Scott Heads To NY, Meets With Trump

November 18, 2016

Florida Gov. Rick Scott, who led a political committee that raised $20 million to help Republican Donald Trump’s campaign, traveled to New York City on Thursday to congratulate the president-elect on his victory last week and to offer help “to reinvent the federal government.”

Scott tweeted two pictures of himself and Trump, who were both smiling broadly, taken at Trump Tower.

“Great seeing my friend @realDonaldTrump today,” Scott tweeted. Later in an interview on Fox News, Scott reaffirmed that he wants to remain as Florida’s governor, although there has been speculation he could join the Trump administration, possibly as the secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

“I’m not interested,” Scott told Fox News anchor Neil Cavuto. “I’m interested in doing whatever I can to help him rewrite Obamacare, redesign the government and help him work with the 33 Republican governors who have great ideas to help him be successful. If he’s successful, Florida will be successful.”

Asked to react to the possibility of former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who had been a harsh critic of the president-elect, becoming Trump’s secretary of state, Scott said: “It’s the Trump administration. It’s always going to be the Trump administration. It’s going to be what his beliefs are. All this talk about different positions and things like that, it’s still the Trump administration.” Scott told Cavuto “that you should surround yourself with people who believe in what you’re doing and are going to do everything they can to support you.” But Scott recalled his election in 2010, when most of the Republican establishment did not support him, and said “I had to forget some of the things that people said” as he created his first administration as governor. Scott expressed confidence that Trump would be successful in establishing a leadership team. “Donald Trump is going to find the best people. He’s going to make sure they do their job. He’s going to hold everybody accountable.” Scott, who like Trump was a business executive before winning his first political office, said Trump “has specific goals to get things done.” In addition to repealing Obamacare, Scott said: “We have to get rid of a lot of parts of government that doesn’t work. So much of federal government, there is no return on investment and Donald Trump is going to focus on that.”

by The News Service of Florida


8 Responses to “Scott Heads To NY, Meets With Trump”

  1. Jim on November 19th, 2016 7:19 pm

    @So dangerous and Henry Coe. U only get 1 vote a piece. U lost. Get over it.

  2. so dangerous on November 19th, 2016 7:37 am

    both Trump and Scott is what the bible warned about ” it easier for a camel to get though an eye of a needle than a rich man to make it to the kingdom of heaven”

    Why you may ask? Not because they have money, it’s how they got it! Off the backs of hard working people and their tax dollars, while they pay nothing! Why would you think it makes them good business? Why would a Christian vote for them and brag about it. When Jesus was on earth he taught against looking to such men.

  3. Jim on November 19th, 2016 1:01 am

    Henry Coe. First of all Hillary as of today only has 1.2 million more votes than Trump. But that lead probably will increase because word is on election night lines in California backed up all the way across the border into Tijuana. Take away California and Trump wins by 1.9 million votes. Hillarys popular vote total was aided by her 3 million plus more votes she got in California than Trump did. A state that has more legal (non citizen) and illegal immigrants than any other state. A state that requires no form of identification to cast a vote. But your argument is irrelevant to begin with. The US Constitution says the president is elected by electoral votes. Not popular votes. This was done to prevent any state from having to much influence on the outcome of the presidential election. California has 39 million people. Wyoming has less than 600,000. Yet both only get 2 US senators. The founding fathers were much smarter than you and I. The only thing that would be unfair about this election is not going by the rules that were in place on Election Day. and that was that the electorial votes would decide the presidential winner. Not the popular vote. And why are we still counting votes 10 days after the election. And why is it with each day Hillary increases her popular vote total? Seems suspicious since only election night she was actually behind in the popular vote. Since liberals want to change the rules after Election Day, we conservatives should get to change the rules too. I suggest that our after the election rule change be that any vote casted without showing a form of ID be thrown out as possible voter fraud. That means Hillary not only loses her popular vote totals in California. But also the 55 electorial votes she received by winning California. What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.

  4. Henry Coe on November 18th, 2016 11:08 pm

    @Jim, When 2 Million more voters voted for the candidate that lost, in a Democracy, you are going to hear about it. That being said, Hillary supporters are not really whining about who won, we are just whining because even by normal Conservative values, Trump isn’t ethically qualified and has no experience in governing.
    Our government is not a business and it should not be run like a business because Government should not have a profit motive either for our government or anyone in the private sector milking tax dollars for private sector contract when an efficiently run government can hire employees and do jobs at cost without a profit motive.
    With all the private sector Dark Money influencing our elections, because of Citizens United vs the FEC, our Democracy is still being overtaken by Plutocrats who’s motivations are about money/greed and not “The People”.
    Trump is going to drive up the deficit, increase inflation, drop taxes for the Uber Rich which will cause tax amounts to be unbalanced between the Poor and Middle Class vs the Uber Rich.
    I would also expect to see deregulations to set Wall Street and the Banks for another Crash and to see Small Businesses die off in trying to compete with unrestrained Large Corporations. This will be/is the Legacy left to the rest of us from Conservative Baby Boomers and it’s about to get worse and more difficult to repair, IMHO.

  5. Jim on November 18th, 2016 6:49 pm

    Tg. Only thing worse than losing an election is winning an election and hearing the losers whine about it.

  6. Kathy on November 18th, 2016 4:00 pm

    I’m glad to see Trump as our new President. I think Rick Scott is a good governor too.

  7. Citizen on November 18th, 2016 1:26 pm

    I imagine they spoke of deportation of illegal immigrant Criminals and securing our borders in Florida. I also imagine they discussed to continue to try to work on straightening out the justice system to be able to carry out capital punishment for murdering criminals. Scott can do more for FL as governor, although unpopular he is doing a good job where it counts. I think it is good for FL to have a good relationship with DC is great news. They are both familiar with this area also and may be good for jobs and economy locally during this Administration.

  8. tg on November 18th, 2016 8:30 am

    Pleeeezzzzee dont appoint Scott to anything but paying the Govt. back.