Escambia Area Unemployment Rate Declines

September 18, 2016

Governor Rick Scott said Friday that the Escambia County area added 900 new private-sector jobs over the year in August. The area’s unemployment rate was 4.8 percent, declining by 0.5 percentage point in the last year. Florida businesses created 22,600 private-sector jobs across the state during August 2016, bringing the total number of jobs created since December 2010 to 1,191,900 jobs.

Governor Scott said, “Job creators in the Pensacola area continue to create opportunities for families, which is great news. We will continue to cut taxes and burdensome regulations to ensure we help businesses in Pensacola continue to grow.”

The industry with the largest job gains in the Pensacola area over the year was professional and business services with 600 new jobs. The Pensacola area had 4,815 job openings in August, which included 1,261 openings for high-skill, high-wage, STEM occupations.

Florida’s statewide unemployment rate remained low at 4.7 percent, the lowest rate since November 2007. For the 53rd consecutive month, Florida’s annual job growth rate of 3.4 percent is also exceeding the nation’s rate of 1.9 percent. More than 33,058 Floridians were placed in jobs by CareerSource Escarosa and the state’s other 24 regional workforce boards.


3 Responses to “Escambia Area Unemployment Rate Declines”

  1. dman on September 19th, 2016 1:44 pm

    Half of those are probably at Navy Federal. Either way It’s good to see Floridians going to work!

  2. David Huie Green on September 18th, 2016 8:04 pm

    “Anyone care to share WHERE these 4,815 Job Openings ARE….?”

    You can check here for a few:,-FL-jobs.html

    They have 4,031 listed.

    David for looking

  3. Bob C. on September 18th, 2016 10:41 am

    Nice numbers and political hocus-pocus.

    Anyone care to share WHERE these 4,815 Job Openings ARE….?