Holman Correctional Officer Busted For Smuggling Contraband

September 27, 2016

A correctional officer was arrested Saturday at Holman Correctional Facility in Atmore.

Dejuan Reshad Rudolph, age 25 of Atmore, was charged with drug trafficking of cocaine, drug trafficking of a synthetic substance, possession of a controlled substance and using an official position for personal gain. He remained in the Escambia County(AL)  Detention Center in Brewton Tuesday morning.

Rudolph was reportedly arrested with controlled substances, cell phones and other contraband in his possession. He had been employed with the Alabama Department of Corrections since late 2015.


9 Responses to “Holman Correctional Officer Busted For Smuggling Contraband”

  1. David Huie Green on September 29th, 2016 8:00 am


  2. Well on September 27th, 2016 8:52 pm

    So do you believe he was greedy , making money
    Or scared and keeping from getting stabbed .

    Either way you have to make an example of him and the same has to be done with the inmates.
    Death sentence carried out for killers.

  3. Ex co on September 27th, 2016 7:49 am

    Having wotked at cenury ci I have seen dozens of officers caught bringing in contraband and having relationships with inmates only to be shown leniency and allowed to retire or resign. Every person caught should be escorted off in cuffs and their pictures plastered all over the media. Shame, humiliation and jail time will be the only way to stop this. At least half of it because some have no shame.

  4. old-timer on September 27th, 2016 7:42 am

    Well.. Like I said before.. every two weeks ,there is a major event at Holman.Its time for an adminstration change.The inmates have been there for years and will do whatever they are allowed to get away with.Sure the officer knew better..but when the inmate asked him..he should have been locked up right then.

  5. Jeffrey Weaver on September 27th, 2016 6:40 am

    They. Take a 10.00 phone and get paid 300.00 for it and there’s no telli what they vet for the dope.

  6. XD9RACER on September 27th, 2016 6:33 am

    He was just far too greedy and wanted to get rich quick. All except the cell phone bring good money on the street but making deals with family members or friends to bring these items in to a facility are very lucrative and so good it was hard to pass up so now he needs to be made an example of by a judge giving him some hard time in the same facility for many years he subjected other officers to getting hurt by his selfish actions. The officers jobs are very stressful being amongst some of the most violent offenders in the state that will kill you in an instant and to have a man like this show his lack of respect for them is deplorable. If Rudolph continued on this path for the love of money would he be tempted to bring a gun in and get an officer killed. This might not have been Rudolph’s first time doing this but I’m glad someone had the frame of mind and foresight to intervene and catch this man before he became more greedy. It is people like this that give the good officers a bad name. Just one bad apple will ruin the whole bushel so maybe if there are more at this facility doing the same thing for the same reason maybe this will be a wake up call to make them stop before their greedy actions create more havoc by more officers losing their lives. GETERDONE.

  7. David on September 27th, 2016 6:09 am

    From going on strike to being a convict..heck of a job in opportunities with these slackers in Holman

  8. Justin on September 27th, 2016 5:23 am

    This is a MAJOR issue in most State and Federal penitentiaries. I believe this can be stopped with a thorough detailed frisk upon entrance. That includes EVERY officer of EVERY Rank ; Lt., Cpt. Warden! If these procedures were met and enforced, this young man would’ve never made this bad decision!

  9. Jason on September 27th, 2016 1:19 am

    Those working in corrections and opting to smuggle contraband need to be shown no leniency. Those who resort to smuggling contraband make the job that much harder for everyone working in the institution. This guy gave up a decent career with pension for a felon rap sheet. IMHO it wasnt a good trade at all.