Juveniles Busted For Throwing Rocks Onto Vehicles On I-10

October 5, 2016

Three juveniles have been arrested for throwing rocks from a bridge onto I-10 below.

The Escambia County Sheriff’s Office received a report Monday night about juveniles throwing rocks from the I-10 and Palafox railroad tracks. A responding deputy observed three juveniles throw the rock onto the interstate.

All three juveniles were arrested for throwing deadly missiles and criminal mischief. Eight victims reported their vehicles being struck by the rocks.

Anyone else that may have been a victim is asked to call the Escambia County Sheriff’s Office at (850) 436-9620.


13 Responses to “Juveniles Busted For Throwing Rocks Onto Vehicles On I-10”

  1. np630ss on October 7th, 2016 8:36 pm

    Once the juveniles are identified – file a civil suite against the parents for malicious mischief. Get straight into Mommy and Baby Daddy’s check book and they will pay attention.

  2. Trisha on October 6th, 2016 2:58 pm

    I sure would like to know how old they were. It really doesn’t matter; I’m just curious. I’d also like to know why some kids act so stupid. Surely they’re born with a brain. The thought to do this has NEVER crossed my mind in all my life. They need to be forced to visit hospitals where people are in a vegetative state so they can see what kind of life threatening damage they could have caused.

  3. Joan on October 6th, 2016 8:57 am

    My niece was one of those whose car was hit. She has to have a new windshield put in because of the damages these hoodlums caused. She is lucky that is all that happened to her. The kids and/or their parents should be required to pay for all the damage they caused.

  4. Henry Coe on October 6th, 2016 7:04 am

    They should be dropped from the overpass.

  5. 429SCJ on October 6th, 2016 6:17 am

    Old enough to project deadly force, old enough to receive deadly force.

    Let them throw rocks at the devil.

  6. Gary on October 6th, 2016 6:04 am

    As usual, these juveniles will probably receive a “Don”t do that again” and released. Hopefully, the victims insurance will pay to have their cars fixed.

  7. John on October 5th, 2016 7:11 pm

    They should be punished to the fullest extend. Dropping rocks on cars at 60 mph, let that you. It would cause major wrecks and casualties to motorists. Don’t slap their hands. Send them to prison, pre-meditated murder. They had presence of mind to throw them, they can sit in prison.

  8. Nod on October 5th, 2016 12:55 pm

    Locked up. Don’t coddle them.

  9. Pat on October 5th, 2016 9:04 am

    Make them pay damages ,I totally agree with Paul on his comment, some of us
    may not be so nice, and they could get hurt,

  10. bella on October 5th, 2016 8:36 am

    This happened to me a few years ago. I called 911 and the juveniles were caught and made to pay restitution. Wonder if it is the same kids.

  11. anne on October 5th, 2016 8:31 am

    They sound like some bored kids. Send them to my house and I’ll find them some “chores” to do that will keep them occupied.

  12. paul on October 5th, 2016 7:26 am

    This happens often there. There is also plenty of interstate traffic cameras in the area. Adding another one to look at the RR overpass wouldn’t be a bad idea. To the little punks who throw rocks at vehicles, you better be careful who you chose to pick on. Some of us aren’t too friendly and you might get hurt real bad. ;)

  13. bewildered on October 5th, 2016 6:37 am

    This happened to me years ago – juveniles threw rocks from the bridge on Fairfield Drive (close to Hollywood Blvd,) It was very scary – luckily I only wound up with a broken windshield. I don’t think anything ever happened to the kids – all the victims had to pay for the damages themselves. Pulling weeds and perform other age appropriate chores to pay for the damage they caused might teach them a lesson – but this will never happen in our political correct society. .