ITT Students Urged To Check Out George Stone Technical Center

September 8, 2016

Escambia County School District’s George Stone Technical Center (GSTC) is encouraging students who were enrolled in programs at ITT to consider GSTC as they ask themselves, “What now?”

“We offer programs that lead to certificates that result in students gaining the skills, and earning certifications needed, to work in the student’s desired field, rather than a traditional degree,” said GSTC Principal T.J. Rollins.

“We urge them to take time to consider their employment goals and to come in with their transcripts and meet with one of our counselors and one of our instructors. After working one-on-one, they can determine which of our programs will help them continue to move forward.”

GSTC, for example, offers four programs for those wishing to work with computers:
- Computer Systems & Information Technology (CSIT)
- Cybersecurity, Applied
- Network Support Services (CISCO)
- Network Systems Administration

“We know some feel like this has set them back months. Again, we might be able to help with that concern as well because we have students starting the beginning of every month, so they probably will not have to wait for a spring semester to get started.” Rollins said.

To find out more about programs available at GSTC, go to their web page at Their online application can be found there as well as links to learn about the variety of Career-to-a-Year programs offered. ITT students with questions about GSTC should call 850-941-6200, ext. 2129.


One Response to “ITT Students Urged To Check Out George Stone Technical Center”

  1. Sedition on September 8th, 2016 2:53 pm

    For those interested in the fields, I highly recommend the Network Support, Network Sys Admin, and the Cybersecurity classes at George Stone. Mr. Spoke (Networking) and Mr. Given (Cyber) are two of the best instructors you will find, and both will go the extra mile to make sure you are ready as possible for both the MTA and CompTIA exams in their respective fields.