Atmore Police Search For Armed Robbery Suspect

September 7, 2016

The Atmore Police Department is asking for the public’s help in locating the man responsible for an armed robbery early Sunday morning.

At about 4 a.m. the Kangaroo Station on North Main Street was robbed at gunpoint. The clerk told police that a male dressed in all-black clothing entered the store and pointed a silver handgun at her, and then ordered her to open the register and fill a bag with money.

After handing the gunman the bag containing an undisclosed amount of cash, the robber exited the store and went to the rear of the building. A witness stated that he got into unknown type of vehicle and drove away.

Anyone with information on the holdup is asked to call the Atmore Police Department at (251) 368-9141.


6 Responses to “Atmore Police Search For Armed Robbery Suspect”

  1. Kayla Powers on September 9th, 2016 1:39 pm

    I was the cashier that night. Thank God we have audio and video surveillance so the whole thing was captured. The footage speaks for itself, I told the police everything I could about the incident. Unfortunately the silver shiny gun was all I could focus on while the man ordered me to give him the money from my drawer. Over a measly $97.00 I could have lost my life. I have since then went from gas station to gas station to warn clerks about this man. Hopefully this experience will help gas stations to put two people on shifts. I would like to thank the atmore police for arriving so quickly and to thank that 911 dispatcher who stayed on the phone with me until the police got there. I do not seek pity but I do hope my nightmare can set in effect new rules to protect cashiers. I relive that night everyday, as prior to the ordeal I already have ptsd and mdd so even in my sleep I can see the gun and hear his voice. God bless everyone for your concerns. This experience has truly awakened me and I hope it helps others.

  2. Jeff richbourg on September 8th, 2016 7:08 am

    Joyce Redman my thoughts exactly being she didn’t provide any useful information.

  3. Puddin on September 7th, 2016 9:11 pm

    Is that the Kangaroo near Churches Chicken? I’m so glad everyone is OK. Hope they catch the guy. Any surveillance photos? Description of any sort?

  4. Jim on September 7th, 2016 8:01 pm

    Was the robber black? White? Hispanic? Asian? Middle Eastern? Was the vehicle a sedan, a truck, light, dark,, loud pipes? Not much to go on, so I’m thinking that the Atmore PD are just hoping someone with inside knowledge gieve them a call.

  5. A Alex on September 7th, 2016 6:03 pm

    I wouldnt point a finger at anyone till they close the case. Appears the cashier could have a good liable suit here if found she was just at the wrong place at the wrong time

  6. Joyce redman on September 7th, 2016 5:00 pm

    I think cashier new all about it