PSC Approves More Wind Energy For Gulf Power

October 12, 2016

Pointing to potential savings for customers, the Florida Public Service Commission on Tuesday approved a Gulf Power proposal linked to energy produced at an Oklahoma wind farm.

The proposal involves a 20-year agreement that the Pensacola-based utility reached to buy a fixed amount of electricity from Morgan Stanley Capital Group, Inc., according a commission staff recommendation.

Since January of this year, Gulf Power’s original Kingfisher Wind project has been producing 178 megawatts of wind-generated energy. With the approval of a second agreement, it will add an additional 94 megawatts of wind energy to Gulf Power’s energy mix, for a total of 272 megawatts.

Under the agreement, Morgan Stanley will provide an amount that would match a portion of energy generated by the Kingfisher Wind Farm in Oklahoma — although the actual electricity Gulf  Power receives through a broader transmission system wouldn’t necessarily be renewable energy.

The staff recommendation said the agreement is projected to save $21 million for Gulf customers, with the utility also receiving renewable energy credits related to the wind farm.

“Customers will realize savings within the first year of Gulf’s power purchase agreement, and it also encourages renewable energy development,” Public Service Commission Chairwoman Julie Brown said in a prepared statement after the approval. “The agreement is a win for customers, the economy, and the environment.”

“Adding alternate sources of renewable energy to our portfolio is important for our customers and takes careful planning,” added DelaHaya. “By diversifying our energy supply with an ‘all-of-the-above’ approach that includes renewable energy plus 24/7 traditional sources, our customers can count on us for their energy needs today and well into the future.”

Helping to diversify a balanced energy mix, renewable energy sources are projected to make up approximately 9 percent of Gulf Power’s energy mix with the recent approval of the additional 94 megawatts of wind energy, and once construction of Gulf Power’s military solar projects are complete. Kingfisher is the energy company’s sixth renewable energy project following the Perdido Landfill Gas-to-Energy Facility, which has produced more than 100 million kilowatt hours of electricity since 2010.


6 Responses to “PSC Approves More Wind Energy For Gulf Power”

  1. Ponderosa hill on October 15th, 2016 10:53 am

    Recently read where some areas ( Oklahoma/Texas ) where large wind farms
    Exist…….consumers are getting FREE electricity after say 9 pm……I guess there’s a large abundance of unused energy and people are waiting til after the freebie time begins to wash,cook etc. It sure doesn’t seem right for big Electric Utilities to invest millions/billions to meet renewable percentages then give it away rather than lowering rates for all their customers !

  2. Tom on October 13th, 2016 6:10 am

    Erec offered me a 50 watt led in place of my 150 watt orange Sodium Vapor outdoor light keeping my rate the same but i did notice at night the led is a much whiter brighter light that should last 5 or more years. times have changed 175 watt Mercury or Sodium lights will all be replaced with led’s much more than twice efficient. Wind energy has saved coastal and some areas in the plains substantial amounts of energy cost from what research has shown.

  3. lzhome on October 12th, 2016 8:33 pm

    If homeowners could generate and sell back solar energy as it is done in other states, then Florida could be selling power instead of buying from Oklahoma. After all, this IS the Sunshine State. The energy lobby is propping up Gulf Power & Fl Power & Light and not supporting the needs of Florida citizens.

  4. david lamb on October 12th, 2016 4:19 pm

    I am not a fan of wind turbines. They are all over Nebraska, Iowa and Colorado. They clutter the landscape,kill birds of prey and are expensive. They require a network og grids to interconnect and mate with existing power lines/plants and they have stupid blinking lights all over the countryside at night. The sight of trees and natural vegetation is much more pleasing to the eye.
    A better source is solar roof tops. With research the shingles or roofing material could become solar energy on every home. Natural gas is another unused source of energy!

  5. Nod on October 12th, 2016 11:24 am

    Bob, ditto.

  6. Bob C. on October 12th, 2016 7:40 am

    Seems like every time Gulf Power has some “Savings” program my bill goes up.

    Last time I paid my bill the window agent offered me a switch out of the standard security light on the pole for an LED light which would greatly save energy.
    Was told the “Savings” would only cost me an ADDITIONAL $5.00 per month. I declined the kind offer….they were only doing their job, understand that.

    So, the LED light saves Gulf Power because it takes less energy but they want me to pay $5.00 more on my bill to help save them money?
    Also, now hearing the LED street lamps may not be good for our health.

    What happened to the BIG $$$$$$ the energy companies added to customer bills for NUCLEAR Energy plants which Never Got Built.
