$438 Million: New Budget Year Begins Today For Escambia County And Century

October 1, 2016

It’s the first day of a the new budget year for both Escambia County and Century.

Escambia County

The fiscal year 2016-2017 budget for Escambia County is $434 million — $million higher than last year and up $78 million over 2013.

About one-fourth of the budget will go toward crime — $55.5 million to the Sheriff’s Office and $46.5 million to the county’s corrections department. Public Safety will receive $43 million, $26 million to public works, $25.4 million to human resources, $19.5 million to the landfill and solid waste, $19 million to Neighborhood and Human Services, and $12.7 million to ECAT.

Escambia County’s property tax, or millage rate, is unchanged 6.6165 The county fire  tax increases from $100 to $125 to staff additional fire stations south of Nine Mile Road with paid personnel.


Century has a $3.75 million budget for fiscal year 2016-2017 — down from a $5.1 million budget last year that included about $2.2 million in grant income and expenditures.

The ad valorem millage rate increased 0.9005 to 0.9732 for the new fiscal year, a 9.84%.


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