Special Commission Meeting To Address OLF-8 In Beulah

September 4, 2016

A special Escambia County Board of County Commissioners meeting has been scheduled for Tuesday, Sept. 6 at 5:03 p.m. to discuss issues concerning OLF-8, or Outlying Landing Field 8.

OLF-8 is the Navy’s 640-acre helicopter field on Nine Mile Road in Beulah, adjacent to Navy Federal Credit Union. Escambia County has planned to trade land it owns in Santa Rosa County for OLF-8. Several groups want to see OLF=8 developed into a commerce park. Meanwhile, many residents of Beulah have called for the development of a master plan to manage the develop of the area, including OLF-8.

The special BCC meeting will be held in the Board Chambers, room 100, in the Ernie Lee Magaha Government Building, located at 221 Palafox Place in Pensacola.

NorthEscambia.com photo, click to enlarge.


12 Responses to “Special Commission Meeting To Address OLF-8 In Beulah”

  1. WAYNE on September 6th, 2016 10:44 am

    Meanwhile the “other” park sits almost empty. Ellison Field is another albatross. Reason being that probably no cronies own property there.

  2. Alex W. Brown on September 6th, 2016 4:55 am

    As all of you snicker in the corners and point your fingers….and where do we grow as a community to bring jobs and a better life for our area? The purpose of OLF-8 is an industrial complex that will invite more jobs considering Navy Federal has achieved a beautiful accomplishment to our area. It continues to grow upward and we need the new infrastructure to build ourselves for the next generation. If Navy Federal left tomorrow, what would take it’s place for employment? I suppose you can give your child an opportunity to work at Wal-Mart but the Port is a failure of bringing in large money since no one wanted to dredge it into a deep water port. We snubbed our noses at the Cruise Lines and resist every move to move our community from Redneckville and into a modern era.

  3. SRC Landowner on September 5th, 2016 11:50 am

    As a landowner near the newly proposed OLF in SRC, this whole thing smells. I contacted the county and was told that I could go to the meetings and voice my concerns,but I was “wasting my time”. It was a done deal. Jobs are important. I don’t disagree with a company investing in our area because when people have good jobs they spend money and it strengths our local economy.

    A new zoning class was created for this field to be built, and they are building it now. The surrounding land owners are now forced to be in a zoning restriction that can never be used for anything else.

    The backroom shady deals continue, while the media is hoodwinked.

  4. M in Bratt on September 5th, 2016 6:06 am

    I hope this is not like the last OLF on 9 mile that the county acquired and immediately subdivided and turned into a residential neighborhood. All one needs to do is ask; which insiders and cronies got rich on that one?

  5. A Alex on September 4th, 2016 6:27 pm

    Let not ONE spoonfull of dirt be moved till 9 mile road is completed if this deal is completed. 2020 would be too soon at this rate of progress. This would be a great start for a corridor road to 29 .

  6. Dave S on September 4th, 2016 4:22 pm

    They need to put the exit to 10 on Beulah Rd before they even think about a commerce park or any thing for that matter. 4 laning 9 mile is a band aid for the commercial traffic.

  7. JD on September 4th, 2016 1:31 pm

    Not your usual action but has been pursued for over 20 years for a unique opportunity for real economic benefits to economies of both counties. Support your commissioners on this for business and military benefits, development of the converted olf should be a great use of BP settlement funds.

  8. david lamb on September 4th, 2016 12:58 pm

    OLF-8 during the Langley Bell episode was the land that the Navy would NEVER sale or trade! “Not an option” was the excuse we were all told, Navy Federal needed the 4H center or they would move!
    Strange how those that want development want to be deceitful and not be truthful to the public about their deceitful intentions!

  9. js on September 4th, 2016 10:57 am

    everyone should be skeptical of every “county” deal.
    Depending on the “speed” of this endeavor, see if anything involved in the project(s) is connected directly or indirectly to any of our “esteemed” officials making $ decisions. 9.9 times out of 10, the fix has been in before an idea was put on paper.
    This should be no different.
    Just read Bobs post above, he’s already pimping the idea, and putting “jobs” in all caps. Nothing has guaranteed a single job, yet, he’s is already trying to promise the people os Escambia county “JOBS”.
    Reread my first paragraph.

  10. jeeperman on September 4th, 2016 10:14 am

    Escambia bought an equal property in Santa Rosa with the express purpose of trading with the Navy for OLF-8.
    Not sure if the BOCC rolled the dice and bought it before a trade commitment was made with the Navy or not.

  11. Niknak50 on September 4th, 2016 7:15 am

    Escambia Cty owns land equivalent in SRC? Is this a common practice for a county to own property in another county?

  12. Bob C. on September 4th, 2016 6:56 am

    There is real opportunity for having increased employment, JOBS, in Escambia County.
    Not only Jobs but an improved infrastructure and roadway access is being proposed for this project.
    Important is that not all of the BOCC want for this to happen, at least one plans to oppose OLF-8.
    If you want more opportunity in our county please support this and attend the meeting or at least contact your County Commissioner.