Century Council Honors Late Member Annie Savage, Discusses Replacement

November 8, 2016

The Century Town Council paused Monday night to remember Council Member Annie Savage, who passed away recently at age 75.

A black ribbon marked Savage’s place at the council table Monday night, the first meeting since her death. The council paused for a moment of silence in her honor.

The council also discussed a temporary appointment to the seat. The council decided that council members will accept names of those interested in serving and discuss a replacement at their November 21 meeting. A special election will also be scheduled for a permanent appointee to fill Savages unexpired term of just over four years.

Pictured top and bottom: A black ribbon marked the place of late council member Annie Savage Monday night in Century. Pictured inset: A file photo of Savage. NorthEscambia.com photos, click to enlarge.


One Response to “Century Council Honors Late Member Annie Savage, Discusses Replacement”

  1. Missing My Granny(Antranette) on November 8th, 2016 7:44 am

    My granny was a legend, “SHE WAS SOMEBODY!” Not only in Century, but throughout many other close cities and towns. We miss her dearly and she will continue to live on through me! Thank you so much to the Town of Century council, for all you guys have done for my granny. It has been very well appreciated!

    Annie C. Savage, Granddaughter ❤
