Kena Spivey, 2, Loses Battle With Cancer

September 30, 2016

Kena Spivey, age 2, lost her battle to cancer Thursday morning. We introduced your to Kena and her unlikely friend, Bryant Cooper, in previous stories here on

In late October of 2014, Bryant was a happy, focused young man with a love for football. And John Deere…that love was strong enough that he had even landed a dream job of sorts with a local John Deere dealership. But pain in his back — he thought just a pulled muscle or maybe kidney stones — sent him to the emergency room.  The preliminary diagnosis was not good…suspicious spots on his liver. More tests for a final diagnosis that Bryant and his mother, Janet Little Cooper, never expected on November 4, 2014.

Cancer. Not just cancer, but a Stage 4 rare neuroendocrine cancer, and it had spread with a vengeance to other parts of this body.

Kena was diagnosed with a Stage 3 tumor on her cervix and uterus on July 7, 2014.

Kena was in Sacred Heart Hospital for a chemo treatment, and Bryant was in for his first ever treatment when the two met on November 17. Her parents, Charles and Dawn Spivey, were walking her down the hallway trying to calm her when they met Janet.

Kena’s tears stopped when she saw Bryant lying in his hospital bed. The  friendship continued to grow up until her passing.

September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month.

On average, 43 teens are diagnosed with cancer each day. And before the day ends, a childhood cancer will claim seven lives, Janet Cooper said.  “There are billions and billions of dollars spent on cancer research every year in this country. But only four percent is spent on find a cure for childhood cancers.”


14 Responses to “Kena Spivey, 2, Loses Battle With Cancer”

  1. Sherry McLain on October 2nd, 2016 2:27 pm

    This is one of the saddest stories that I have ever seen, I know this family very well, they are great people and have lived in fear for the last 2 years, her mom never lost her faith that Kena would beat this her Faith stayed strong as she watch her baby go through this horrible disease along with Kenas dad and her precious family, please keep the Spivey family in your prayers forever as they endure this pain of their broken hearts of losing their sweet Kena

  2. craig mcgee on October 1st, 2016 11:14 am

    I am so sorry for your very prescious loss. She was so beautiful and look so happy with her big beautiful smile. She is with God now and watching over her parents as their Angel. May God bless you

  3. Sylvia Godwin on September 30th, 2016 10:58 pm

    It breaks my heart to see these children and young people taken from their family and friends way to soon. Another angel “Kena” has joined the other angels around the throne. Kena will be missed by everyone. Prayers for her family and friend and especially Bryant. God give them the strength to face the days ahead give the family your love and comfort. Lord thank you for all the lives these young people have touched.

  4. js on September 30th, 2016 10:21 pm

    Never forget seeing this story on channel 3 awhile back.Brought me to tears, of joy and sadness. Very moving.
    Pray for the family, God bless them.
    She is with The Lord, she is in good hands.

  5. Jo Daingerfield on September 30th, 2016 5:40 pm

    Love you, Kena. I have been praying for you and your family for a long time. Rest in peace, sweet angel

  6. Michelle on September 30th, 2016 2:48 pm

    My heart goes out to you. I cannot imagine I think of 1 John 4:4 You are from God little children and have overcome them;. because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world.

  7. Chelsea on September 30th, 2016 10:49 am

    Prayers and love sent from the Parham Family ❤️ Rest In Peace Kena

  8. c.w. on September 30th, 2016 9:42 am

    So sorry for Kena and Bryant also. Cancer is a terrible, unforgiving disease. A cure for all types of cancer is long past due. Janet is my niece and Bryant my great nephew, and Kena is my grand daughter in my mind. She will be greatly missed by Bryant and his family. Keep the faith!

  9. Willene & Preston Bryan on September 30th, 2016 8:54 am

    God bless this family. Been praying for this sweet baby. Prayers for comfort and strength for her parents in the days ahead. Keeping Bryant and family in our prayers also.

  10. Denise on September 30th, 2016 8:42 am

    Oh my word! I just opened this website and this was the first thing I saw! This literally breaks my heart!!!! I’ve been following her story on FB through Bryant’s story. I I know what it’s like to lose a child – it’s hard! But believe me, I WILL be praying for this momma and the family.
    God Bless You All!!!!

  11. Lifendason on September 30th, 2016 8:31 am

    Prayers to the family. Just know this precious child is in the arms of Jesus now.

    Psalm 46:1

  12. Willis on September 30th, 2016 7:44 am

    Prayers for the family and friends.
    Another precious angel in heaven.

  13. Sharon on September 30th, 2016 6:19 am

    We have come to love Kena thru our church’s connection/ love of Bryant, so now our hearts break along with yours! We are praying for your strength now and for Bryant’s as well. Please know how many lives she touched!

  14. Heartbroken on September 30th, 2016 5:58 am

    This is so sad. Children shouldn’t be taken so young. She looks like such a sweet baby. My heart goes out to her family. Glad that she had a friend in Bryant to help her with her fight. My heart goes out to this young man also for his loss. Keep up the good fight young man. Prayers for Kenas family and for Bryant’s speedy recovery.