Northview NJROTC Annual Inspection Held (With Photo Gallery)

November 3, 2016

Northview High School’s NJROTC Annual Inspection was held Wednesday at the school, with cadets undergoing  face to face scrutiny with a retired Navy commander.

Commander Merlin Ladner, USN (Ret) conducted the inspection. The day’s events began with a personnel inspection, drill demonstration and a pass-in-review in the school gym. The commander also conducted a financial record review, briefings, administrative inspections, supply inspections and more.

One by one, Cmdr. Ladner went face to face with each cadet, asking them questions about their NJROTC experience and conducting a complete inspection of their uniform.

“Yes, sir,” the cadets answered as they faced the questions about their NJROTC service, their ribbons, the shine on their shoes and some less than expected questions about every day life and football that left some cadets trying not to crack a smile.

“Who pressed your uniform?” Ladner asked one cadet.

“My mother,” the cadet responded.

“You should have pressed your own uniform,” Ladner replied. “But your mom did a good job.”

“This is a great program” said Ladner, who conducts annual inspections at dozens of high schools in the Southeast, told the entire group following his inspection. “I want you to know how proud I am of you. You have set the benchmark for other programs this year.”

Northview’s NJROTC is under the command of Senior Naval Science Instructor Captain Charlie Code and Chief Jeffrey Simpkins. The unit is led by Company Commander Cadet LCDR Sara McCreary and Executive Officer Cadet LT Alyssa Borelli.

For a photo gallery from the inspection, click here.

Several cadets were promoted during Wednesday’s review:

Exemplary Personal Appearance award/ribbon:
Cadet James White
Cadet Maggie Lane
Cadet Destiny Braddock
Cadet Gabbrielle Peebles
Cadet Keviana Brown
Cadet Jessica Muse
Cadet Keaton Brown
Cadet Jacob Borelli
Cadet Hayley Ward
Cadet Meggan Brown
Cadets that were meritorious promoted:

Cadet Keaton Brown
Cadet Colton Dockens

For a photo gallery from the inspection, click here.

Pictured: Northview High School’s NJROTC Annual Inspection Wednesday morning. photos, click to enlarge.


7 Responses to “Northview NJROTC Annual Inspection Held (With Photo Gallery)”

  1. Grateful on November 3rd, 2016 8:48 pm

    Great Job cadets! So happy to see young men and women participating in this program.

  2. Becka Peebles on November 3rd, 2016 7:13 pm

    Proud to see our Gabbie get an award! Good job Gabbie and Tori! Keep up the good work. We love you!

  3. Becca on November 3rd, 2016 6:56 pm

    So proud of you James!
    Keep up the hard work, you can do anything you set your mind to!

  4. Sage2 on November 3rd, 2016 11:08 am

    The various schools in the area offering NJROTC are an asset to the young people who may participate. Those making a choice to enter the service(any branch) will have benefited from the completion of four years in these character building programs.

  5. Goodie odom on November 3rd, 2016 9:16 am

    It’s a great program.Our Granddaughter Jeniya Odom,was in NJROTC and it has done.nothing but good for her.She is moving on ,with what she learned in the program.Thanks to the guidance she received .Thank you everyone for keeping the program going strong.

  6. anne 1of2 on November 3rd, 2016 8:31 am

    I’m as proud as a parent and I don’t know any of these cadets. It does a heart good to read these things..

  7. linda moorer on November 3rd, 2016 3:36 am

    i think that the NJROTC program is awesome i have a Cadet that finished at Northview High and i would like to thank Captain Code and Chief Simpkins for a wonderful job my grandaughter now attend Marion Military Int. thank yall again