Two State, 130 MPH Chase Ends With Arrest, Schools In Lockdown (With Video)

October 7, 2016

A Pensacola man was arrested at gunpoint outside Brewton, AL, Thursday afternoon following a two state chase that reached speeds of 130 mph in Alabama and led to the lockdown of multiple schools in Florida.

(Chase video is at the bottom of the story.)

Authorities say the suspect, identified by Alabama officials as Donald Sylvester Clark, Jr, age 24, stole a late model Chevrolet Impala from Drivetime Used Cars in the 6400 block of Pensacola Boulevard about 12:50 p.m. Thursday. Due to their chase policy, the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office followed the vehicle for miles, sometimes with blue lights, sometimes without. Deputies continued to follow the vehicle for a period of time along Highway 29, Nine Mile Road and Ashton Brosnaham Drive, where Clark turned around at RC Lipscomb Elementary School.

The incident prompted lockdowns at Lipscomb, Escambia Westgate, McArthur and eventually Ransom Middle as a precaution, according to Associate Superintendent Norm Ross.

Clark continued into North Escambia on Highway 95A in Molino, where deputies reportedly stopped following the vehicle. At no time were they reported to be in an actual chase or greatly exceeding the speed limit.

Deputies began to follow the vehicle again on Highway 29 in Century, where Clark reportedly followed traffic laws, including stopping a red light stop at Highway 4. Florida deputies stopped following the Impala as it crossed into Alabama and the Flomaton Police Department began an actual chase.

According to Flomaton Police Chief Bryan Davis, Clark reached speeds of 110 mph in the Flomaton town limits and up to 130 mph northbound on Highway 31 toward Brewton. After about six miles, Clark slowed to about 75 mph near Wolf Log Road. He later told authorities he slowed down to a low fuel warning light in the vehicle.

About five miles later on Highway 31, near the Georgia Pacific Plant in Brewton, two law enforcement pickup trucks from the Escambia County (AL) Sheriff’s Office attempted to “box in” the Impala. Clark swerved onto the shoulder and returned to the roadway to strike the deputy’s pickup truck. That caused Clark to lose control and run off the roadway. His vehicle continued about 250 yards before coming to stop.

Clark exited the vehicle with his hands up and law enforcement officers surrounded him and placed him under arrest without further incident.

Flomaton Police charged Clark with a felony for bringing stolen property into the state, reckless endangerment, attempting to elude and at lease nine traffic violations. He was booked into the Escambia County (AL) Detention Center in Brewton.  Clark is expected to face additional charges in Escambia County, Florida.

Davis said Clark was driving with suspended learner’s permit.

For more photos, click here.

Pictured: A Pensacola vehicle theft suspect is taken into custody at gunpoint Thursday afternoon near Brewton, AL. Pictured inset: Suspect Donald Sylvester Clark, Jr, shortly after being placed into a deputy’s cruiser. Pictured inset: Flomaton Police chase the stolen car from Sidney Manning Boulevard onto Highway 31. The chase reached 110 mph a short distance later.  Pictured bottom inset: Authorities search the vehicle. photos, click to enlarge.


33 Responses to “Two State, 130 MPH Chase Ends With Arrest, Schools In Lockdown (With Video)”

  1. Michael Murphy on June 22nd, 2017 1:48 am

    Believe it or not but dude has a good heart.. he just lost his mind.. I know him personally.. we started our boxing careers together.. he was one hell of a fighter

  2. 429SCJ on October 9th, 2016 6:08 pm

    Donald is fortunate that the DOJ is getting Hollman all fixed up nice.

  3. Deo Vindince on October 9th, 2016 3:17 pm

    For all the detractors to law enforcement; anyone ever considered he put his own life at risk and the lives of LEOs by stealing the car? And what about the car’s owner? Don’t they deserve to live in a society where their property is safe? Use common sense when considering your posts….whether he was black or white had nothing to do with it….Being a thief and creating a safety hazard says it all!

  4. Wondering??? on October 8th, 2016 9:57 am

    Why the high speed chase?, just a stolen car, not worth putting innocent people’s lives in harms way. Hats off to Florida for not pursuing him at high speeds. I believe Alabama could have responded in same manner. However, I would say the arrest of the young man was handled very well, probably because of the way he responded to the officers. Thankful “NO” one was harmed.

  5. bewildered on October 8th, 2016 8:43 am

    Interesting that this article received so many comments. Escambia County Leo is 100% correct – it’s the suspects’ response and not their skin color that determines the outcome of any arrest. What alleged discrimination will be added next to the so called “persecuted by police” segment of society? Teenage drivers are a good choice. They are pulled over more by police than senior citizens going down the road. After all, everyone knows this has nothing to do with reckless driving habits and therefore should justify rioting, looting and burning.

  6. jhon doe on October 8th, 2016 6:29 am

    I want thank the cops for bringing this man to justice without killing another blackman like we see so much on tv

  7. You need God and an education on October 8th, 2016 2:54 am

    @Meka Watson I was taught growing up that people in glass houses shouldn’t throw rocks. Your grammar is horrendous. You attack a poster for his spelling and your grammar stinks. I agree with fisherman and every lives matter when they ask where the liberal media are when the police stop goes well. Why aren’t they reporting on the good things that the police do and instead report on only the negative things that occur? They aren’t interested in the positive arrests between a black perp and white Leo’s because it doesn’t support their agenda. Every lives matter didn’t make it a race issue you did by attacking him for his comment and telling him he made it a race issue. He clearly stated in another comment that it was not his attention to come off as a racial thing. That is the true Black Lives Matter agenda..if they don’t believe as you do then their racist. There used to be a time in our not to past history where it was okay to have a different opinion than other people. It was actually a good thing that we had different beliefs from everybody else. These days if your skin is white and you have a different opinion from a dark skinned individual then you are a racist. No sir..I’m original!!

  8. SHO-NUFF on October 8th, 2016 1:50 am

    I didn’t have a clue that a late model V-6 powered Impala would run that fast! Research said the little V-6 produces 303 HP and the car will run North of 140 mph!
    I am impressed!!

    The “do not pursue” policy Escambia County Florida has adopted does save lives. The suspect stole a car, he did not kill or harm anyone.
    The high speed chase in Alabama could of killed folks during the pursuit once he lost control. Luckily, he stayed in the ditch and didn’t cross the center line and hit an innocent diver head on.

  9. florida northend resident on October 8th, 2016 1:35 am

    Thank u for sharing the great video and keeping us informed. Really good to know what is going on around us. Great job to all officers involved and all who risk their lives daily to protect everyone. Hope many people see these videos and know now how important it is to get over and out of the way for police. Many people could have easily been hurt or killed.

  10. Meka Watson on October 8th, 2016 12:59 am

    @ Every lives matter, it’s ridiculous that you can’t even spell. Show some respect to all races. Why does everything has to be a black and white matter when all races commit crimes every day. I am quite sure your forefathers are rolling over in their Graves but not for the reason you think. The officers did a wonderful in the apprehension of this suspect. Thankful that no one was injured, the suspect went to jail and not a morgue and the officer went home to their families. Loot you a dictionary maybe it will help with your spelling.

  11. john on October 7th, 2016 7:34 pm

    Generations of free housing, and free food, he must have thought that included a free car also, but hey I’m also curious what his arrest record looks like! Probably shouldn’t be on the streets in the first place!

  12. billy on October 7th, 2016 7:28 pm

    Hey good job officers…………God bless you guys

  13. Esc co leo on October 7th, 2016 4:50 pm

    As a leo, I appreciate the comments commending us for capturing this guy without killing him, BUT REMEMBER, whether or not the suspect gets shot and killed IS COMPLETELY IN HIS HANDS. Not ours. We react to the level of resistance he gives.

  14. Suzie B on October 7th, 2016 3:07 pm

    Great job to law enforcement. Unfortunately, this guy has broken the law many, many times over the years. He finally blew it and it took a high speed chase to bring him down. No one likes the idea of these chases but how long before he kills someone with a vehicle due to his negligence and not caring about laws. Our officers are up against so much danger in this period of time and being able to do their job is a must. This guy, at least, knew he’d been had and got out of the car and followed orders, thus saving his own life. After endangering so many, he’s very fortunate these offices kept cool heads, especially after he hit the truck. Like others said, where’s the news for this one??

  15. jeeperman on October 7th, 2016 2:33 pm

    A Chebbie Impala granny car went 130mph?
    Must have been screaming.

    Why we try so hard and endanger so many to catch car a thief baffles me.

  16. fisherman on October 7th, 2016 2:03 pm

    @whatever. Yes you are 100% correct we are one race and that being human. I meant no disrespect to anyone. My point was it proves law enforcement can do a great job but the media chooses not to report this type of action. If the individual had been killed you would have seen the groups I mentioned come forward. Like I said I meant no disrespect sorry you took it that way.

  17. No Excuses on October 7th, 2016 12:21 pm

    Well said, Fisherman. Why don’t you forward these videos (with permission) to them? I’d love to see a story about it on Fox, along with Black Lives Matter’s response and reaction to it.

  18. Whatever on October 7th, 2016 12:19 pm

    There is always SOMEONE who has to bring up race/black lives matter @ fisherman & @ every life matters. Why did that even matter….cause the photo “proved” he was a black man? Let it go already. We are one race….human! I understand he broke the law but people of all colors break the law everyday. Good Job LEO’s, perfect example of an arrest.

  19. Every Life Matters on October 7th, 2016 11:14 am

    @fisherman I agree!!! Most just want a reason to loot and act stupid. I think this country is continually becoming more and more rediculous and disrepectful by the day with no morals and NOTHING this country was started or based on is the same. Our forefathers are rolling over in their graves.

  20. Dummy's amaze me on October 7th, 2016 11:08 am

    @people are starving ….the bus routes for elementary start at 2:00 wow know your info first

  21. People are starving on October 7th, 2016 9:49 am

    @Concerned parent
    Let me be the first to point out the time on the dash cam video to you – 13:44 in civilian time is 1:44 p.m.! That is nowhere even close to endangering bus routes. Some people just look for something to complain about! These officers handled this situation extremely well. Way to go A-team!

  22. fisherman on October 7th, 2016 9:34 am

    When he hit the police truck they had every right to use deadly force .Restraint on the officers involved .When the individual exited his vehicle he did so with hands up which was smart on his part. This could have ended up with him being killed. Thanks to the LEOs for doing a great job. Now where is black lives matter praising the officers for their great actions. Where is CNN/MSNBC/FOX reporting this and showing this video on officers doing such a great job.

  23. mike on October 7th, 2016 9:20 am

    the tech to make a deployable spike strip from the back of a cruiser needs to be produced. the cruiser could get in front of the suspect vehicle & deploy the the strip, flattening all tires. thanx need for speed, great idea! :)

  24. Lillian Dean on October 7th, 2016 8:44 am

    Thanks so much to the Green, Blue, and Black for maintaining a calm atmosphere in this entire chase and arrest. No one got shot, no more than necessary paper work for two counties and two states. We can show other states that we know how to arrest without gun fire. I give all the glory and praise to GOD. Too Flomaton Police great job. And Escambia County Sheriff Department

  25. Alabama hammer on October 7th, 2016 8:41 am

    Glad to know if my vehicle gets stolen they will stop them if they go to Alabama. Sorry Escambia county but sometimes you have got to chase… That policy comes from someone that’s never been a police officer…

  26. Well on October 7th, 2016 8:27 am

    I’m glad someone is willing to get him off the road instead of riding around town with him.
    Good job Flomaton and Esc. Al.

  27. Jim on October 7th, 2016 8:09 am

    Wow…Good job LEOs.
    Boo and shame on all the drivers who failed to yield to the officers.

  28. Jackie Johnson on October 7th, 2016 8:04 am

    Why wasn’t Jim Allen Elementary School locked down since they went up Hwy 95-A, maybe it was beyond where they entered 95-A? I’m glad law enforcement stayed calm as well as the driver.

  29. Elaine on October 7th, 2016 7:57 am

    Now that’s how you make a arrest No Lives Lost !

  30. Concerned parent on October 7th, 2016 7:27 am

    So, high speed car chase that originated in Pensacola and continued through Brewton. End of school time , so therefore endangering bus routes………………….?????

  31. mike on October 7th, 2016 7:07 am

    Man, I didn’t know this involved all this, no wonder the schools got locked down. Great work all LEOS involved!

  32. Aha on October 7th, 2016 6:58 am

    How is a man gonna be 24 and have a SUSPENDED learners permit? #winning

  33. Sam on October 7th, 2016 6:35 am

    Great job flomaton pd and esc cty sheriffs office