Dept. Of Revenue Finds Century Tax Increase Notice Violated State Law

November 2, 2016

A legal notice placed by the Town of Century for a recent property tax increase has been deemed by the Florida Department of Revenue to be in violation of the law, according to FDOR documentation.

A quarter page legal notice was required to be published in a printed newspaper of general circulation with a second class mail permit in the Century area. But the ad placed by the Town of Century in the Tri-City Ledger newspaper was published at less than a quarter page, creating the violation.

The town will be required to re-run the tax increase notification ad at one-quarter of page, along with a one-quarter page ad that states in bold print “The previous notice placed by the Town of Century has been determined by the Department of Revenue to be in violation of the law, necessitating this second notice”.

In addition, the Department of Revenue found that total tax amount, advertised by the town at $29,000 due to an accounting error, should have been $30,954.

An additional public hearing concerning the tax increase and budget will be required.

Council members were informed of the situation on Tuesday. The Century Town Council will discuss the violation and error at their upcoming regular meeting at 7 p.m. Monday at the Century Town Hall.

According to Town Clerk Leslie Howington, neither issue will impact Century residents. Residents will not see any additional tax increase beyond the previously approved ad valorem millage rate increase from 0.9005 to 0.9732, a 9.84% increase over the rolled back rate. file photo, click to enlarge.


9 Responses to “Dept. Of Revenue Finds Century Tax Increase Notice Violated State Law”

  1. Dennis on November 3rd, 2016 7:21 pm

    all this ranting and raving because they placed the wrong size ad? Did you even read the article before posting your comment?

  2. Century Citizen on November 2nd, 2016 9:26 pm

    To the negative comments in general:
    First, you do have a constitutional right to pretty much say what you want to, no matter how idiotic, misinformed and uneducated it may sound to the rest of us. However, unless you are a citizen of Century, you really have no right to talk about such things as dissolving the Town of Century or anything our town government does. And when you say “how long will we be held back”, who is “we” and what are you being held back from? Also, the Town of Century isn’t paying an attorney $300 an hour for general legal advice. As for the tax increase, the country, the state, and the county have all had tax increases numerous times in the past and could again whenever warranted. So can any incorporated town. So what? I truly believe that some of you are envious that we have an incorporated town with a government that cares about us and your communities do not. Get over it.

  3. District Five on November 2nd, 2016 6:24 pm

    Although State Road 29 runs through Century, I agree with some here. It is the entrance into Escambia County. The County has jurisdiction to enforce code and start the ball rolling to get at least the entranceway cleaned up. I am not sure if the county commission respects Century’s home rule or what. Perhaps they would be discriminating if they only cite the homes along the gateway, perhaps they are just used to seeing them or are related to the owners. I believe the municipality for the small town is best. I believe they need to co ordinate with the county services that the residents pay taxes on. Clean up the Gateway. Even the entrance into Gulf Shores looks good on the highway but about the same as this area a block in. Tell Steve Barry or turn them in yourself.
    Support the small town though, they have secured FEMA grants to keep our evacuation routes open and much more. They have secured over a million $ grants for improvements company ng any day now. I am proud of them.

  4. Retired on November 2nd, 2016 2:41 pm

    When you say “we” does that mean you are a registered voter in Century? I researched a bit after seeing these comments and wondered myself if that would actually be better for the town and the residents of Escambia County. I looked into the process and although people may get on some sort of negative bandwagon because of various reasons, as a whole that would probably be of no benefit to anyone. First, the residents would have to pay for an election to unincorporate, then if any debt the residents would divide among themselves and pay it themselves. Would anyone here vote for that? No Way. The incorporated status brings many benefits not just to the residents but to others coming through and for services. The incorporated status allows for grants for infrastructure improvents. The list can go on on one of the advantages and the good work done by these individuals. I say add to the work of what can be done to improve this entrance into district five Escambia County.
    A small property tax is a necessary tool for the framework for this small town to Keep on Keeping on. Keep the faith. My grandfather served on the town council years ago. Not, easy then certainly harder now.

  5. Thomas on November 2nd, 2016 11:23 am

    I too believe it is time for Century to be dissolved & the county step in. I believe in the long run all would be better off.

  6. chris on November 2nd, 2016 9:50 am

    “in violation of the law” so “keep up the good work??”

  7. Concerned on November 2nd, 2016 8:34 am

    Is it just me or is there becoming more and more incompetency with the Town of Century? This is exactly why I believe that we should begin to consider dissolving the Town of Century and allow the county to take it over. Century is a well positioned town and, for many tourists, the first glimpse of Escambia County while traveling to the area. How long will we be held back?

  8. chris on November 2nd, 2016 6:10 am

    More shenanigans. Perhaps at $300.00 per hour an attorney could advise Century how to stay within the legal guidelines.

  9. Resident on November 2nd, 2016 2:08 am

    It’s the little things that make the big things happen. Keeping our eyes on the Big Picture. Keep up the good work Century Leaders. “We are on your side” The ones who never make a mistake are the ones who are doing nothing is what I have found out in life. Perhaps a larger Font would help..TAX INCREASE!!!