Highway 29, Three Other Escambia Roads, Among The Deadliest In America

October 17, 2016

A new study says that four of the deadliest highways in the country run through Escambia County.

The study looked at the total length of each highway nationwide and the number of fatalities that occurred per 100 miles between 2011 and 2015. The group found that I-10 ranked as the fourth deadliest in the country with nearly 55 deaths per 100 miles from Florida to California.

Highway 90 ranked 29th with about 21 deaths per 100 miles, and Highway 98 was in the 31st spot with 20 deaths per 100 miles.

Highway 29, the only ranked highway to run through the immediate North Escambia area, ranked as the 35th deadliest highway in America with 14.5 deaths per 100 miles.

The study was conduced by the personal finance research group ValuePenguin, which ranked the 50 deadliest roads in the country.

Pictured: the scene of a 2015 fatal crash on Highway 29 in McDavid which claimed the life of north Alabama man. NorthEscambia.com file photo, click to enlarge.


12 Responses to “Highway 29, Three Other Escambia Roads, Among The Deadliest In America”

  1. MargieLu on October 19th, 2016 7:18 am

    We do have a high accident rate, but we also have a very high and unacceptable selfishness rate. Speeding, distractions, poor driving ability, and failure honor the lives of others on our roadways are the main issues as I see them.

    We’ve all had days where we shouldn’t have been behind the wheel: too emotional, too many worries, too much stress, or feeling sick or exhausted, and we tell ourselves we just “have to” go or be somewhere.

    We also deal with commercial drivers in this area who get paid by the delivered load, so that the faster they drive, the more money they make.

    And yes, many many travelers pass through our northrth county areas, their thoughts on their destination (sometimes more than in safety).

    We are mortal and so are those with whom we share the road. When we -as individuals – can admit there are times we should pull over for a few minutes regardless of arrival time, admit to instances where we are a bit selfish and forget for a moment the road rules of courtesy and safety to protect ourselves and those in the vehicles around us, or get so focused on our own issues that we create a danger to innocent lives in the other lanes, then WE are the cause of these high accident rates.

    Please, let’s all drive like the most precious passengers are not only with us, but also in the vehicles surrounding us (this goes for you, too, logging and pulpwood trucks, sheriff’s deputies, cement plant delivery trucks and OTR drivers!!!).

    Thank you to all the safe and courteous drivers out there. And to all drivers, let the unsafe, rude, selfish, dangerous, arrogant vehicle operators go their way. They may not care, but thank God you do!

  2. Willis on October 17th, 2016 8:10 pm

    Sorry about that Dee….
    Dale Jr was about to put me a lap down.

  3. Dee on October 17th, 2016 6:49 pm

    Hey 29 is a racetrack. Today people have no regard for others. It’s all about me. Eating, cell phones, other distractions.,people fly down that road. I can be doing the speed limit and have a car pass me like I am sitting still.

  4. Dale Jr on October 17th, 2016 1:57 pm

    I drive the Daytona 500….I mean, Hwy 29, every day. The people need to give a little more room in front and don’t be distracted.

  5. Suzie B. on October 17th, 2016 11:50 am

    I’m trying to keep in mind that the the results are saying these “pass through” or “run through” our area, not that the incidents all occurred in Escambia County. I-10 goes from Jacksonville to California so the data collected included that whole distance. The segment of I-10 in Texas was the worst but Florida was up there also. Highway 29 of course, is a different situation. Every day, I continually see people being in too much of a hurry or distracted. Following too close, not using signals, going too fast and just not paying attention are the norm now. Driving under the influence adds more danger to this. It’s a shame so many lives are being lost due to traffic accidents. Once they complete 9 mile road with making it 4 lanes, we will be forced to make a Uturn on a four lane road instead of being able to go left at many places supposedly making it a safer option. I don’t see how but that’s what we were told. I’m thinking those numbers for Highway 90 in our area will increase.

  6. Road Scholar on October 17th, 2016 10:29 am

    @ Phil…..

    A large percentage of the drivers in Florida, and, this county, learned to drive in other states. Some of them moved here, and some are just trying to drive through.

  7. Marcia Holley on October 17th, 2016 9:27 am

    I drive hwy 29 everyday taking my son to school and work and i cant tell you how many people i see texting and speeding. I see and hear about accidents everyday of the week. I am begging people please slow down and also put the phones away. There is nowhere that inportant you need to be and that phone conversation can wait and if it cant then pull over. Please everyone be safe..

  8. Rose Bruner on October 17th, 2016 9:03 am

    If people would slow down it would help.

  9. Phil on October 17th, 2016 8:33 am

    Phil thinks maybe we just have some of the worst drivers in the country.

  10. Flo on October 17th, 2016 8:18 am

    Wonder what percentage of total travelers this represents? And, how many are caused by actual road hazards or driver error? Accidents happen, however, carelessness is not an accident.

  11. Frank on October 17th, 2016 7:57 am

    William, Could you post a link to this study?

  12. Anne on October 17th, 2016 6:01 am

    From the excellent reporting by North Escambia on vehicle accidents I knew things were bad on our roads but did not realize how bad.
    This slaughter is terrible and am betting much from ‘distracted’ and “DUI’ driving.

    William, do you know if there are statistics available or where they can be gotten for other roads in our area?

    Terrible loss of lives and all the ones who are affected by the deaths.
    Saddened in North Escambia and all our state.
    Be Safe and Pay Attention to your driving and the ones around you.
    Tell your loved ones that you love them.