Century’s Voter Turnout Lowest In District 5

November 10, 2016

Despite a mayoral race on the ballot, Century had the lowest voter turnout of any District 5 precinct in Escambia County.

In fact, only three other precincts in the entire county had a lower voter turnout than Century’s 60%.

According to unofficial results, voter turnout in District 5 was as follows (listed by precinct number):

6 — St. Monica’s Church  76%
7 — Pinewood Presbyterian  82%
11 — Walnut Hill  71%
18 — Ray’s Chapel Baptist Church  75%
19 — Barrineau Park Community Center 77%
21 — International Paper   71%
22 — Century Town Hall  60%
23 — Byrneville Community Center  74%
25 –  Azalea Trace, Hillview Dr.  75%
33 –  First Baptist Bratt  74%
36 — Quintette Community Center   74%
38 — Gonzalez UMC   79%
74 –  Escambia Extension    82%
88- University Pines, University Pkwy. 74%
111 –  St. Luke UMC  79%
112 — Hillcrest  Baptist 77%

Pictured top: The Century precinct at Century Town Hall. Pictured below: The Walnut Hill precinct at the Walnut Hill Community Center. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


9 Responses to “Century’s Voter Turnout Lowest In District 5”

  1. Citizen on November 10th, 2016 11:49 pm

    Maybe they got tired of complaining and know if they don’t vote they can’t complain.
    Maybe that’s a good thing. Just think how refreshing that will be.

  2. William on November 10th, 2016 9:34 pm

    >>Does these numbers include all the early voting done in molino and other offices?

    Yes…total voter turnout.

  3. northend resident on November 10th, 2016 9:09 pm

    Does these numbers include all the early voting done in molino and other offices?

  4. A.Alex on November 10th, 2016 8:21 pm

    I have my own thoughts of low turnout. If we look back from August on. Media and press made it look like an easy win for Hillary. With this thought in mind I bet allot of dems didnt feel like they needed to vote where the GOPs thought they surely had to vote.

  5. William on November 10th, 2016 4:03 pm

    >>How many individuals are registered to vote in Century?


  6. Bob C. on November 10th, 2016 2:15 pm

    How many individuals are registered to vote in Century?

  7. Retired on November 10th, 2016 1:39 pm

    Please consider adding this additional info to the story. http://www.escambiavotes.com/voter-statistics

    Under Basic Voter Statistics under Voter statistics by Precinct breaks down voter. I downloaded the PDF file info for Precinct 22 and found it educational.

    Also the percentage from the primary turn out was much lower than 50% of the general election.

    If one thought the votes from the primary or past elections predicted the outcome of this one, well it didn’t.
    Of course, I am not sure of the low voter turnout reasons either.

  8. john on November 10th, 2016 11:21 am


  9. Willis on November 10th, 2016 7:57 am

    Wonder what it would take to get people interested enough to vote.