Century To Hold First Budget Hearing, Council Meeting Tonight

September 12, 2016

The Town of Century will hold their first public hearing on their tentative budget and proposed millage rate at 6:50 p.m. today, just prior to a 7 p.m. council meeting

The council agenda for tonight includes regular business items and a resolution concerning a $600,483 Community Development Block Grant emergency set aside assistance grant.

The second an final budget hearing will be held at 6:50 p.m. on Monday, September 19, just prior to a 7 p.m. council meeting.


3 Responses to “Century To Hold First Budget Hearing, Council Meeting Tonight”

  1. Retired on September 12th, 2016 12:27 pm

    I think the people talking about unincorporating Century are troublemakers and drama queens who may be jealous. It’s easier to complain and start negative things against the town for their own enjoyment. Trolls. Stay home or work on your own area in which you live. Reminds me of Ernest T Bass on the old Andy Griffith show throwing rocks in Mayberry upsetting what should be an otherwise peaceful meeting of regular normal townsfolk doing what they can to better the area for the residents.
    In ethics training sessions public servants are warned against these types.

  2. Citizen of Century on September 12th, 2016 12:17 pm

    @DLo on September 12th, 2016 7:37 am –”…DISSOLVE CENTURY TOWN GOVERNMENT NOW!”

    Assuming you are a citizen of the Town of Century, why would you or any Century citizen want to dissolve the Town of Century? You can’t just dissolve the Century town government without dissolving (unincorporating) the Town of Century.

    The Century Mayor, Town Council, Town Secretary, staff members, and those working in the various departments (water, gas, road, waste treatment, etc.) are real people with real families who have jobs because there is a Town of Century, jobs that would go away if the town is unincorporated. They work their butts off providing services to the citizens of Century, who can easily reach out to them when they need assistance.

    Some people who are not citizens of Century are jealous because we have an incorporated town with government officials who try to help make our lives better; and, because we have grant writers and citizen committees who try to get grants that can be used to help our town. Those people belittle our town government and continually try to put down our town and impede its growth. They would rather do that than exert the effort to make their own communities better.

    Citizen of Century

  3. DLo on September 12th, 2016 7:37 am

    If you want to attend I suggest getting there a couple hours early, just in case. DISSOLVE CENTURY TOWN GOVERNMENT NOW!