Mike Pence To Campaign In Pensacola On Friday

October 13, 2016

Republican vice-presidential candidate Mike Pence will make an appearance Friday in Pensacola before heading to Miami and Tampa. Pence’s trip will follow a four-city campaign swing in Florida by Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, as the GOP ticket tries to rally support in the critical state.

Pence is scheduled to take part in a rally at 2 p.m. Friday at the Palafox Wharf in Pensacola. Gates will open at noon. Two tickets per mobile number may be requested by clicking here. Tickets and entry are on a first come, first serve basis.

Trump campaigned Tuesday night in Panama City Beach, Wednesday in Ocala and Lakeland, and is scheduled to appear Thursday in West Palm Beach.The Republican nominee has made two previous appearances in Pensacola.


14 Responses to “Mike Pence To Campaign In Pensacola On Friday”

  1. david lamb on October 14th, 2016 1:41 pm

    I am 68 years old. As a young child I can remember news stories of many of our presidents Dem. and Rep. that had marital affairs and women other than their wives. Dwight Eisenhower, JFK, Bill Clinton and don’t forget Ted Kennedys bridge murder
    of a young pregnant woman. What is more important to you? A president who has more dastardly deeds that She has so far gotten away with or a President that because he has no record of types of wrongs that his opponent has, and He might do something good for a change or do you want to dwell on sexual innuendos. Which is more important to you? Supreme Court, Military and decline of America are more important to me. At least Trump is trumpeting what he has heard on the campaign trail and we have 30 years of Hilary and Bills nonsense. Time for new blood! I will take my chances on Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Nancy craig on October 14th, 2016 4:52 am

    Kate do you really think the Clinton’s has faith? Hillary has put up with Bills womanizing for so long that she went with that old saying if you can’t beat them join them . I am proud to vote for Trump . I think the embarrassment and humiliation is leaning your way. I do feel sorry for you people that can’t see the forest for the trees.

  3. Nancy craig on October 14th, 2016 4:10 am

    Hi y’all maybe you should sit back and do a little research on Ol’Hillary when she was a lawyer in practice. It’s a fact (one that the news and all you die hard Clinton fans will not talk about) that she defended a child rapist and got him off after she turned the tables on the 12 year old victim claiming she ASKED for it cause she liked older men. REALLY !The thing with the Clinton’s they have always been involved with some kind scandal.Trump’s locker room banter he spoke what Bill has been doing since day one.Do your research you want be so quick to put a halo on that crooked head of Hillary’s.My vote is for TRUMP

  4. david lamb on October 14th, 2016 4:04 am

    tell it like it is:
    Trump does not meet my Christian standards either. But Hilary meets my Christian standards far less. Trump might be a philanderer, but Hilary and Bill have done far more despicable in Christian deeds. Weigh and decide with much prayer and contemplation before you condemn the wrong candidate.

  5. tell it like it is on October 13th, 2016 5:48 pm

    I’m a Republican that believes in Christian values, not party politics.

    Trumps comments and actions doesn’t meet my standers for the president for our country.
    Another thing that is most important to me is his tries to RUSSIA!!!!

  6. No Excuses on October 13th, 2016 3:34 pm

    Putting all the other facts aside, look at what the two candidates have accomplished:

    HRC: Nothing. Everything she has anything to do with has failed or is limping along (ex. Obamacare).

    Trump: Has built a business empire and is worth billions.

    Are both candidates flawed? Yes, they are. Neither is perfect, but this is what we’ve got people. Choose wisely when you vote – more of the same? Or, a change for the better with someone who has actually accomplished something in his lifetime.

  7. bewildered on October 13th, 2016 2:32 pm

    Both candidates have more than enough moral deficiencies! Don’t throw stones when you live in a glass house. To suggest that the core democratic voter base is appalled hearing of unwanted sexual advances by anyone is laughable. However, never before in an election were clearer discrepancies in the goals of the two candidates. Very simple. If you want open borders with millions of undocumented people coming in and an agenda that further divides races, encourages hatred of police, etc. then the democratic ticket is for you. Don’t be surprised when it becomes the norm when worthless pieces of garbage are beating people to a pulp for simply standing up for law enforcement or are daring enough to disagree on a subject. (see recent case in Sylacauga – not one comment from the White House or Hillary Clinton condemning the incident) .

  8. gdh on October 13th, 2016 2:12 pm

    I see some still cling to the Benghazi event in going against Clinton. The fact it is Clinton and not Obama proves what some GOP admitted, it is a witch hunt. The fact that 13 GOP led committees found nothing doesn’t matter to the conspiracy minded and using their own litmus test where was their outrage at Bush for 9-11, 36 embassy bombings, compromising a CIA agent’s identity and giving contracts to their cronies without bidding when they privatized too much of the war effort for their own personal gain. Benghazi is pure partisan politics and the fact that a man who has stole from contractors on his projects, a man who can’t run a casino…I should say 6 casinos at a profit, a man who has harassed women, denigrated women, veterans and those who have disabilities can still command the support of some speaks volumes about our hypocrisy and swallow superficial ‘family values’ rants of just a few years ago.

  9. d on October 13th, 2016 11:00 am

    It amazes me trhar you both want to degrade Trump but you support a person . because she is not a lady , that has allowed soldiers , diplomats to be killed, She has done so many things to harm this country , is a liar, a fraud and worse but you want to trash trump and you talk decency

  10. country boy on October 13th, 2016 9:57 am

    And Hillary has plenty of fleas!

  11. Chuck on October 13th, 2016 9:47 am

    Kate. What do you think about knowing Bill Clinton and what he has done

  12. Becky on October 13th, 2016 9:43 am

    He’s so fake

  13. tell it like it is on October 13th, 2016 8:38 am


    I couldn’t agree more!

    Faith means action!

    What’s more important faith or politic????

    lay with dogs, you will get up with fleas

  14. Kate on October 13th, 2016 8:15 am

    I don’t know how he can show his face. I would be so embarrassed and humiliated admitting that I even knew Trump let alone am running with him.