Building Services Director Mayo Retires With 38 Years On The Job

November 14, 2016

Escambia County Building Services Director Donald Mayo has retired. after more than 38 years of service with the county, leaving a strong legacy and impact on Escambia County’s inspection and code enforcement programs.

When Mayo joined Escambia County in 1973 as an Electrical Inspector, there was no Fire Safety Inspections Program, Code Enforcement Division or Neighborhood Improvement Division – all of which were established by Mayo during his tenure.

Mayo initially retired as Building Official/Director of Escambia County Building Inspections Department in September 2008, returning as Building Services Director in July 2013. His wife, Sue, retired in October 2016 as a Senior Accountant in the Corrections Department after 18 years, bringing their combined service with Escambia County to more than 56 years.

“It’s a family,” Mayo said when asked what he enjoyed about his time with the county. “You know, county employees are kind of unique in themselves, or any governmental entity. We just enjoyed serving.”

In 1991, Mayo became the first person in the state of Florida and one of only 19 in the world to achieve Chief Code Analyst certification in building, electrical, plumbing and mechanical disciplines, earning the recognition as a Code Enforcement and Administrative Professional by the Southern Building Code Congress International.

But more than the certifications and recognitions during his career, Mayo said he enjoyed getting to help people achieve their goals related to property and home ownership.

“There’s two things: Family is number one for most people, and their property and property rights is their number two,” Mayo said. “And I believe in both of them very strongly, so I loved assisting people in getting through the requirements in order to build their home.”

Mayo said he plans to stay busy in retirement, whether it’s going on an RV trip or running a half marathon with his wife, fishing in their pond or visiting their six children and 10 grandchildren. Mayo will also continue teaching an electrical apprenticeship at George Stone Technical Center, where he has taught since 1983.

County Administrator Jack Brown expressed his appreciation for Mayo’s 38 years of dedicated service to the county and congratulated him on his retirement.

“Donald Mayo has been a true asset to Escambia County and a driving force in advancing the Building Services Division,” Brown said. “We hate to see him go, but we wish him the best in his retirement and future endeavors.”


3 Responses to “Building Services Director Mayo Retires With 38 Years On The Job”

  1. Chet Jantz Triple A Steel on November 15th, 2016 4:55 pm

    Best whishes to Mr. Mayo,
    I dealt with Mr. Mayo for more than 20 years as a contractor and I agree with the other responses. He is a gentleman, and I always felt he was doing his best to help with our projects.
    Thank you for your service and happy fishing! Chet Jantz

  2. Bill M. on November 14th, 2016 1:09 pm

    I agree Kenneth, Don has been a great asset to the county.
    Who is going to replace him? They already have a big under staffing problem in the building department and need more inspectors.

  3. Kenneth Carr on November 14th, 2016 5:41 am

    Don Mayo was my apprenticeship instructor from 1996 till 2000. He has trained hundreds of electricians before me and hundreds since. He has been instrumental in helping thousands of young men, such as myself, in Escambia County to learn a good trade so they can support their families. He’s a man with a brilliant intellect and gracious character. I am sure all your coworkers will miss you Don. Thank you for investing your time and talents into other people’s lives. God Bless. Ken Carr.