Century Signs Off On Budget, Property Tax Increase

September 20, 2016

The Century Town Council gave final approval Monday night to a property tax increase along with a $3.75 million budget.

The town council gave preliminary approval to raising the ad valorem millage rate from 0.9005 to 0.9732 for the next fiscal year. The levied millage rate is a 9.84% increase over the rolled back rate.

The increase will enable the town to meet their proposed $3.75 million budget for fiscal year beginning October 1. The upcoming year’s budget is down from the current year’s $5.1 million budget, which included about $2.2 million in grant income and expenditures.


One Response to “Century Signs Off On Budget, Property Tax Increase”

  1. DLo on September 22nd, 2016 7:51 am

    Raised property tax, I suppose someone needs to pay for attorneys fees, it wont be errant board members, they haven’t done anything wrong. The citizens of Century deserve better than this, DISSOLVE CENTURY TOWN GOVERNMENT NOW!