Mother Of Murdered Toddler Charged With Child Abuse

September 3, 2016

An Escambia County woman whose boyfriend was charged with homicide after her son died last month  has also been arrested.

Mary Riddle, 25, was charged with two counts of child neglect with great bodily harm.

Her boyfriend – Alonzo Thompkins, 26, of the same address – was arrested August 8 after Riddle called police when she returned home and found the two-year-old boy was not breathing. Thompkins had been left alone with the child.

Riddle was charged after detectives responded to the residence and determined two children living there – a five-year-old male and a 10-month-old female – were not receiving proper medical care and supervision for medical conditions.

Thompkins was charged on August 8 with one count of aggravated child abuse. A second charge of aggravated child abuse was placed on him August 9 after an investigation determined a three-year-old child in the residence had multiple bruises on her body and a broken collar bone.

One of the aggravated child abuse counts on Thompkins was upgraded on August 12 to homicide based upon a preliminary autopsy report on the two-year-old boy. The three children were removed from the residence and placed in protective custody where they are receiving proper medical attention.


4 Responses to “Mother Of Murdered Toddler Charged With Child Abuse”

  1. anne on September 3rd, 2016 1:52 pm

    I hope she doesn’t get some bleeding heart judge who will let her go because her child died. Catch, fix and release, that’s the judge I’d like to be.

  2. bewildered on September 3rd, 2016 1:20 pm

    It’s a hopeless situation in a never ending circle. Women like her cannot stand to be without a man und she will be in a non committed relationship and pregnant again as soon as she is released.

  3. mick on September 3rd, 2016 9:31 am

    She is no mother in any way, shape or form, prison for her too. The other child must have been terrified on a daily basis and now is scarred for life because of this sorry excuse for a human being,

  4. Ellenb on September 3rd, 2016 7:22 am

    Question. … that 1 child is dead, poor baby, & the other 2 have been taken away from her, Thank God, before they end of dead to, has her money/assistance from the state been taken away too? God I pray so. Despicable!!