Henry Hawkins Elected As Century’s New Mayor

November 9, 2016

Henry Hawkins has been elected the new mayor of Century.

Hawkins had 337 total votes (59%), while incumbent Freddie McCall had 230 (41%), according to a complete, but official results Tuesday night.

“I feel good. The people have spoke, and they wanted a change,” Hawkins said after learning the results. “My first big plans are to help clean up the town and make it more presentable so that we can get businesses in here.”

“I’m disappointed, but it is what it is,” McCall said. “The people have spoke. I wish him the best of luck. I hope it works out.

McCall has served two terms as mayor, while Hawkins served four years on the town council followed by an unsuccessful run for mayor in 2011.

Hawkins will be sworn in as mayor on January 2.

Pictured: Incumbent Mayor Freddie McCall (left) congratulates his successor Henry Hawkins Tuesday night in Century. NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.


7 Responses to “Henry Hawkins Elected As Century’s New Mayor”

  1. Well on November 10th, 2016 8:23 am

    I like trying to interpret the grin on each ones face.
    Small town with big needs so hopefully they can find that needle in the haystack.

  2. Retired on November 9th, 2016 1:36 pm

    I also want to say Thank you for your service Mayor McCall. You were definitely here during trying times throughout and your patience and optimism and work are noted and appreciated.
    Congratulations Mr. Hawkins.
    And yes Kevin, that I totally agree.
    I hope people are realizing that more and more
    This is our community, our town, just because someone steps up to the plate doesn’t suddenly mean they are the savior, the righter of wrongs, God and Daddy but someone willing to work, to try, to educate themselves about what it takes to be in the spot light under scrutiny should be commended and supported.
    A new member of the council will emerge. It is not that they suddenly have all the answers or are perfect, the pay is neglible but life goes on and it is so much better with a kind word, a positive outlook but especially if each individual takes responsibility for their own actions and thoughts words and deeds.
    We are like birds, all flying in a “V” when one moves to the front or one moves behind the others share in the load with their strengths with in the flock to move us all along.
    Even if the media makes fun of our grammar and misspelled words and aggravates me sometimes. I think it’s all part of the picture and I appreciate you all.

  3. Kevin on November 9th, 2016 11:22 am

    Congratulations Mr. Hawkins. Let us all be conscious of the fact that no one man can do this alone. I would suggest that we all take an active part in our community and come together to make this town a great place to work and live,

  4. A proud century man on November 9th, 2016 12:11 am

    About time century get some one who cares for the town and not flomaton..

  5. A proud century man on November 9th, 2016 12:10 am

    About time.century get some one dat care for the town and not flomaton ..

  6. Retired on November 8th, 2016 11:14 pm

    It looks to me you can thank the voter’s for voting for him. They have spoken.
    Boutwell and Freddie may have split the votes in the primary but Hawkins won fair and square. Boutwell is a fine good member of the council. I still expect good days and support the leaders. I hope the citizens that voted feel more engaged and hopeful.
    It is what it is. Let’s go from here.

  7. Birdie on November 8th, 2016 9:18 pm

    Well hate to say it but Center just went to crap this man is not mayor material but we can thank Ben Bout well for this set up