Early Voting Ends; Voter Turnout Already At 44 Percent

November 6, 2016

Early voting ended Saturday in Escambia County with 56,174 early votes cast. Combined with 36,598 vote-by-ballots returned to date, a total of 92,772 votes are already cast in this year’s general election.

Combined voter turnout from early vote and vote-by-mail is currently 44 percent.
Early voting was up 29 percent over 2012 and 12 percent over 2008.

Of the votes cast to date, 46,439 were Republicans, 32,267 were Democrats and 14,101 were “other”.


3 Responses to “Early Voting Ends; Voter Turnout Already At 44 Percent”

  1. Ponderosa hill on November 7th, 2016 3:16 pm

    Who owns Air Force ONE ? Here’s a hint….. ‘We the peolple”. Who’s paying
    the Presidents salary ? Another hint….”We the people “. So what gives Obama
    the right to get on our plane….collecting our pay….then fly to Florida and Campaign
    for ANY candidate especially one of his own PARTY ???? Go Trump and hose
    out the SWAMP !

  2. Lisa Watson on November 7th, 2016 2:05 pm

    What is obvious is that if they had anything to charger her on they would have done so by now. The people going after her are the republicans Why? Because they’d rather have ANYONE than a black guy or a woman.

    They knew decades ago that she is a force to be reckoned with and they have been trying for decades to crush her chances. They have lied, and brought up bogus investigations and lied some more. If they had ANYTHING, they’d have taken her out. THAT alone should tell you something.

    I’m sick and tired of republican lies, and republican obstruction of the democratic process. It’s time to vote them all out and keep them all out until they can work for the people and not for themselves and their sick agendas.

    A vote for Trump is frankly, a slap in the face of this nation.

  3. Deo Vindice on November 7th, 2016 6:58 am

    It’s obvious the Clintons OWN the system….look no further than theFBI probe that keeps getting quashed. Aren’t we all sick of corrupt business as usual politicians?
    Trump gets my vote