Bond Set At $200K For Woman In Creepy Clown Case

September 20, 2016

Bond has been set at $200,000 for 22-year old Makayla Smith of Flomaton in the “Flomo Klown” case from last week.

Escambia County (AL) District Judge Jeff White also stipulated that if Smith should be released on bond, she if forbidden to access to any device that has internet or  allows access to the internet.

Smith is charged with making a terrorist threat in connection with Facebook pages that prompted the lockdown of multiple schools in Escambia County (AL). She remained in the Escambia County (AL) Detention Center Tuesday morning.

Three additional juvenile arrests are expected.

A Facebook page entitled “Flomo Klowns” that featured scary clowns with blood and other gore prompted the lockdown at Flomaton High School and Flomaton Elementary (all located on the same campus), Huxford Elementary north of Atmore, Escambia Academy near Atmore and a partial lockdown at Escambia County High School in Atmore.

The Flomo Klowns Facebook page said that they are from Flomaton and contained statements such as “I kill people for a living” and a Thursday post that stated “It’s going down tonight”.


20 Responses to “Bond Set At $200K For Woman In Creepy Clown Case”

  1. Dylan on September 23rd, 2016 12:20 am

    She looks like a sad clown. Getting attention may have been her reasoning behind this disturbing act of terror. No one knows what has been going on with her mind or what has happened in her life. So she is 22, but may have the mind of a young child. There should be only one person to pass judgement, and he is the Lord and has yet to come again.

  2. Lisa Watson on September 22nd, 2016 1:51 am

    Maybe we’d all be better served if she were evaluated to find out WHY she would do something so stupid. It might be that hospitalization, intensive therapy, and community service would be cheaper and more successful at getting her and her cohorts back on track.

  3. Billt Gates on September 21st, 2016 6:38 pm

    Good job! Judge Jeff White!!

  4. ProudArmyParent on September 21st, 2016 12:53 pm

    If you put both text together (“I kill people for a living” and “It’s going down tonight”, you might infer a killing is going down tonight. Really quite scary if you have kids in these schools.

    Yes lets be rational adults, lets start with this young lady (22 years old, an adult).. What if a parent got into an accident rushing to the school to recue their child from this self announced would-be killer? Who would be at fault? I submit this “clown” would be!

  5. I love Molinoman on September 21st, 2016 7:45 am

    I wish there was a Like button, because I think Molinoman is 100% correct!!!!!

  6. Very concerned on September 20th, 2016 6:14 pm

    I’ve read some of these comments and all I can tell you is she did the crime, along with the juveniles, so she, and they need to have full punishment. Some people on here think because there was no harm done is missing the picture. If there is only light punishment, there will be a next time. And what about those youths? I use that term lightly, as they may be seventeen and only escaping adult status due their age, but they knew full well what they did. Any time someone wants to instill terror in others tells me there is something wrong with them to begin with. So they need to know it is unacceptable. The others, may try something like this again. And since none of us are mindreaders, we can’t know if someone could be hurt or not, so why take the chance? And I agree with no internet. I believe the judge was completely in his rights to forbid her from the Internet since that is what got her here to begin with. This is part of what is wrong across the country. Young people not being held accountable for their actions. And in this case, the punishment should be firm and non relenting. The group that did this apparently needs a reality check.

  7. squash on September 20th, 2016 6:06 pm


  8. northend resident on September 20th, 2016 5:13 pm

    I have to agree with what Molinoman said!

    She’s not a child, but a grown woman. Our daughter at age 22 was graduating from College and commissioning into the Navy, doing something productive with her life that will impact others for good. What this young lady did was just the opposite.

    Our actions (good or bad) have consequences, so she’s gonna have to accept hers and hopefully learn from them. Maybe one day she can do something good for others and redeem herself for making such a stupid judgement call at a young age. Free will is a gift to mankind…what we do with it is on us!

  9. patti on September 20th, 2016 3:24 pm

    I can’t imagine what this young woman thought. If it was just a fun thing, I really feel sorry for her. She didn’t think, or maybe she did. It’s an awful price to pay for some foolishness – I mean possibly spending time in prison. I’ll certainly keep her in my prayers – because only God can HELP her!!

  10. molinoman on September 20th, 2016 2:56 pm

    “If ifs and buts were candies and nuts we’d all have a merry Christmas.”

    Just the other day people were on here saying throw the book at the person. Now that we see it is a “shy, well behaved” female with a 200k bond it is going overboard? You can not scream burn the witch then when that begins to happen go throw water on the fire people. Facts are she DID make threatening phone calls, she DID text threatening messages. She did instill terror into children, families, staff, she did waste valuable resources of the sheriffs offices and schools. You do not have to be waving a black flag and cutting off heads to be a terrorist or do any of you not understand that? In this day and age if we just ignore threats guess what will happen? Eventually someone will get killed, another building will get blown up, another mass shooting at a school will occur. In the times we live in the actions she perpetrated should not be tolerated. An example must be made and kept or more idiots like this will think it is okay. Will we stop all the idiots? No. We can not ignore blatant threats and say why did not anyone do anything when something does happen.

    If she happened to be male with a big ugly scare and an eye patch would you still think the same way?

  11. William on September 20th, 2016 2:16 pm

    It’s worth noting that the original Facebook page was deleted and replaced last week. So if you visit the current page, you are not seeing the page that led to the charges.

  12. Moved Away on September 20th, 2016 2:00 pm

    The way I see it is whomever was on the FB page sent messages to other students saying they would see them at school…hence the lockdown….further causing her the terroristic threat charge. Its the same thing if anyone one else was to call the school and make a verbal threat. Federal offense there. Had this stayed strictly posts on their wall….and not made direct messages to others she’d have a whole different outcome. I’m sure this was really a prank taken too far…just trying to “fit” in with others doing the same thing.

  13. Frank on September 20th, 2016 10:23 am

    This is nuts. Just because people are all bent out of shape about scary clowns. I read the Facebook page, no direct threats to anyone or anything. Just immature Facebook posts to get people talking. Our community is to blame for over reacting to something so stupid. How is this worthy of being arrested and having a $200,000 bond? That’s amazingly excessive. And for everyone jumping in on the mob like mentality, just wait til you’re locked up with a $200,000 bond just because others have to be opinionated. I have no connection to anyone involved with this, I’m just dissappointed in how this is being handled by our community. A slap on the wrist and a message that it won’t be tolerated should suffice, but ruining someone’s life? I feel sad for where this country is headed.

  14. chris on September 20th, 2016 9:55 am

    Today’s clown. Tomorrow’s leader.

  15. Concerned citizen on September 20th, 2016 9:46 am

    Maybe this was a prank gone too far, maybe this is one twisted individual. That is up to the courts to decide.
    What is not up to courts to decide is which laws should and should not exist. The courts are there to interpret and uphold our laws, nothing more. To my knowledge there is no law that allows the court to forbid someone from accessing the internet before there is a trial and they are proven guilty.
    Whether or not you find this case funny or you are offended by it, you should not stand by and say nothing while this young woman’s rights are stripped from her before a fair trial.


  16. elmer on September 20th, 2016 8:56 am

    I cant really see what she did wrong. The statement (it’s going down tonight ) means what.
    What is going down tonight. I looked at their site looks harmless to me
    One thing I don’t understand is why did they locked the school down over a facebook page

  17. paul on September 20th, 2016 7:28 am

    Now she has some time on her hands to look back and see how Stupid she was.
    I guess she picked schools for her target because she didn’t like being educated.
    “It’s going down tonight” has a whole new meaning to her now. ;)

  18. Former Educator on September 20th, 2016 7:24 am

    Very sad to hear who this was…I knew her from working in the school system. She was always so kind, a bit shy & very well behaved. I guess you just never know…

  19. Lets_Be_Rational_Adults_Here. on September 20th, 2016 6:04 am

    Yeah, let’s just throw them in prison so they can drain the tax payers money. Make them impossible to reintroduce into society. I know this young lady by proxy. She is childish, she isn’t very smart. And now she realizes the full scale of her actions. I’m not saying punishment isn’t due, I’m just saying that, although she did techniquly incite terror, no one was hurt. Not like a radicalist who blows up marathons. I obviously see that perhaps your a parent, but your obviously very judgemental and I question your competence. I am also relieved that you aren’t the one judging this trial. Yes, there should be a consequence, but let it be a fair one.

  20. Bama on September 20th, 2016 4:00 am

    If you caused what happened to those schools and the threats that was made along with your kiddie friends I hope yall get a long long long time in prison and see what thay do