Gulf Power: New Year Will Bring Lower Electricity Prices

November 3, 2016

Gulf Power customers are expected to see slightly lower monthly bills after state regulators on Wednesday approved fuel costs for the coming year.  The Pensacola-based Gulf Power said average residential customers will see their bills go from $148.64 to $144.01.

“This price decrease is great news for our customers, especially as we head into the cold winter months,” said Jeff Rogers, Gulf Power spokesperson. “And because Gulf Power employees have been working hard toward a more balanced energy mix, our customers are able to take advantage of lower fuel prices now, and into the future.”

Every year, the Florida Public Service Commission adjusts Gulf Power’s prices to reflect cost changes in fuel, environmental controls and energy conservation programs.

This decrease comes on the heels of a price increase request to continue to invest in the reliability of Northwest Florida’s energy infrastructure. In October, Gulf Power requested that the Florida Public Service Commission conduct a public review of their prices and a proposed increase that would begin in July 2017. The last time customers saw a price increase was in January 2015, and when compared to those prices, the average residential customer’s monthly bill in July 2017 would increase by only $2.50 per month or less than 2 percent.

“If approved, that requested investment would help secure long-term reliability, continue smart grid improvements, and bolster our goal of achieving a balanced energy mix,” said Rogers. “Along with that request, we’ve asked for approval of new customer rate options designed to make bills more predictable, and greater customer conveniences including an improved online experience, additional payment locations at popular stores and payment kiosks in business offices.”


7 Responses to “Gulf Power: New Year Will Bring Lower Electricity Prices”

  1. Light Bulb on November 7th, 2016 8:56 am

    Thought they just announced a rated increase…it’s not nice to tease.

  2. Don on November 4th, 2016 10:33 am

    It’s like any utility service,you pay what they say or do without,can’t fight city hall.

  3. Anne on November 4th, 2016 6:08 am

    Y’all don’t suppose this “Lower Prices” has anything to do with the push that Gulf Power is doing to promote their scam of Solar Power Amendment 1?

    They and other of our ‘Services’ seem to be able to raise any amount on our bills that they wish.

    When it comes to Gulf Power we the consumers are Power-Less.

  4. tg on November 3rd, 2016 2:46 pm

    Thanks to your comments i have figured this out. Its called Gulf Power Psycobabble.They are quickly moving the cups with the ball under it.

  5. Bob C. on November 3rd, 2016 11:35 am

    @ tg & anne 1of2
    100% in agreement, with all the both of you.

    I could testify that we just had articles saying the rates were going UP !!!!
    There was some mumbo-jumbo, hocus-pocus yadda-yadda about how rates were going UP because of costs to Gulf Power so they could improve their infrastructure to promote more stable power to consumers.

    DOWN ? Nope, about all that goes DOWN in relation to Gulf Power and other utilities, including ECUA is that the DOWN refers to how much we citizens have left in our checking accounts after paying their increasing bills.

    Wish Gulf Power and other power companies would use the HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS OF $$$$$$ used to promote their Amendment-1 toward the cost of doing business…that may truly lower costs.

    VOTING NO on Amendment-1

  6. anne 1of2 on November 3rd, 2016 8:43 am

    I’m with you tg, they just had in the news that their rates were going up. I guess every line of the bill should have a plus or minus for what goes up and what goes down since kilowatt hour isn’t the only charge’ I am sure it averages out. I want it warm or cold. It is my favorite bill for service rendered.

  7. tg on November 3rd, 2016 6:56 am

    Bills are going down but up.Im so confused.