Rep. Bradley Byrne Urges Support For Trump, GOP Ticket

October 19, 2016

U.S. Rep. Bradley Byrne said Tuesday that he plans to support the entire Republican ticket on November 8, Donald Trump included.

The Alabama Republican was quick to issue a news release October 8 that said Trump was “not fit” to be president, and called for him to step aside and allow vice presidential candidate Mike Pence to lead the Republican ticket. The statement was issued hours after the release of an 11-year old video in which Trump is heard bragging in vulgar terms about grabbing women and unwanted advances.

“I think there was a way for Mike Pence to win the election,” Byrne said during a town hall meeting in Flomaton Tuesday afternoon. “What he (Trump) said was strongly offensive, and as someone of principal, I was going to say something.”

“But I will vote the complete Republican ticket top to bottom, and I encourage others to do the same.”

Byrne said Trump still remains the obvious choice over Democrat Hillary Clinton, and he had a warning for those that might choose to vote for an independent candidate.

“There are two people running at the top and not voting for one of them is throwing away your vote,” he said. “Neither of them is perfect.”

Pictured: U.S. Rep. Bradley Byrne (R-AL) speaks during a town hall meeting in Flomaton Tuesday afternoon. photos, click to enlarge.


13 Responses to “Rep. Bradley Byrne Urges Support For Trump, GOP Ticket”

  1. Voter on October 20th, 2016 12:20 pm

    Yes I am one of those who “threw my vote away” by voting Independent. Here is why (among MANY other reasons);
    This election is the most ridiculous, childish embarrassment I have ever seen in my life~ therefore I refuse to be a part of electing either one of these morons in as Commander of our country. They have made the U.S. a laughing stock! I will play no part in helping either one of them get into office. The rudeness, rioting, ridicule of each other and just plain out hatefulness is all it took for me. Neither one of these “people” deserve to be placed into a leadership role over our country! I will absolutely NOT vote for one or the other because of their political party. You should be voting for the person on their dependability, beliefs, views, and leaadership qualities–to which neither of these two bozos have! I’d much rather throw my vote away than be in cahoots with either one of these candidates!

  2. Retired on October 20th, 2016 12:28 am

    Noted, ok, that may have been a myth. Thanks.
    I wish the GOP candidate wasn’t Trump. Either way after Nov 8, we’ll just have to do the best we can with what we get.

  3. Robert on October 19th, 2016 7:48 pm

    Wait, please name the reputable historians that stated that George Washington died from any symptoms related to syphilis.

  4. Gerald Hudson on October 19th, 2016 6:24 pm

    Too late for a retraction after you comments about wanting Trump to drop out. Have voted for you in the past but never again. You got religion after seeing the backlash on facebook.

  5. No Excuses on October 19th, 2016 3:45 pm

    At this late date in the process, we have two viable choices – the independent ticket won’t win.

    Trump or Clinton. Trump gets my vote. I don’t need 4 more years of an apologetic, stumbling government.

  6. david lamb on October 19th, 2016 3:34 pm

    I agree with retired. One commenter talked about sheep following the Judas goat to slaughter. The Clinton machine has most of you liberals thru the gate and close to the nail gun!
    Their influence is Hollywood, the news media and the women trying to brutalize Trump. Not to mention the voter registration of less knowledgeable individuals to entice them to vote D, for Hilary.
    Kate, read on internet about the Miss America/ Miss Teen contestants that had very pleasant visits with Trump. Its there but you will not hear about it from ove press! Read Stacey Skidmore’s story

  7. Retired on October 19th, 2016 2:08 pm

    The measure of a good politician isn’t whether they are male or female, republican or democrat. It’s how that person fits into the position they are elected to; whether President, Senator or Member of House of Representatives. It is how they influence their peers to work together to ensure we are progressing toward these goals:
    Strong Military
    Well respected, without buying friends and engaging in senseless wars
    Afford able Homes
    FairTrade Deals
    Safe Neighborhoods
    Criminals Justice System Revamped
    Infrastructure, solid and rebuilt
    Affordable Health Care
    Safe and Secure Borders
    Prevent Drug Traffic and Illegal Immigration.

    The present government did not accomplish that and Clinton is just an extension of the same.
    As far as their personal life past or present, it should not come into the picture in our decision of the measure of a good leader.. George Washington died of syphilis and probably didn’t get it from Martha. Ben Franklin was a womanizer, JFK, FDR and yes MLK were questionable at best and the list could go on and on. It is human nature, get over it and MYOB.
    The GOP ticket holds the most reasonable and best choices for the leaders of the USA during this election 2016.

  8. Ponderosa hill on October 19th, 2016 1:14 pm

    KATE: What a true sweetheart you are ! Hope you haven’t fallen yet
    but with your caring outlook for others maybe around Nov 8th you’ll get your chance !

  9. Citizen on October 19th, 2016 1:13 pm

    Agree with Byrne. I learned a lot this past year about media and public sheep. You have to really study the issues and implications of whether some one is fit to lead. The local judges and especially the first district court of appeals is what will affect us the most. The media has hardly mentioned that much less dove into their sex life. Some of the greatest President’s would not have stood up to this American travesty of social media and lack of respect for privacy. From our local public servants to POTUS the unregulated media is causing problems in our country and on the world stage. Most of the public buys into it like its a reality show.

  10. James Broel on October 19th, 2016 11:53 am

    Mike, Trump is doing his best to discredit all things HTC too. His dog and pony show is just more juvenile

  11. mike on October 19th, 2016 9:18 am

    Hilly fans can relax, Mr. Trump is done. This type of thing is much. much more important to Americans than real issues. It is the oldest trick in the book to dig up some dirt on your opponent, & this dirt just happens to do the job on him.

  12. Kate on October 19th, 2016 7:40 am

    YEP!! I am sure most republicans will, they fall in line and fall while in line.

  13. Michael Muirhead on October 19th, 2016 1:25 am

    Mr. Bradley Byrne… it’s plain from your own words that you know Mr. Trump isn’t a roguish-but-lovable Jack Sparrow. You’ve as much as (and accurately) called him a paranoid-and-obsessive Queeg.

    “But I will vote the complete Republican ticket top to bottom, and I encourage others to do the same”, you say.

    That’s pretty typical (and understandable) of someone protecting his job, but it’s an utter horror coming from the lips of someone trying to protect his nation.

    You can do better than that… and if you don’t, everyone will know you for what you say, even if that’s not who you are.