Walnut Hill Man Charged With Sexual Battery Of Young Girl

October 14, 2016

A Walnut Hill man has been charged with the sexual battery of a young girl.

Paul Ernest Coleman, age 44 of 10411 South Pineville Road is charged with sexual battery on a victim under 12. He remains in the Escambia County Jail with bond set at $150,000.

The abuse allegedly occurred between 2006 and 2009, beginning when Coleman was 34-years old and the victim was 5-6 years old. The victim told investigators with the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office and Gulf Coast Kid’s House that Coleman touched her inappropriately almost daily during the three year period during which the family resided in Molino. She also said Coleman forced her to touch him inappropriately during the abuse period.

According to arrest report, the victim first disclosed the abuse in 2012 and came forward with additional information in April 2016.

If convicted on the capital felony charge, Coleman faces a mandatory sentence of life in prison.


34 Responses to “Walnut Hill Man Charged With Sexual Battery Of Young Girl”

  1. (ex-officer) BILL on December 11th, 2016 6:04 pm

    Its awful. I was wrongly accused myself and it was scary for a time. The jury deliberated about two hours before realizing that it was utterly and completely false. I was a correctional officer. What about the ECSO deputy recently exonerated. The FDLE professional. I was lucky—I HAD good people that stuck with me and realized the lies…i have a good church family supporting me. Its SCARY just to be in public. I believe what is written on here…THIS IS THE ONLY charge in AMERICA where corroboration and REQUIREMENT OF EVIDENCE just fly out the window.–as does common sense.

    I have it on court record my accuser just kept blowing up the story…and the prosecutor just kept going with it…rather that realizing a lie in your face…first it ONLY happened here… now its here and there…now its going back years…bigger and bigger and bigger, and bigger…

    #CHANGE IS NEEDED….and equal protection under the law–those lying about abuse should be charged with perjury and false report. My life was ruined. I was a correctional officer…i can no longer get a job within my chosen profession and the Department of Corrections where i worked–sustained a investigation with no evidence…defamed my character…

  2. Angie St. Petersburg Florida on October 20th, 2016 8:05 pm

    I have know Paul all my life. He DID NOT DO THIS. He has been around my daughter and he has also helped raise many kids within his own family as well as helped others out who were not even family. He is a loving and caring person. If this is what you get for helping someone out then everyone should just keep to themselves. Paul is the kind of person who has never harmed anyone. Only helped people. Being accused of this is a terrible injustice. Paul we are all praying for you. The truth will come out and you will be set free. I have a 24 year old daughter and she can’t remember crap from when she was five years old. My question is who is filling her head with remember when…….

  3. Parent For Protecting Children on October 20th, 2016 7:30 am

    I know this child very well and she has had to keep this secret within herself until she was ready to deal with it and yes it did take this long until she was ready to tell all of what happened to her! Instead of condemning her, she should be praised for being strong, ready to look this person in the face and tell all the many strangers she is fixing to meet of what was done to her and this has weighed very heavy on her for many years and something she will have to deal with for the rest of her life.

    She also wants to make sure this does not happen to any other child, she was only in kindergarten when this allegation began; however, due to domestic violence within the home, she was too scared to say anything and this person was still in her life until 2011. All the people condemning her should go to the Escambia Clerk of Courts and read the “Court Records”, a lot of domestic violence and we ask why it took so long for her to speak up against this person!

    She lived a hard life and saw things that no child should ever of had to deal with, was finally removed from the parental home and now lives in a safe, stable, supportive and loving home. There is no vindictive woman doing this and her caregivers don’t even know what was done to her. She is going to have a hard road ahead of her in the next year or so, but she is strong and ready to stand up for herself finally!

    I hope no one ever has to deal with this because the toll it has taken on this child is just beyond comprehension and when a child comes to you and states that someone has messed with them, I don’t care how great that abuser is, you have to listen to that child, support them and help them get the help they need in order for them to move on and become a productive adult in society!

  4. Byrneville mom on October 18th, 2016 4:16 pm

    It’s sad to say but stuff like this goes on all the time but nothing is said because the child is too scared to come forward because they think no one will believe them or at that age don’t even know that it’s wrong some children will even be hard on themselves thinking that they’ve caused them to act like that. we as parents need to talk to our children and give the comfort enough that they can tell us when something like this is happening. Instead of condemning this pour child you should be applauding her for speaking up. If you turn a deaf hear on a 5 year old then you are just as at fault. Its sick and sad. It terrifies me having little girls. A lot of women have had this happen and hasn’t spoken about it because of they think no one will believe them. This man sounds like a sicko in my eyes and needs to be put away. He’s lucky he didn’t have a harsher parent to beat the stuffing out of him. And believe it or not it’s usually the ones you wouldn’t think because who wants to think someone you care about can be a monster like that to a child. Lock him up!!!!

  5. molino jim on October 15th, 2016 5:30 pm

    I understand the child in this was very young— but to wait 4 years before any action. I also recall the music teacher at one of our local schools was accused by a student of touching and so on. After the teacher was arrested the girl admitted she made up the story so she could be transferred to another school where her friends were going to school. Coleman will live under this cloud for the rest of his life no matter what the end result is.

  6. bwayne on October 15th, 2016 11:07 am

    I don’t know this man……or child…..but I’ve seen so many of these accusations that I’m beginning to doubt the truth or lies……My advice to all men is to stay completely away from anyone else’s kids……

  7. Walnut hill resident on October 15th, 2016 12:17 am

    This is ridiculous! A child has been hurt and you all sit around and talk about how gentle this person is. Of course he is kind and gentle that’s how he was able to repeat his actions. She probably thought it was ok. Stop defending this monster. And let the court do it. Because if he is guilty, which he probably is. He will be place in the same situation his victims” yes victims because there is mostly more than one”.was put in . Znd that is helplessness. So hanging his praises cause he did you z favor or danced at your wedding is not helping the child. And God said do until the least of me you do until me.

  8. k on October 14th, 2016 11:18 pm


    This is the one accusation that for some reason, a man is not able to defend himself against. The system is completely corrupt in cases such as this.

    The system in Florida is full of cases in which simple testimony of a remembered incident has convicted many, without chance of defense. So to say that “but most are guilty.” is not accurate at all.

    I know a person who was removed from his children’s life just because the accusation was raised – there was never a trial. The ex simply told him that if he left without a fight, she’d leave him alone and withdraw the accusation.

    In short, this accusation has more often become the means in which a spiteful woman will abuse the system in order to make sure the man is thrown completely out of the life of the child(ren) involved – without a chance of appeal, or reunion – even if the accusation is later revealed to be a lie.

    To close: there will be no justice for either person in this case. Not Paul, because there is no evidence to convict OR exonerate. And no justice for the accuser, for the same reason. I did not use the word victim – because quite simply, we can never prove one way or the other that there actually is one.

    That’s a hard thought to accept: that there is not proof of a victim, or of a liar.

    But it is the only truth central to the issue. And it is that central truth, apparent to the person accused, who accepts a plea deal in most cases, resulting in the conviction rate being artificially high.

    The number of these cases settled by plea deal is where the truth tells itself.
    No proof, just an accuser, and no defense even allowed – the accused cannot cross examine the accuser/witness!

    No reasonable person who wishes to recover any portion of his freedom would reject a plea deal!

    So not even the number of guilty pleas can be used to support an argument either way – the system is titled in favor of getting a guilty verdict no matter what.

  9. A Victim Too on October 14th, 2016 10:53 pm

    I have been a victim of sexual abuse. I was abused by a man on numerous occasions that started when I was around 12 years old. I didn’t tell my parents until I was a senior in high school. I tried, but I just couldn’t tell them before for fear of having to stay with him again. He was a distant family member who still walks the streets, who still is a successful business man in northern Escambia County, and who is known to be such a “great father”. My parents then took me to press charges but couldn’t force me since I was then 18. Who is to stay that now this victim isn’t 18 and can make the choice herself since she has the freedom to do so and not what her parents choose. I don’t know this man, but from experience don’t be quick to defend or offend….everyone “thought” they knew my abuser so well and since then THREE others came forward after they heard of mine.

  10. Puddin on October 14th, 2016 8:26 pm

    Having read the top 8-10 comments I must admit I’m appauled at the outcry for this man. And the general bashing of the young victim. Most women I know were touched inappropriately at some point in their lives. Yes, one out of one thousand may be falsely accused. But most are guilty. Our courts cover it up, and give very minimal punishment if they are convicted. Instead of making it harder for young women (or boys) to come forward in fear of being ridiculed and belittled, lets all give them the benefit of the doubt.

  11. #JUSTICEFORPAUL on October 14th, 2016 8:24 pm

    I have known Paul Coleman for going on 28 years. Paul is a loving father and grandfather. He has always been a help throughout the community and willing to help anyone who has ever asked. Everyone that knows this man with or without children knows this man is not capable of doing something of this nature. This is a very devastating false accusation against Paul. I hope everyone in our community who knows Paul asks questions before accusing to uncover the true story and the motive behind these lies. I also ask that everyone in our community who knows Paul to please stand up in his time of need and help clear his name. I know everyone of you know in your hearts this man is innocent and pray you have the courage to stand behind what is right!

  12. Katie on October 14th, 2016 7:44 pm

    I know this man and he has always been a gentleman, caring and would do anything to help a person out. There is no way this girl is telling the truth. It should be a law that making false accusations carry the same punishment that the accused would have had. Yup that would make most people think twice about telling outrageous lies!

  13. The truth shall set you free either way on October 14th, 2016 7:03 pm

    I dont believe it . To each their own opinion but it takes a sick person to make up stories like this and if he did it yes let him rot in jail however if he didnt i say whoever put the child up to saying such a thing should be the one rotting in jail

  14. A victim on October 14th, 2016 5:44 pm

    I dont know this man nor do I know his accuser. What I do know is that victims dont always look like victims and abusers dont always look like pedophiles. My mother was 20 ft away when I was molested for the first time by someone we know. She had no idea what was happening. I was so young that I didnt understand it myself. It only happened to one other girl by this man, that I know of, but she blocked it out. I dont know if she has since recalled it, but she refuses to talk about what I saw. She is a grown woman now. So recalling things later in life is absolutely posdible. I kow. Ive temembered some things years later. They were too upsetting it confusing and my brain blocked it for my protection. As for people falsely accused, I am sorry. You are also victims. Just as those people falsely accused didnt appreciate people judging them, I am certain that this accuser wouldnt appreciate being judged. It is extremely hard for a victim to come forth. Unless it has happened to you, then you wouldnt understand. My mother didnt find out until I was an adult with a child of my own. I confessed to her then. She didnt understand how she didnt know, since she took me there almost every week for 4 yrs. My abuser told me that if I told anyone that the police would lick him up and everyone would hate me. I believed that. To this day, I dot like making people angry to the point that I have allowed people to get away with many things they shouldnt. So to the accuser: if this indeed happened to you, I understand and I am so sorry. Stay strong. If someone is coaching you, please don’t accyse doneone falsely. Because if you do, then it makes it that much harder for other real victims to come forward. I know because after reading all of these comments, I was broken hearted for every victim of child sex abuse. These types of judgements are the very reason that I was silent for 16 yrs.

  15. Terri Sanders on October 14th, 2016 3:56 pm

    Years ago a man went hunting for another family member determined to kill him….after chasing him down and firing shots.. thinking he killed the man he turned the gun on himself and committed suicide.. For over 25 years no one could figure out what it was all about….Until recently when it came out that the man’s daughter had told her father the man had molested her…which was a lie…according to her.. So her lie cost her father his life…untold trauma for the man he tried to kill. That man spent his whole life trying to figure out why this man tried to kill him.. and now.. after all these years the truth comes out.. but the damage has been done and nothing will undo the lifetimes of family turmoil. At least there can be closure now. Hopefully the truth will come out concerning Mr. Coleman and his accuser and healing can begin. And hopefully it won’t take 25 years..

  16. John Bodie on October 14th, 2016 3:34 pm

    Can I ask a simple question, I don’t know this man. But all I want to know is , was you there. its easy to accuse someone .

  17. Joh Doe on October 14th, 2016 1:18 pm

    My ex-wife had me arrested multiple times. She did not want me to have visitation with my son. She was a scorned woman that ruined my professional career in Pensacola. Law enforce/legal system never punished my ex-wife for her false statements. Ex-wife used legal system/DCF/License Mental Health Counselors to destroy my relationship with my son. Many evil women in the world. Pray that I will never have to deal with someone like that again!!!

  18. Pineville neighbor on October 14th, 2016 12:43 pm

    Its sad that a scorned ex have their children make false accusations. As we saw with Pineville PI. Guilty even though INNOCENT. ALlegations like this should be investigated first insteaf of the person being publicly humiliated and chatised. He will forever have to clear his name. I trust Mr. Coleman with my kids and 100 percent know he is innocent.

  19. judgmental people make me sick on October 14th, 2016 11:45 am

    God knows the truth and I have known this man just about my whole life, he has always been around my children and would never hurt anyone, especially not a child!!!! He is an amazing father and grandpa!!!!! So UNLESS YOU KNOW FACTS, GO JUDGE SOMEONE ELSE!!!! People are so quick to be dramatic and judge others and this is rediculous!

  20. FRIEND on October 14th, 2016 10:51 am

    NOT TRUE AT ALLLL. I KNOW HIM AND HE WOULD NEVET EVER. I GREW UP WITH HIM. These are false accusations because of a women upset at him. Why would she have not reported it years ago if it really happened!!!!

  21. Pineville PI on October 14th, 2016 10:43 am

    @ Family Friend. You are so far from the truth, you are looked upon as a horrible, low life, piece of trash, GUILTY until you may never even be allowed to prove your INNOCENCE. BTW . The attorney are in bed with the DA, cost me over $50 grand only to find any and all logic to prove yourself innocent, was basically ignored. I beg them to interview My accuser and interview family who had been under similar threats from the same accuser. A pattern that had been going on for many years, They refused to be open minded and at least give me any benefit, I Was Railroaded to the fullest extent possible. You are a number and a feather in their hat and they don’t care that you may be Falsely Accused.

  22. Cuz (Danny Hall) on October 14th, 2016 9:55 am


  23. Family Friend on October 14th, 2016 9:39 am

    @Pineville Pl I’m sorry to hear that happened to you and sure this is a similar situation. Anyone who knows Paul’s knows this wouldn’t happen.

  24. Daleb on October 14th, 2016 9:21 am

    There must be a change in the law. I was wrongfully accused of molesting a young girl because I caught her drinking beer with an adult male and chastised her for it. The male reported me and said I had molested the girl and attempted to get her to swear that I had. She finally admitted nothing happened. I was facing jail time and having my life ruined. The male adult involved got nothing.

  25. Pineville PI on October 14th, 2016 9:16 am

    Been there, done that. Same happened to me one FALSE Allegation from 20 years ago from the Scorned mother of 2 of my nieces. One finally came foward and said she was made to lie. The crooked system still wouldn’t drop charges, now this has tainted my reputation forever. One lie can destroy a humans self being with absolutely NO consequences for the one making up these horrible tales. I feel super sad for Mr. Coleman and the child that may have been directed for some adults vengeance. Who really knows, either way it’s very disturbing from any angle you look at it.

  26. just saying on October 14th, 2016 8:51 am

    The problem with allegations that are of a sexual nature is a little blurb in Florida Law that states, “Victims Statement need not be corroborated.” The problem then become that no evidence is needed for an arrest or a conviction. So based on a simple statement or finger pointing someone in Florida can be arrested and sentenced to life without having actually done anything. You cannot defend yourself against and accusations it boils down to he said she said. This only exists in cases of a sexual nature. This law needs to be changed! One other man in Molino was recently accused and was cleared by DNA evidence 9 months after his name being drug through the mud. In this case so long ago there is nothing to clear this man. So now the government with infinite resources at its disposal has arrested this man and he will have to mount a defense with finite resources.

    So more than likely they will offer this man a plea deal that sounds very nice compared to life in prison. Maybe he takes it still having done nothing wrong and people will not understand this and will condemn him but you know it happens everyday in this country. Justice comes to those who can afford to pay for it.

  27. Walnut hill resident on October 14th, 2016 8:36 am

    Comes forth with additional information 4 yrs later????
    Really?…… not adding up …… sounds like to me someone got ticked with him recently and using this against him…

  28. Nwflgirl on October 14th, 2016 8:29 am

    If this was first disclosed in 2012 why wasn’t something done then … sounds like alot more involved in this “story” … sounds fishy to me…….Just saying…

  29. Proud American woman on October 14th, 2016 8:22 am

    Before voicing thoughts of guilty already, people need to wait and hear all the facts. Remember this is america and we are innocent until proven guilty. There’s always more to the story and unfortunately claiming this is always a good way to get revenge on men. Have seen it happen way too many times. Remember folks, know all the facts before voicing your opinion of guilty. Makes things alot easier.

  30. fisherman on October 14th, 2016 7:41 am

    That is exactly what most people say when they learn someone they thought they knew is charged with a crime. No one truly knows what goes on behind closed doors. I agree with death penalty individual who commit crimes of this nature never change. Life in prison to keep them away from children let the investigation find the truth.

  31. Untrue on October 14th, 2016 7:38 am

    This man is one of my dear friends. My daughter was around him daily when she was young. He never touched her. He treated her like a daughter. If I ever thought he would do something like this he would NEVER have been around her. If I had to work and my children were sick, Paul made sure they had medicine. I will never believe this about him. I’vknown

  32. Kiki on October 14th, 2016 7:10 am

    Im confused…..they didnt believe the child 4 years ago?…why 4 years to charge him? I wonder how many others within those 4 years?

  33. Ashley on October 14th, 2016 6:27 am

    I’m sorry for what this girl is thinking but I will not ever believe this is true! I love you Paul and know you would never!

  34. Death Penalty on October 14th, 2016 5:59 am

    I am so sick of hearing about Sexual abuse DAILY with small children!!! Harsher punishment such as a Public hanging or Castration is what needs to be done, but no their only getting a few years while someone with possession gets 20 plus years!!!!!!! The sickos will never change and I’m sure there are more victims!!!!!!! We have to watch our children very very closely in today’s evil society!!!!!