us can steer through the talk masters . Do consider also the vast
BILLIONS of $$$$ that our MEDIA collects during every election cycle !
They need/want $$$$ …..and are complicit in our downward spiral !
So far the Republicans, which would mean Trump, are way ahead in votes cast in Escambia County. The early turnout by mail and early voting is phenomenal. The people who cast a third party vote must not understand the election process. After Nov 8 election results are in that will determine the twenty nine people in Florida who actually cast the vote for the president in December. If the popular vote in Florida selects the Republican party, the electors are then expected to cast their vote for Trump. Will they?
Your 2 posts don’t go together
I love when someone reads something on Facebook posted by another sheep and they all fall in line.
Donald Trump has never had anyone killed to cover up his rong doings,dose not support murdering babys,dose not want to let isis through the front door and he stands behind law enforcement. So my vote goes to Trump.
Make America great vote Trump
OR make America fall vote killary
Explain to me why I should choose the democratic party?
I know what I want to say, but not sure how to say it! I respect everyone’s opinion, that is why we are different than other governments. I saw Clinton the other morning with a group of women and they said the US Pledge, when they got to one nation, they completely left out the word God. We don’t really know what we will get with Trump, but we know exactly what we get with Hilary. We get dead babies, open borders, lose our guns and Christian religious Freedom. Trump lacks a lot when it comes to personality, but who else would use their own money, to take on the Democrat, Republican and Media Evil. Who else would have taken on the corrupt government. God used David, Paul, Sampson, Noah and a lot of other unworthy people, but they all helped further his Kingdom. I don/t know about anyone else, but I had rather take my chances with someone who does not want to cut God out.
Just one more thought. I’ve known a few people with some real money and they were always talking about their latest lawsuit. I swear that’s how rich people stay ahead. So, Mr. Trump being involved in 3000 lawsuits with 75 pending sounds very normal to me.
Can you imagine if a Democratic Candidate for President:::
Changed stance on abortion 4X.
Defrauded thousands with a fake Trump University.
Refused to release their tax returns.
Spoke nicely of Putin.
Had 3 marriages.
Changed political party 3X.
For the record I also have always paid for health insurance. Why do republicans all think that if you one bit of sense your living off government benefits? Shows the kind of ignorance republicans so often fall for.
Kate, I hope he does win. For the record, I’ve always had health insurance that I have PAID for out of my pocket and I am not rich!! Stop lumping all of us into one “basket of deplorables”. We’re all different but have one thing in common: We don’t want a criminal in the White House!
He loves this area because it strokes his massive ego. The man has no respect for anyone but himself. He’s had multiple wives, didn’t raise his children, ripped off every person possible. He’s the modern day PT Barnum knowing very well there’s a sucker born every day.
Not being a Republican or Democrat allows a somewhat unbiased look
@ our Presidential choices and direction of our Republic. By becoming
an Independent… thought was to shut down the influence of $$ from
big donors, other Countries, Corporations etc. But with the corruptness of
the two big parties they simply created PACS and SUPER PACS. We also
have the corrupt media (both print and TV) trying to influence” We The People”
as they think we are unable to think for ourselves….and are correct with prolly
65% of us. The District of Columbia is chock-full of corruption from top to bottom
and does in fact need a good hosing-out. If we keep voting for the same-ole
people with corrupt connections and intentions then we can only blame ourselves.
We probably won’t get another chance to put an “OUTSIDER” in the White
House. We have a REPUBLIC if we can keep it….but not enough of us even
knows what it means.
All of you Hillary loving full term baby murder supporting liberal lushes have it all wrong. Hillary has done NOTHING positive in DC for 30 years. Russia has absolutely no respect for Hillary and you guys keep screaming “war” if Trump gets in office, the war will happen with Hillary if not with Russia then at home right here when she brings in 500,000 radicalized Muslims and they takes all guns away but shotguns. Not including the US remaining a joke in world trade deals. At least Trump is on good terms with Russia, will make wiser trade deals, get rid of Obamacare and put people in place that will not tolerate full term baby murder by whores who can’t keep their legs closed or make up their minds earlier. If voting Trump in alone saves one life of a baby, it is a must. If Hillary gets in, enjoy the next 4 years under Obama v3.0.
The DONALD says he loves this area, that just doesn’t make sense! There is NOT one building in Pensacola with gold lettering TRUMP on it or the furnishings with GOLD trimming or a 20 foot photo of the DONALD hanging. There used to be a guy with those self gratifying traits in the world but “W” took him out and I guess most of us agree with what he did!!
Viva la Trump!
Kate is at it early, so I must comment also. I voted for a guy in 1980 that had a problem during the election because he was married twice. Now there is candidate running that has two mail order brides and sweet Marla from Georgia, why don’t you take look on the web as why he couldn’t hold onto her. She said it wasn’t because he has small hands. The DONALD has been involved with over 3000 lawsuits and currently about 75 are open. One in NY right now that involves the rape of a 13 yr. old girl. He has lost close to a billion dollars in one year running these great business he brag about and has declared bankruptcy 6 or more times, all of his junk is made overseas. If your hands and brain is smaller than the DONALD, well go vote for him. I’ve heard that there is a new meaning for GOP!!!
I believe that Donald Trump will win this years election with that being said i have to agree on what has said about Hillary she will not be taken over by foreign countries like China and Russia We will be consumed or swallowed if you will. Putin has already announced there will be war if Clinton is elected I also agree with Mr. Trump about Hillary blaming everyone for her crime and we can’t have someone like that in the White House regardless of there age, gender, race or otherwise. So lets America great again and have a Blessed day.
Kate on November 3rd, 2016 7:33 am
I’m NOT the very rich, but I manage to have health care because I actually work!
Neither Hillary nor Trump are what I would want for a President, but it seem in this day and age there are NO true STATESMEN.
Since Hillary and Trump are our choices, I will go with the lesser of the two evils, (and when speaking of Hillary I do mean EVIL).
Trump may not be perfect, but he truly sees what is wrong in our country. Hillary is out for lining her and Bill’s pockets, i.e. the Clinton Foundation, (which actually should be called the CLINTON FUND).
Hey Kate, we don’t vote based on how much taxpayer money is promised to be spent on us. We are grown-ups, we can take care of ourselves. How’s that FBI investigation going on your candidate, anyways?
Forget what the media says about him. His speech was very inspiring to everyone. I’ve already voted for him, but if anyone is still on the fence, consider what the next President can do for your children, for your grandchildren, for you. Listen to facts, not lies. Consider who has a criminal background, and who doesn’t. Who has put millions of people to work, and who hasn’t.
We need a President who is not a part of the political “club”. I can’t utter a sentence about the gender person. That person does not represent females as I think of myself. would never print my thoughts, lol.
Thanks to Obamacare, I have provided myself with a Health Savings Account. It benefits the healthy not the wealthy. Not my choice of health coverage, but it beats Obamacare! Insurance is what has driven high medical costs in the 1st place and Obamacare has done absolutely nothing to reduce them. What it has reduced is the actual care needed by the patient from the medics.
This is the most terrible choice to be made.
Clinton, with all the investigation of her emails ( real or not, crimes ) but still would be most qualified , stable and most real policies.
Trump, most unqualified ( of any president hopeful ) lacking of temperament , policies that have no hope of working . They would create job losses and mass debt, stock market will defiantly drop out. Won’t listen to the Generals (thinks he knows more) MOST IMPORTANTLY, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA AND RUSSIA
He is actually for gun control and abortions, has said so many times!!!!
I want change too, but only if it’s for the better! Let’s not jump from the frying pan unto the fire
No we hope to live off the scraps of poor people. Because they are the ones that are opening businesses and creating jobs.
If Trump gets it. We gone be in a war before the year ends. This guy is dumb.. DUMP THE TRUMP!
vote trump or we gona be in real trouble people. why would we want a woman thats had kids and she has no valve in life for unborn babies.killing an unborn baby in the 9th that murder or what?? she thinks the foreign countries love her but they gona take control of the u.s. if she elected.she loves power and money.trump wants to get america back the way it should. we need someone that can get jobs back in america.ombama did not create jobs.he lost jobs here letting the jobs leave america for cheap labor.dont let it happen people.stop letting everthing leave the u.s. and foreigns take over. not to many run american businesses no more.look around.
I kinda hope he does win, if you didn’t learn from Georgie you sure will from trumpie. I want to see any of you provide yourself with healthcare on a health savings account. They are for the very rich not the average class folks. Lets see you live off the scraps the wealthy may throw you. Hey did he say he would bring his companies back to the USA?
he likes this area because he sells more Chinese hats here..
MR TRUMP will make AMERICA great again