Northview Forfeits At Maplesville In 3rd: ‘It Was No Longer A Game’

October 1, 2016

The Northview Chiefs walked out in the third quarter and forfeited their game Friday night against Maplesville, AL, giving the Red Devils a 21-0 win.

“At that point, it was no longer a game,” said Northview Principal Gayle Weaver, who made the decision to end the game. “I’m sorry it happened, but it was no longer a safe environment.”

The Maplesville Red Devils are the defending Alabama 1A state champions and were 4-0 headed into Friday night’s game, outscoring opponents 211-14 this season.

Friday night, the Red Devils were only up 6-0 headed into halftime against the Northview Chiefs. They had increased their lead to 21-0 by the third quarter, when the game came to halt with 1:40 to go in the third.

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Northview Head Coach Derek Marshman was ejected after his second unsportsmanlike conduct penalty, prompting Weaver to enter the field and announce that her Chiefs were heading back to Florida.

“The officiating got out of hand,” she said. “They were trash talking, and they were not officiating. They were not providing a safe environment and it was a danger to our team, everyone on the sidelines and our fans. Someone could have been hurt badly.”

Weaver said Marshman was attempting to get an explanation for a penalty flag when he was ejected. Weaver said the head referee would not provide any explanation or talk to anyone from Northview. She said the game was the final game in a two-game contract between the two schools, a contract that will not be renewed.

Marshman had little say about the forfeiture following the game, instead choosing to focus on the positive efforts of his team and look ahead to next week.

“I apologize for my actions, but not the act. I am going to defend my players,” was his only comment about the situation.

Marshman praised his team for holding the number one 1A team in Alabama to just six points in the first quarter. “It was a whole team effort; they fought hard,” he said.

Next week, the Chiefs continue a three week road series against Liberty County

“They are a tough team, a 1A powerhouse,” Marshman said. “They have a good athletes; we are going to need to be prepared to get physical and run the ball.”

Look for a gallery of more photos by Monday on photos by Gary Amerson, click to enlarge.


26 Responses to “Northview Forfeits At Maplesville In 3rd: ‘It Was No Longer A Game’”

  1. Parent on October 4th, 2016 11:15 am

    If Mrs. Weaver thinks Northview children are in danger for their safety, what choice does she have, as the principal of Northview, than to remove them immediately? I would expect nothing less. Mrs. Weaver is the perfect example of the kind of principal all schools should hope to have running the show. We should trust her instincts, she’s been successfully managing Northview for decades. Thankfully, Mrs. Weaver is ultimately in charge. It’s her call.

  2. Denise on October 4th, 2016 10:32 am

    Well I say GOOD FOR DEREK! I’ve known him for years. So if he did what he did, then it needed to be done!

  3. jeeperman on October 2nd, 2016 9:42 am

    Northview MUST file an official complaint with whatever governing body is in control of high school sports officiating and athletics.
    It is the only way Northview can officially justify the forfeiture to some of the fans.

  4. Marry on October 2nd, 2016 8:50 am

    I still don’t see how it was bad officials maplesville had like 10 flags and north view hade like 2 from the coach getting thrown out

  5. Fred on October 2nd, 2016 8:37 am

    Would it be productive for those who witnessed the bad calls and omitted calls and bad officiating to write down what they saw and report these referees? Maybe you could get them disciplined or removed and avoid this type of thing in the future.

  6. shiloh on October 2nd, 2016 8:12 am

    This is the very reason ball games get completely disorganized. The officials allow it to happen by making bad call, one sided calls. or just no call at all. They should be in control of both teams even if it means disqualifying players and or coaches, spectators too. These officials did a very poor job and should be fired. Some of the things they CHOOSE to let go is criminal, and if someone was hurt, liable also.

  7. Country boy on October 1st, 2016 11:58 pm

    I have coached ball for many years and have been the wrong side of poor officaiting. I feel the kids should have continued to play. In life things won’t always go your way, you are teaching the kids to quite and not fight for anything. I fill that administration has way to much say in Ball games. This call should be made by the coach. The coach should have made the decision to stay and play or go home. I know he was thrown out put he should have been the one to make that call not Mrs. Weaver.

  8. Coach Elijah Bell on October 1st, 2016 10:43 pm

    It is too bad such things like this happens. Northview having to play out of state and upper class schools is even worse. Those who follow high school football in Florida know that the FHSAA is going to change the play off structure beginning next year by using a point system. Not to get too far into the weeds with details because there are questions still to be answered this could be good for Northview. There has been a proposed 8 game schedule that pits the 1A schools in North Fl. to play against each other. It leaves 3 open weeks to fill in 2 other games if wanted. All or most of the schools need to agree and all will benefit. I hope the coaches and principals will work to make this happen.

  9. Mom on October 1st, 2016 9:45 pm

    The call was right from the administration. Even in college and pro ball players are not allowed to intentionally injure with illegal hits. If so they are ejected from the game. Parents and adults must set a precedent that sportsmanship and doing the right thing is more important than winning or losing. You people that are whining about it being called off would be more than upset if your child would have gotten injured or worse.

  10. Amanda on October 1st, 2016 9:18 pm

    If you wasn’t at the game or on the field you can’t be pointing fingers… And by no means was the officiating crew giving favoritism on either team.

  11. Kevin on October 1st, 2016 9:12 pm

    @ Paul It wasn’t about quitting last night it was about the safety of our boys. I don’t have a child playing this year but when he makes it to Northview next year I hope they use the same judgment that did last night. The officials were not blowing the plays dead allowing the other team to dog pile long after momentum had stopped. Our boys played with heart and sportsmanship while the other team taunted them and the sidelines with no penalty. The boys were upset for having to leave but it was for their safety. Their fans talked trash as people were leaving to not only the men but women which is tasteless and one got a mouthful which he deserved but the cops stopped it before it got out of hand. We knew something was up when the announcer asked everyone to not disrespect the refs because they were professionals not once but four times. They knew they sucked to begin with. Instead of everybody talking trash about the team or the school you need to support them and come back and fill the stand’s.

  12. Brian on October 1st, 2016 9:00 pm

    I think Maplesville felt threatened on the field for the first time this year. Northview was going toe to toe with them, without several of our normal starters, so the referees decided that they better help their team out. By far the worst officiating I’ve ever seen. Very proud of everyone who calls themselves a Northview Chief!

  13. Nette on October 1st, 2016 8:52 pm

    Well I was there and if we wouldn’t have forfeited, there would have been a lot more tempers flaring and I think it could have turn into total anarky! With some of the calls that was made it could have caused some really bad injuries, and with that said our coaching staff and Mrs Weaver made the wisest decision! Nobody likes to quit, but I would hope if we was put in that position again they would make the same call! SAFETY FIRST OUR CHILDREN FIRST! They make me PROUD be a NORTHVIEW CHIEF!

  14. James on October 1st, 2016 6:38 pm

    I’ve heard from a couple there. The fans could hear what was going on. These refs were allowing dangerous hits. Clearly late hits etc things that are Suppossed to be called for safety. It was a clear backwoods you come to my house you’re getting beat down situation. And the other side verbally threatening players is not part of the game. Especially when they follow through with an illegal block intended to break your knees. Based on what I heard not only should the regulators look at the refs. So should law enforcement. Injury and battery is expected to some extent. But you take that risk as a player with the understanding the refs are trying to do their best to create a somewhat safe or as best they can environment. They were VERBALLY ENCOURAGING the danger. If anyone was hurt, the DA there should consider criminal negligence.

  15. PAUL on October 1st, 2016 1:33 pm


  16. Football Fan on October 1st, 2016 12:06 pm

    Bad calls by officials that need to be suspended…..Bad sportsmanship by players and others from Maplesville side. Great job Ms. Weaver for doing the right thing.

  17. Gary on October 1st, 2016 12:02 pm

    Northview administrators set a bad example for their players last night

  18. Wigs on October 1st, 2016 12:01 pm

    I fully support the decision by our staff. Things were starting to escalate a little too quick. With that being said if we had the 5 injured starters Maplesville would have been beat like a drum even with the bad calls.

  19. Brent on October 1st, 2016 10:07 am

    How was it not fair they called back like 3 of maplesville touchdowns

  20. 429SCJ on October 1st, 2016 9:23 am

    A game is not worth inflicting life changing, permanent injury on someone. Some times it is wisest to just simply walk away.

  21. DRD on October 1st, 2016 9:13 am

    Way to go Mrs.Weaver! I am proud that she stood up for her kids!

  22. Dennis on October 1st, 2016 8:56 am

    I know very little about either team. I will say that from what I have read about Northview in the past is that the coach and team would not have forfeited the game that way without good reason. Just an outsiders opinion!

  23. Honest John on October 1st, 2016 7:59 am

    Although, l was not at the game from what I read Principal Weaver made the correct decision to leave the game . When you are in a bad situation it is best to remove yourself. Coach Marshman, l know you took a stand for your team and you are commended for that . The Northview Chiefs have nothing to be ashamed of.

  24. fisherman on October 1st, 2016 7:47 am

    The officiating in all sports favors one team over the other in most cases. I have seen calls that weren’t made and the other team suffers. A few officials have no integrity what so ever. Just like major sports casters calling a game favor one team over the other Verne Lundquest is the worse.

  25. Puddin on October 1st, 2016 7:20 am

    I’ve noticed the Referees seem to play favorites. I haven’t seen HS football since my kids graduated. But it went on a lot during my. Grandsons T ball games last Spring. Even when he was shown his obvious mistakes, on video, from several parents, he refused to back down. Its too bad. Kids don’t want to play if the game isn’t fair.

  26. BH on October 1st, 2016 7:10 am

    There was some bad calls made!